A Bee-utiful Blemish Fighter
Honey has powerful antioxidant and antibacterial properties, making it perfect for curing dry or acne-prone skin. Make sure you start out with clean skin, then spread some honey on and let it sit for up to 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Deflate Puffy Eyes
If you wake up in the morning with under-eye bags, apply two chamomile tea bags, chilled spoons, or cucumber slices to your lids. Expedite the process by sitting up with your head back; this will help drain the fluids around your eyes more quickly.
Give Yourself a Gift
Believe it or not, post-holiday and seasonal shopping can be a huge boost to your makeup bag. Gift sets (which are discounted deeply at the end of the season) don't just have to be just for gifts! Check out sephora.com, beauty.com, and ulta.com for steals and deals.
Line and Shadow
In a pinch, you can use any eye shadow as an eyeliner. Pick up an eyeliner brush with short, stiff, angled bristles like one from e.l.f. (only $3). Your best bet is to mist the tip of the brush rather than soaking it, which can ruin both the brush and the makeup. For a smudgy, nighttime look, try applying with a damp Q-tip.
Try Essence Colour & Shine Eyeshadow, $2.99; ulta.com
Get Smooth in a Flash
Celebrity makeup artist and star of What Not to Wear Carmindy puts her face primer on her arms to make them extra-smooth when she doesn't have time to exfoliate. This formula includes skin-smoothing cork oak and olive leaf, plus has tiny micronized pearl to give your shoulders a sexy shimmer.
Sally Hansen Natural Beauty by Carmindy Luminizing Face Primer, $9.99; cvs.com
Relieve Sunburn the Healthy Way
Sunburn-relief sprays can contain artificial ingredients like parabens and benzocaine, which can irritate skin even more. First, sooth sunburn by soaking a washcloth in black tea — the antioxidants and tannic acid will calm fiery skin. Be sure to keep skin hydrated so the inevitable peeling process won't be as harsh in the end. We recommend trying Jason Natural Aloe Vera 70% Body Lotion.
Use a Lip Brush
Slathering on your lipstick may cause you to overapply, which you'll only blot off onto a napkin. Use a lip brush and you'll save product, plus get a more even, precise color.
DIY Recipe: Banana and Honey Facial
Fruit is the best ingredient for your skin. The vitamins and minerals help clear up blemishes and leave you feeling soft and smooth. Each fruit has its own benefits, but for a quickie DIY facial, grab a banana from your fruit basket and try this recipe:
Mash a ripe, medium-sized banana and mix with 2 tablespoons honey. For a thicker consistency, add 2 tablespoons plain yogurt. Apply to your face and neck for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse off.
DIY Recipe: Triple Citrus Pedicure
Courtesy of nail technician Fahmida Mumith at Haven Spa in New York City
Soak your feet in a combination of warm water, sea salts, sliced lemon rounds, and a few drops of any essential oil. Use a pumice stone on your heels and balls of your feet to slough away calluses.
In a mixing bowl combine 1/2 cup sugar, the juice of a grapefruit, lemon, and lime, and 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil with a splash of warm water. Exfoliate your feet and calves with the scrub, then rinse it off with warm water. Finish by applying a rich body cream to your feet and calves to keep them soft and hydrated.
Combine to Save
"If you're like me, you have several bottles of half-full conditioner in your shower," says Lavinthal. "There's nothing wrong with these formulas per se, but none of them qualify for the 'good to the last drop' category. Instead of tossing them in the garbage, squeeze all of the conditioners into one big bottle to create a 'superconditioner.'"

Welcome to my little corner of the net where i will be sharing some helpful ideas and tips on Health and Beauty, Jewellery, Shopping Online, Gardening , Gift Idea's, Home Organisation, How To Projects, Crafts to make,The Paranormal and much much more. If you would like to share my journey then feel free to join me and share your own views and ideas, i hope you enjoy .
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Money Saving Beauty Ideas
Save on Shaving Cream
"There's nothing I hate more than going away and leaving behind my expensive shampoo in the shower stall," says Real Beauty associate editor Colleen Moody. "This shampoo lathers really well so it can double as a shaving cream whether you're at home or on vacation."
She uses V05 Tea Therapy, why not try out your shampoo and see if that would double as a shaving cream too :)
Conserve Your Product
Natalie DeStefano, makeup artist at the Rita Hazan Salon in NYC, recommends wetting your makeup sponge slightly before you dip it into your foundation. The dampness will cause the sponge to absorb less product, thus leaving more in the bottle.
Divide and Conquer
"I use cotton rounds to apply my toner and take off my nail polish," says Real Beauty associate editor Ariana Finlayson. "Since they provide more surface area than I usually need, I cut them in half to save product and money."
Pamper Parched Strands
Instead of shelling out $40 or $50 for a salon hair mask to rejuvenate dry hair, try an at-home avocado mask. All you'll need is a fully ripened avocado mixed in with one egg yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil. After stirring well, apply the mixture to your hair in sections and leave on for 30 minutes or so. Afterward, your hair will feel luscious and healthy.
Preserve Your Hair Color
Extend your hair color and keep it looking healthy and vibrant with this great tip from The Office star Angela Kinsey: "To make my hair color last longer, I wash my hair every other day. On the weekends I give it a break from heat styling and just put it in a ponytail. Once a month I use this deep conditioner. I apply it in the morning, slip on a shower cap, then do the laundry."
Aussie 3Minute Miracle.
