It's All About You !

It's All About You !
My website

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

My Personal Interests And Hobbies

I have been a big fan of all things paranormal for many yrs now, and have tried my hand at running groups over on aol and yahoo in the past, leaving the topic for maybe a year to try other things, but its in my blood and it has never left me.

I am the proud founder of Paranormal Insights, my paranormal piece of the web, the site will reach its third year in march 2010, thats quite an achievement i think.

you can check it out here

Apart from the paranormal i have always had a love for what i call dark art, anything mysterious, fantasy and sometimes even a bit gory grabs my attention, i call it "my dark side".

I realised my love for dark art several years ago when i first got into paintshop pro, i saw some fantastic creations come through the varies groups and lists i joined to discover what p.s.p was all about.

well il be honest with you, i dont have much patience when it comes to tutorials, even now, so i simply went at the program like a bull in a china shop and practically taught myself how to create tags and graphics, but il admit to bugging a few folks for answers to some of the more tricky stuff :).

I still love to create when time allows and my ultimate things to create are dark and fantasy graphics which i still use on my web site.

I have a flickr account that houses most of my creations, only i need to upgrade again once things get back to normal at home.

However you can see a preview of them on this blog, and i also have a free site that houses free graphics for people to use and share called Beelzebub, you do not need to join to use the graphics.

I will add more to this list as time allows and interests grow .

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