Run Damage Control on Your Blemishes
"If you feel a big blemish coming on, take an aspirin and make a paste of it with water," says Kinsey. "Apply it to the pimple before you go to bed and the next day the swelling will be gone."
Double Your Beauty
Invest in some multitasking makeup. This pencil functions as a lipstick, eye shadow, and blush — all for under $10. Not only will you save space in your makeup bag, but you'll also save time in your routine.
Jillian Dempsey for Avon Professional Multi-Pencil, $8; avon.com
Big Beauty Bang for Your Money
Eyes Lips Face (e.l.f.) may be one of our favorite brands for beauty on a budget. This all-in-one palette comes with 14 eye shadows, an eyeliner, a shadow brush, and an eye-makeup lesson to boot, all for a price that is so good, it'll make you blush.
e.l.f. Beauty Encyclopedia — Everyday Eye Edition, $5; eyeslipsface.com
They do this for the uk too girls :) x
E.V.O.O. Everywhere
"Olive oil is actually my favorite beauty secret," says Real Beauty director Deanne Hess. "It’s great for taking off makeup, calming frizzies in the summer, and moisturizing your skin. I keep a bottle in both my kitchen and bathroom."
Squeeze More Swipes
Get a few more uses out of an almost-gone mascara by standing it in a glass of warm water or heating it up with a hair dryer.
Save Your Mascara Wand
Wash it thoroughly and use it to tame unruly eyebrow hairs or to separate and de-clump lashes. Oftentimes, great mascara application comes from the brush. If you aren't too keen on a newly purchased formula, use the wand from your tried-and-true to see if it makes a difference.
Make Your Own Exfoliating Body Scrub
Combine 1 cup coarse sea salt with 1/2 cup baby oil. Stir the ingredients together in a bowl and put into a screw-top jar. Leave for 24 hours, then stir the mixture and apply to any areas of the body you wish to smooth out. Massage into the skin for a few minutes, then shower off and pat your skin dry. (Makes multiple applications.)
Deodorize Your Kicks
Stinky soles can ruin a good pair of shoes, not to mention smell up a room whenever you kick them off. To get rid of odors, sprinkle some baking soda in your shoes and vacuum up before you slip your feet into them.
Use Coffee Grounds on Cellulite
Mix dry grounds with your body lotion and rub into your problem areas. This stimulates circulation, making it easier for trapped fat to surface and be broken down. Plus, the caffeine tightens skin. Leave this coffee-lotion combo on your skin for about 30 minutes, then wash off.
"There's nothing I hate more than going away and leaving behind my expensive shampoo in the shower stall," says Real Beauty associate editor Colleen Moody. "This shampoo lathers really well so it can double as a shaving cream whether you're at home or on vacation."
She uses V05 Tea Therapy, why not try out your shampoo and see if that would double as a shaving cream too :)
Conserve Your Product
Natalie DeStefano, makeup artist at the Rita Hazan Salon in NYC, recommends wetting your makeup sponge slightly before you dip it into your foundation. The dampness will cause the sponge to absorb less product, thus leaving more in the bottle.
Divide and Conquer
"I use cotton rounds to apply my toner and take off my nail polish," says Real Beauty associate editor Ariana Finlayson. "Since they provide more surface area than I usually need, I cut them in half to save product and money."
Pamper Parched Strands
Instead of shelling out $40 or $50 for a salon hair mask to rejuvenate dry hair, try an at-home avocado mask. All you'll need is a fully ripened avocado mixed in with one egg yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil. After stirring well, apply the mixture to your hair in sections and leave on for 30 minutes or so. Afterward, your hair will feel luscious and healthy.
Preserve Your Hair Color
Extend your hair color and keep it looking healthy and vibrant with this great tip from The Office star Angela Kinsey: "To make my hair color last longer, I wash my hair every other day. On the weekends I give it a break from heat styling and just put it in a ponytail. Once a month I use this deep conditioner. I apply it in the morning, slip on a shower cap, then do the laundry."
Aussie 3Minute Miracle.
Run Damage Control on Your Blemishes
"If you feel a big blemish coming on, take an aspirin and make a paste of it with water," says Kinsey. "Apply it to the pimple before you go to bed and the next day the swelling will be gone."
Double Your Beauty
Invest in some multitasking makeup. This pencil functions as a lipstick, eye shadow, and blush — all for under $10. Not only will you save space in your makeup bag, but you'll also save time in your routine.
Jillian Dempsey for Avon Professional Multi-Pencil, $8; avon.com
Big Beauty Bang for Your Money
Eyes Lips Face (e.l.f.) may be one of our favorite brands for beauty on a budget. This all-in-one palette comes with 14 eye shadows, an eyeliner, a shadow brush, and an eye-makeup lesson to boot, all for a price that is so good, it'll make you blush.
e.l.f. Beauty Encyclopedia — Everyday Eye Edition, $5; eyeslipsface.com
They do this for the uk too girls :) x
E.V.O.O. Everywhere
"Olive oil is actually my favorite beauty secret," says Real Beauty director Deanne Hess. "It’s great for taking off makeup, calming frizzies in the summer, and moisturizing your skin. I keep a bottle in both my kitchen and bathroom."
Squeeze More Swipes
Get a few more uses out of an almost-gone mascara by standing it in a glass of warm water or heating it up with a hair dryer.
Save Your Mascara Wand
Wash it thoroughly and use it to tame unruly eyebrow hairs or to separate and de-clump lashes. Oftentimes, great mascara application comes from the brush. If you aren't too keen on a newly purchased formula, use the wand from your tried-and-true to see if it makes a difference.
Make Your Own Exfoliating Body Scrub
Combine 1 cup coarse sea salt with 1/2 cup baby oil. Stir the ingredients together in a bowl and put into a screw-top jar. Leave for 24 hours, then stir the mixture and apply to any areas of the body you wish to smooth out. Massage into the skin for a few minutes, then shower off and pat your skin dry. (Makes multiple applications.)
Deodorize Your Kicks
Stinky soles can ruin a good pair of shoes, not to mention smell up a room whenever you kick them off. To get rid of odors, sprinkle some baking soda in your shoes and vacuum up before you slip your feet into them.
Use Coffee Grounds on Cellulite
Mix dry grounds with your body lotion and rub into your problem areas. This stimulates circulation, making it easier for trapped fat to surface and be broken down. Plus, the caffeine tightens skin. Leave this coffee-lotion combo on your skin for about 30 minutes, then wash off.
Friday, 27 August 2010
Top 10 Wacky Beauty Tips That Actually Work
1- Powdering your roots
If your hairline starts to look greasy, dig up a big fluffy makeup brush and dip it into a pot of loose powder (using translucent powder on your greasy roots). This is something you want do when you don’t have time to shower; it blends into all different hair colors — don’t use baby powder, use translucent as it absorbs oil.
2- Shave with conditioner instead of shaving cream
Ran out of shaving cream? Do double duty by coating your stems with a thick hair conditioner. It softens the hair so it’s easier to shave off and it makes legs feel amazingly silky.
3- Make an egg white mask
To revive tired and dull skin without hitting the spa table, try this: Crack open an egg in a bowl, separate the yolk, and use the egg whites to make a face mask. The proteins help to heal and restore skin’s moisture. Leave it on for five minutes, rinse off!
It’s the protein in the egg white that seals in moisture in your face. So leave it on, then take a turkey baster and rinse off. Its gentle for any skin type.
4- Heat up your eyelash curler
If you have stick-straight lashes, try blasting your metal eyelash curler with a hair dryer for a couple seconds to heat it up so your lashes bend more easily. And use a waterproof mascara — the formula dries faster than other mascaras, so it sets the curl more effectively. It works like a mini curling iron!
5- Spike lotion with bronzer
If you don’t have time to book a self-tanning session, mix a few pumps of body bronzer with regular hand lotion and pat it on your legs for a gradual dose of sexy, beachy color.
6- Soften your body with avocado
Take a ripe avocado, remove the pit and skin, and mash it up in a bowl. Slather all over your body, let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse off. Your skin will be so soft, since avocado is a natural moisturizer.
7- Amp shine with vinegar
Mix one part vinegar with four parts carbonated water, and soak dry hair. Leave on for 15 minutes before you shampoo to lock in shine and combat dullness.
8- Press a tea bag on splotches
If you’re sensitive or just looking irritated or puffy for some reason, steep a bag of green tea for a minute or two, let it cool down and dab it over your face. The antioxidants in the tea take down inflammation.
9- Use eye makeup remover on stubborn lipstick
Don’t try to rub off red lipstick (which makes it smear across your mouth, which isn’t too sexy). Instead take a cotton ball or tissue and dip it in makeup remover, and just dab to erase the dark stain fast.
10- Use toothpaste on a zit
Use just a pea-size amount, let it sit for 15 minutes to absorb the oil so the pimple won’t get more clogged, then wash it off.
According to the Cosmopolitan Magazine
If your hairline starts to look greasy, dig up a big fluffy makeup brush and dip it into a pot of loose powder (using translucent powder on your greasy roots). This is something you want do when you don’t have time to shower; it blends into all different hair colors — don’t use baby powder, use translucent as it absorbs oil.
2- Shave with conditioner instead of shaving cream
Ran out of shaving cream? Do double duty by coating your stems with a thick hair conditioner. It softens the hair so it’s easier to shave off and it makes legs feel amazingly silky.
3- Make an egg white mask
To revive tired and dull skin without hitting the spa table, try this: Crack open an egg in a bowl, separate the yolk, and use the egg whites to make a face mask. The proteins help to heal and restore skin’s moisture. Leave it on for five minutes, rinse off!
It’s the protein in the egg white that seals in moisture in your face. So leave it on, then take a turkey baster and rinse off. Its gentle for any skin type.
4- Heat up your eyelash curler
If you have stick-straight lashes, try blasting your metal eyelash curler with a hair dryer for a couple seconds to heat it up so your lashes bend more easily. And use a waterproof mascara — the formula dries faster than other mascaras, so it sets the curl more effectively. It works like a mini curling iron!
5- Spike lotion with bronzer
If you don’t have time to book a self-tanning session, mix a few pumps of body bronzer with regular hand lotion and pat it on your legs for a gradual dose of sexy, beachy color.
6- Soften your body with avocado
Take a ripe avocado, remove the pit and skin, and mash it up in a bowl. Slather all over your body, let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse off. Your skin will be so soft, since avocado is a natural moisturizer.
7- Amp shine with vinegar
Mix one part vinegar with four parts carbonated water, and soak dry hair. Leave on for 15 minutes before you shampoo to lock in shine and combat dullness.
8- Press a tea bag on splotches
If you’re sensitive or just looking irritated or puffy for some reason, steep a bag of green tea for a minute or two, let it cool down and dab it over your face. The antioxidants in the tea take down inflammation.
9- Use eye makeup remover on stubborn lipstick
Don’t try to rub off red lipstick (which makes it smear across your mouth, which isn’t too sexy). Instead take a cotton ball or tissue and dip it in makeup remover, and just dab to erase the dark stain fast.
10- Use toothpaste on a zit
Use just a pea-size amount, let it sit for 15 minutes to absorb the oil so the pimple won’t get more clogged, then wash it off.
According to the Cosmopolitan Magazine
Thursday, 26 August 2010
TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED THE 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's & 70's!!
First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they were pregnant.
They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can and didn't get tested for diabetes.
Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered
with bright colored lead-base paints.
We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, locks on doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had baseball caps not helmets on our heads.
As infants & children, we would ride in cars with no car seats, no booster seats, no seat belts, no air bags, bald tires and sometimes no brakes.
Riding in the back of a pick- up truck on a warm day was always a special treat.
We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle.
We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and no one actually died from this.
We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and bacon. We drank Kool-Aid made with real white sugar. And, we weren't overweight.. WHY?
Because we were always outside playing...that's why!
We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on..
No one was able to reach us all day. And, we were OKAY.
We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps
and then ride them down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem
We did not have Play stations, Nintendo's and X-boxes. There were no video games, no 150 channels on cable, no video movies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's, no cell phones, no personal computers, no Internet and no chat rooms.
WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them!
We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no lawsuits from these accidents.
We would get spankings with wooden spoons, switches, ping pong paddles, or just a bare hand and no one would call child services to report abuse.
We ate worms and mud pies
made from dirt, and
the worms did not live in us forever.
We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays, made up games with sticks and tennis balls and, although we were told it would happen, we did not poke out very many eyes.
We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just walked in and talked to them.
Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team.
Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment.
Imagine that!!
The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law!
These generations have produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever.
The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.
We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all.
If YOU are one of them, CONGRATULATIONS!
I am proud to say i lived in those times, are you ?
They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can and didn't get tested for diabetes.
Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered
with bright colored lead-base paints.
We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, locks on doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had baseball caps not helmets on our heads.
As infants & children, we would ride in cars with no car seats, no booster seats, no seat belts, no air bags, bald tires and sometimes no brakes.
Riding in the back of a pick- up truck on a warm day was always a special treat.
We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle.
We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and no one actually died from this.
We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and bacon. We drank Kool-Aid made with real white sugar. And, we weren't overweight.. WHY?
Because we were always outside playing...that's why!
We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on..
No one was able to reach us all day. And, we were OKAY.
We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps
and then ride them down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem
We did not have Play stations, Nintendo's and X-boxes. There were no video games, no 150 channels on cable, no video movies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's, no cell phones, no personal computers, no Internet and no chat rooms.
WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them!
We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no lawsuits from these accidents.
We would get spankings with wooden spoons, switches, ping pong paddles, or just a bare hand and no one would call child services to report abuse.
We ate worms and mud pies
made from dirt, and
the worms did not live in us forever.
We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays, made up games with sticks and tennis balls and, although we were told it would happen, we did not poke out very many eyes.
We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just walked in and talked to them.
Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team.
Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment.
Imagine that!!
The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law!
These generations have produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever.
The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.
We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all.
If YOU are one of them, CONGRATULATIONS!
I am proud to say i lived in those times, are you ?
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
How to Achieve Bigger, Sexy Eyes?

According to Cosmo and the celebrity makeup artist Carmindy, there are a few steps you can follow to make your eyes pop.
1. Avoid black eyeliners and black (or very very dark) eyeshadows – it will narrows your eyes even more.
2. Use soft colored eyeliners to define your top lash line.
3. Now take shimmery white eyeshadow (or any very light shadows you have) and put it into your inner corners in a V shape. So your eyes can catch the light, which will make your eyes wider.
4. Learn how to use your secret weapon – your eyelash curler! Crimping the top lash line angles hairs so tips are closer to your brows, expanding the entire eye area. Immediately put a two coats of lengthening mascara to lock in the curves.
Eyeshadow Tips and Tricks

By: Teresa Hall
hese eyeshadow tips will take you from good looking to gorgeous. The eyes are the first thing most people notice about your face, so knowing how to apply your eyeshadow correctly is the key to showing them off.
Eyeshadow comes in a huge variety of colors and is available in creams, powders and pencils. Although your options may seem overwhelming at first, you can use your eyeshadow to accentuate the positive and camouflage the negative.
Cream or Powder?
Eyeshadow is available in either creams or powders. Creams are nice because you can usually apply them in one stroke, but powder eyeshadows last longer and tend to provide a sheer cover. If you like a cream eyeshadow, you can apply a matching powder on top of the cream to increase its staying power. For many women, the ultimate eyeshadows are the cream-to-powder shadows that go on as a cream and dry to a powder, giving you the best of both worlds. Ultimately, the choice between cream and powder is a matter of preference. Try both and see which one works better for your skin type.
You may want to try using an eyeshadow primer before applying shadow. A primer provides a smooth base that will allow easier application of the shadow and keep the shadow on longer. You can use a translucent powder as a primer to avoid having to purchase a separate product.
Choosing Colors for Your Skin Tone and Eye Color
When it comes to color choices for eyeshadow, the number-one rule is to test different colors and wear what you like best. However, there are some general guidelines as to which colors work best for certain skin tones and eye colors.
Fair skin: You can wear most eyeshadow colors, but keep them in the lighter shades, especially for daytime wear. If your hair is dark, you can go with slightly darker eyeshadow colors. Medium plums, purples, lavenders, greens or blues all work, but line your eyes with the same color as your shadow.
Olive-toned skin: Colors in the brown family work well for a subtle look. Choose the ones that are slightly darker than your skin tone, or try a gold that really glimmers and shines. Other colors to try include greens, aquas, purples and blues. Use an off-white, shiny shadow on your brow bone to make your eyes really stand out.
Golden-toned skin: Apply pale gray, slate blue, purple or pink on the lids and one shade darker in the crease for accent. Highlight the brow bone with off-white shadow.
Light brown skin: Brown shadow with a shimmer works beautifully, but don't shy away form vibrant shades like greens, blues or purples. Keep the shadow sheer, and use one that sparkles.
Dark skin: Try eyeshadow that is one shade lighter than your skin tone. Try using a shadow with gold or silver flecks of shine. If you prefer a little more color, use deep shades of purple or burgundy and line the eye with dark colors.
Most experts don't advocate trying to match your eyeshadow to your eye color. Instead, follow these guidelines: Green eyes look great with purples, bronzes or browns; blue eyes perk up with peaches, yellow and golds; and for brown eyes, anything goes.
Day to Night: Which Colors Make the Transition Best?
When you are applying makeup for daytime, you can use just a base color and mascara. At night, you want a more dramatic look. This is best achieved by using darker colors with lots of sparkle and shine. Because using a wet brush will intensify powder shadow colors, you can use the same shadow from day to night, but use the wet brush for your evening application. Shimmery cosmetics are great for adding interest, but be careful not to overdo it, or you will call attention to those lines and wrinkles that you would rather hide.
How to Apply Eyeshadow
Start with a natural concealer that matches your skin tone, or use a primer. This will give you the smoothest, longest-lasting coverage. For basic eyes, use the lightest shade of shadow from the lash line to the brow line. Use a medium shade on the lid and a third color along the lash line and outer corner of your eyes. You can also use that third color in the crease of your eye to add depth, as long as it is the darkest of the three shades.
Try using an eyeshadow brush, rather than a sponge-tipped applicator. A brush is wonderful for blending and offers a nice sheer coverage. Load the brush with shadow, and then blow off the excess before applying. Wash your brushes every couple of weeks with a light shampoo and dry them flat, rather than standing on end. Also, if you love to use different eyeshadow colors, purchase more than one brush and keep the color families separate so they don't bleed over into each other, leaving you with a muddy-looking mess.
Using Eyeshadows to Fix Those Flaws
Eyeshadow can work wonders to camouflage flaws in the eye and nose area. For close-set eyes, keep the inside corners of the eyes lighter than the outer corners. Use concealer that is one shade lighter than your skin at the inner corner of your eyes and on the sides of your nose. Use a matte shadow in a medium to dark shade, and sweep it outward and upward, starting at the middle of the lid and going toward the outer half.
If your eyes are wide-set, do the opposite. Emphasize those inner corners by using a neutral base and then dusting on a medium to dark color on the inner half of the eyelid, blending outward. You want the most color on the inner half and then let it lighten up as you blend outward. Use eyeliner to line the lid from the inner corner to the middle of the eye. Again, blend outward, lightening up as you go.
How long to keep makeup: the shelf life of cosmetics.
Just like many things we use throughout the day, there is a shelf life of cosmetics. How long should you keep that blue mascara from high school you can't buy anymore?
Makeup shelf life various on the kind of cosmetics and the type of cosmetics you purchase. There are some simple guidelines of how long to keep your cosmetics. Just because you have a little bit of lipstick still in the tube doesn't mean you should be using it. For beautiful, healthy skin you need to know makeup shelf life.
Makeup shelf life guidelines to follow:
First off, if it smells, stinks, has a distinct odor that should not be, throw it away! I am amazed at how long women will keep cosmetics that have a bad odor. Do yourself a favor and trash it.
Another good rule of thumb, if you can't remember when you purchased it, trash it. Makeup should not stir up memories from ten years ago. If you makeup bag does, throw it out!
The following is a simple guideline to follow when you are cleaning out your makeup bag.
* Oil-Free Foundation: 1 year
* Cream or Compact Foundation: 18 months
* Concealer: 12-18 months
* Powder: 2 years
* Blush and Bronzer: 2 years
* Cream Blush: 12-18 months
* Powder Eye shadow: 2 years
* Cream Eye shadow: 12-18 months Eyeliner: 2 years
* Liquid eyeliner: 3-6 months
* Mascara: 3 months
* Lipstick: 2 years
* Lip liner: 2 years
* Lip gloss: 18-24 months
* Nail Color: 1 year
If you are using natural cosmetics, these should be thrown out sooner. Regular cosmetics contain ingredients that do help prolong shelf life. But of course natural cosmetics do not. Please check with your favorite natural store for the information on the cosmetics you love.
My favorite tip to make throwing out your cosmetics a little easier: Buy yourself a Sharpie to keep with your makeup bag. Write your own expiration date on the cosmetics that way you will always know when it is time to replace.
Read more at Suite101: Makeup Shelf Life: How long to keep makeup: the shelf life of cosmetics. http://cosmetics.suite101.com/article.cfm/makeup_shelf_life#ixzz0xdreV6yX
Makeup shelf life various on the kind of cosmetics and the type of cosmetics you purchase. There are some simple guidelines of how long to keep your cosmetics. Just because you have a little bit of lipstick still in the tube doesn't mean you should be using it. For beautiful, healthy skin you need to know makeup shelf life.
Makeup shelf life guidelines to follow:
First off, if it smells, stinks, has a distinct odor that should not be, throw it away! I am amazed at how long women will keep cosmetics that have a bad odor. Do yourself a favor and trash it.
Another good rule of thumb, if you can't remember when you purchased it, trash it. Makeup should not stir up memories from ten years ago. If you makeup bag does, throw it out!
The following is a simple guideline to follow when you are cleaning out your makeup bag.
* Oil-Free Foundation: 1 year
* Cream or Compact Foundation: 18 months
* Concealer: 12-18 months
* Powder: 2 years
* Blush and Bronzer: 2 years
* Cream Blush: 12-18 months
* Powder Eye shadow: 2 years
* Cream Eye shadow: 12-18 months Eyeliner: 2 years
* Liquid eyeliner: 3-6 months
* Mascara: 3 months
* Lipstick: 2 years
* Lip liner: 2 years
* Lip gloss: 18-24 months
* Nail Color: 1 year
If you are using natural cosmetics, these should be thrown out sooner. Regular cosmetics contain ingredients that do help prolong shelf life. But of course natural cosmetics do not. Please check with your favorite natural store for the information on the cosmetics you love.
My favorite tip to make throwing out your cosmetics a little easier: Buy yourself a Sharpie to keep with your makeup bag. Write your own expiration date on the cosmetics that way you will always know when it is time to replace.
Read more at Suite101: Makeup Shelf Life: How long to keep makeup: the shelf life of cosmetics. http://cosmetics.suite101.com/article.cfm/makeup_shelf_life#ixzz0xdreV6yX
Tips to Prolong The Life of Makeup Products
There are various tricks and tips to prolong the life of makeup products. These come from pro beauticians who have the skills to explore the endless benefits of various products. Those who would like to learn more about the recycling of various formulas and using them for various purposes should take a closer look at these useful guidelines. Your favorite products should be no longer ditched instead find out more ways to discover their multi-functional quality and use them as long as you wish to.
Pressed Powder Blush
# One of the most common accidents that can happen to our makeup products especially the ones in powder formula is that these break and spill off on our clothes and in the handbags. This besides spoiling the various fabrics can also ruin our makeup investment. Instead of panicking make sure you apply a useful and easy-to-handle trick of makeup gurus. Restore the spotless condition of your powder blush with a drop of alcohol. This will have the power to set the tiny pieces to their place and restore the flawless texture of the product. Use the same trick when you have trouble with eye shadows as this would have the same effect also with bronzers, face powders and also eye shadows.
# One of the revolutionary methods to take full advantage of the use of your favorite bronzer is to use a body lotion to prolong its life. In this case all you have to do is take out that tiny bit of bronzer from the frame and pour it into your favorite moisturizer or body lotion. This way you'll have the privilege to own a glowing and healthy looking complexion. Moreover you can apply the cool mixture to your cleavage as well as arms and even legs in order to have a natural sun-kissed and uniformly tanned skin shade. Proceed the similar way with bronzers you purchased but make sure they match your skin tone. Apply this fabulous trick to renew the life of your high quality bronzer.
Glittery Eye Shadows
# Carrying with you all your favorite makeup products might give you many headaches as some can spill out and stain your bags as well as clothes. Eye shadows are even more delicate and fragile therefore some might have experienced these accidents a few times. In order to prevent these makeup blunders why not consider the use of tiny plastic or glass jars that can be secured and properly closed before taking the risk of having eye shadow stored in your bags. Buy the cute storing bottles in your local beauty store, wilkinson or superdrug. Pour the powder into them and use as and when required ,Pair the size of the jar to the amount of eye shadow you have to store.
# The texture of lipsticks as well as cream blush are similar. Therefore why not use them for various purposes. If you are tired of your lipstick or can't get the tiny amount from the bottom of the holder out, make sure you use a Q-tip in order to ease your task. Using a cream blush won't need extra skills instead consider your complexion tone and pair it with the lipstick shade. The more you practice the beauty ritual the better the result will be. Let yourself be guided by the cold and warm skin color group principles. Explore the benefits of recycling your makeup products and be a real pro in mixing and matching the various shades and textures.
Pressed Powder Blush
# One of the most common accidents that can happen to our makeup products especially the ones in powder formula is that these break and spill off on our clothes and in the handbags. This besides spoiling the various fabrics can also ruin our makeup investment. Instead of panicking make sure you apply a useful and easy-to-handle trick of makeup gurus. Restore the spotless condition of your powder blush with a drop of alcohol. This will have the power to set the tiny pieces to their place and restore the flawless texture of the product. Use the same trick when you have trouble with eye shadows as this would have the same effect also with bronzers, face powders and also eye shadows.
# One of the revolutionary methods to take full advantage of the use of your favorite bronzer is to use a body lotion to prolong its life. In this case all you have to do is take out that tiny bit of bronzer from the frame and pour it into your favorite moisturizer or body lotion. This way you'll have the privilege to own a glowing and healthy looking complexion. Moreover you can apply the cool mixture to your cleavage as well as arms and even legs in order to have a natural sun-kissed and uniformly tanned skin shade. Proceed the similar way with bronzers you purchased but make sure they match your skin tone. Apply this fabulous trick to renew the life of your high quality bronzer.
Glittery Eye Shadows
# Carrying with you all your favorite makeup products might give you many headaches as some can spill out and stain your bags as well as clothes. Eye shadows are even more delicate and fragile therefore some might have experienced these accidents a few times. In order to prevent these makeup blunders why not consider the use of tiny plastic or glass jars that can be secured and properly closed before taking the risk of having eye shadow stored in your bags. Buy the cute storing bottles in your local beauty store, wilkinson or superdrug. Pour the powder into them and use as and when required ,Pair the size of the jar to the amount of eye shadow you have to store.
# The texture of lipsticks as well as cream blush are similar. Therefore why not use them for various purposes. If you are tired of your lipstick or can't get the tiny amount from the bottom of the holder out, make sure you use a Q-tip in order to ease your task. Using a cream blush won't need extra skills instead consider your complexion tone and pair it with the lipstick shade. The more you practice the beauty ritual the better the result will be. Let yourself be guided by the cold and warm skin color group principles. Explore the benefits of recycling your makeup products and be a real pro in mixing and matching the various shades and textures.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Makeup Dupes
I found a great list of some make up dupes to share with you, check it out by hitting the title of this post.
For those that arnt sure of the term "Dupe", it simply means an alternative, usually at a lower price :)
Many high end makeup products have pretty close lower price alternatives, so check out this list and bag yourself a bargain x
Timestamp Brand Product Product Type Brand Product Product Type Similarity? Any ways it differs?
6/28/2010 20:59:13 Anastasia Camille Highlighter E.L.F. Eyebrow Lifter & Filler Highlighter 100% Double ended
6/29/2010 11:00:08 Aveda Huckleberry Lipstick Bonne Bell Autumn Rose Lip Balm 85% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:00:39 Aveda Sheer Ambrosia Lipstick Clinique Black Violet Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Cooler
6/28/2010 20:20:19 Bare Escentuals Pacific Eyeshadow Bare Escentuals Denim Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 19:15:38 Bare Escentuals Cupcake Glimpse Lipgloss Milani Illusion Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:31:49 Bare Escentuals Buxom Zena Lipgloss Bare Escentuals Buxom Pixie Lipgloss 85% Brighter, Cooler, Less Shimmer
7/6/2010 17:21:30 BeautyBlender BeautyBlender Tools Sonia Kashuk Blending Sponge Tools 100% None
6/28/2010 22:09:16 Ben Nye Ice Eyeshadow MAC Crystal Avalanche Eyeshadow 100% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 15:07:01 Benefit Coralista Blush Korres Peach Blush 100% None
6/28/2010 20:14:56 Benefit Coralista Blush Korres Peach Blush 75% Different finish/texture, Darker, Warmer
6/29/2010 19:56:01 Benefit Coralista Blush MAC Dainty Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 8:57:02 Benefit Coralista Blush Rimmel Pink Sorbet Blush 90% Pinker
6/28/2010 11:42:23 Benefit Thrrrob Blush NYX Natural Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:58:51 Benefit Thrrrob Blush Tarina Tarantino Carved Rose Blush 75% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 14:54:33 Benefit High Brow Brow - Pencil E.L.F. Eyebrow Lifter and Filler Brows - Pencil 100% Dual ended
6/28/2010 20:37:59 Benefit It Stick Concealer E.L.F. Concealer Pencil and Brush Concealer 100% None
6/28/2010 14:17:13 Benefit Flipside Eyeshadow MAC Shimmermoss Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:43:04 Benefit High Beam Highlighter Boots No. 7 Illuminating Fluid Highlighter 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:43:42 Benefit High Beam Highlighter E.L.F. Lilac Petal Shimmering Facial Whip Highlighter - Cream 100% None
6/28/2010 17:55:50 Benefit High Beam Highlighter MeMeMe Moonbeam Highlighter 100% None
6/29/2010 16:58:46 Benefit High Beam Highlighter - Cream Abelha Rainha Sombra Rosa Chá Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:27:04 Benefit High Beam Highlighter - Cream Boots No. 7 High Lights Highlighter - Cream 100% None
6/28/2010 18:13:40 Benefit Benetint Lip Stain MeMeMe Pussycat Lip Stain 90% Darker
6/28/2010 18:11:30 Benefit Posietint Lip Stain MeMeMe Poppy Tint Lip Stain 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:01:39 Benefit BADgal Lash Mascara Maybelline Great Lash BIG Mascara 95% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 8:03:46 Bobbi Brown Chocolate Eyeshadow MAC Espresso Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 19:19:05 Bobbi Brown Shimmering Nudes Palette Eyeshadow NYX Champion & Caviar Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:02:03 Bobbi Brown Pinkberry Lip Stain Prestige Berry Lip Stain 85% Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:02:50 Bobbi Brown Blackberry Lipstick Revlon Blackberry Lipstick 80% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:03:12 Bobbi Brown Garnet Shimmer Lipstick MAC O Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:01:32 Bobbi Brown Nude Lipstick Revlon Neutrality Lipgloss 75% Different finish/texture
7/2/2010 8:00:00 Bourjois 1 Seconde No. 8 Nail Polish Catrice 070 Caught On The Red Carpet Nail Polish 85% Lighter
7/1/2010 20:27:22 Carmex Petroleum Jelly Lip Balm Aquaphor Petroleum Jelly Lip Balm 95% Scent
6/29/2010 17:28:22 Chanel Astral Lipgloss MAC Extra Amps Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture, less glitter
6/28/2010 10:49:04 Chanel Futile (Glossimer) Lipgloss Urban Decay Julio (Pocket Rocket) Lipgloss 85% Different finish/texture
7/16/2010 21:55:27 Chanel Mademoiselle Lipstick Clinique Blushing Nude Lipstick 90% Warmer
6/28/2010 13:10:21 Chanel Metallic Vamp Lipstick Bobbi Brown Silver Haze Lipstick 85% Lighter, Not as nuanced
6/29/2010 15:23:54 Chanel Paris (22) Lipstick Sephora Rouge Cream Lipstick in Valentine (09) Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 20:16:37 Chanel Genial Lipstick YSL Rouge Pure- Rosy Coral Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 9:13:53 Chanel Blue Satin Nail Polish Rimmel Midnight Blue Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture, dries less glossy
6/28/2010 15:08:49 Chanel Cosmic Violine Nail Polish OPI Kris Kringle Nail Polish 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 10:26:03 Chanel Flamingo Nail Polish Nubar Je T'aime Nail Polish 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 15:15:53 Chanel Flamingo Nail Polish OPI Dancing In The Isles Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:17:34 Chanel Jade Nail Polish Catrice Sold Out Forever Nail Polish 95% Slightly warmer
7/1/2010 10:11:28 Chanel Jade Nail Polish Catrice Sold Out Forever Nail Polish 90% None
7/2/2010 13:10:00 Chanel Jade Nail Polish Catrice Sold Out Forever Nail Polish 100% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 9:59:31 Chanel Kaleidoscope Nail Polish BB Couture For Nails Blind Love Nail Polish 100% None
6/30/2010 12:47:12 CHANEL Nouvelle Vague Nail Polish China Glaze For Audrey Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/29/2010 14:37:18 Chanel Orange Fizz Nail Polish Essence What Do U Think? Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:30:42 Chanel Orange Fizz Nail Polish Essie Carousel Coral Nail Polish 95% Cooler
7/1/2010 13:28:51 Chanel Particulaire Nail Polish Essence From Dusk to Dawn Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 15:11:38 Chanel Particuliere Nail Polish Essie Mink Muffs Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/29/2010 6:41:55 Chanel Particuliere Nail Polish OPI You Don't Know Jacques Nail Polish 85% Darker
7/3/2010 12:24:22 Chanel Particuliere Nail Polish p2 Rich & Royal Nail Polish 85% Lighter
6/29/2010 11:34:47 Chanel Particulière Nail Polish OPI Over The Taupe Nail Polish 95% Warmer
7/2/2010 11:35:18 Chanel Rouge Noir Nail Polish Catrice Claiton My Hero Nail Polish 100% Less pigmented, Warmer, None
6/28/2010 12:10:01 Chanel Rouge noir Nail Polish Catrice The Devil Wears Red Nail Polish 100% None
7/1/2010 10:28:31 Chanel Rouge Noir Nail Polish Catrice The Devil Wears Red Nail Polish 100% None
7/1/2010 14:30:06 Chanel Rouge Noir Nail Polish Catrice The Devil Wears Red Nail Polish 100% None
7/1/2010 7:15:12 Chanel Rouge Noir Nail Polish Catrice The Devil Wears Red Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture
7/1/2010 4:06:03 Chanel Rouge Noire Nail Polish Catrice The devil wears red Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
7/14/2010 1:26:33 Chanel Splendeur Nail Polish Catrice Hot Or Not Nail Polish 95% Lighter, Brighter
6/28/2010 20:52:50 Chanel Black Satin Nail Polish Zoya Raven Nail Polish 100% None
7/16/2010 23:51:55 Chanel Particulière Nail Polish Jessica Buck Naked Nail Polish 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 15:17:36 China Glaze For Audrey Nail Polish L'Oreal Waters Edge Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 11:34:05 China Glaze For Audrey Nail Polish Orly Gumdrop Nail Polish 85% Lighter, bluer
6/28/2010 14:58:00 China Glaze For Audrey Nail Polish Orly Gumdrop Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 15:11:36 China Glaze For Audrey Nail Polish Orly Gumdrop Nail Polish 95% Slightly greener
6/28/2010 15:07:17 China Glaze Grape Pop Nail Polish OPI Funky Dunkey Nail Polish 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 18:57:29 China Glaze Hippie Chic Nail Polish Misa Burnished Bronze Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 11:00:06 China Glaze Lubu Heels Nail Polish Rimmel Lava Red Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:28:28 China Glaze Purple Panic Nail Polish Milani Rad Purple Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 15:21:24 China Glaze Ruby Pumps Nail Polish Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Red Carpet Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 15:49:23 China Glaze Sexy Silhouette Nail Polish Wet 'n' Wild Strawberry Burst Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 15:47:40 China Glaze VII nail polish Nail Polish RIMMEL 403 Hypnotise Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 19:44:20 Clarins #02 Nail Polish YourStyle #105 Nail Polish 80% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Cooler, Less Pink, More pigmented
6/28/2010 11:46:42 Clinique Blushing Blush Powder Blush in Aglow Blush By Lauren Luke Peach Glow blush from My Smokey Classics Blush 80% Lighter, Pinker
6/29/2010 11:05:28 Clinique Black Honey Lipstick CoverGirl Edgy Lipstick 95% Less staying power
7/16/2010 23:00:37 Deborah Lippmann Before He Cheats Nail Polish China Glaze Innocence Nail Polish 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 17:42:02 Dior Pink Lace Highlighter Dior Beige Diamond Highlighter 95% Warmer
6/29/2010 17:37:53 Dior Beige Moire Lipgloss Chanel Gold Light Lipgloss 95% Brighter
6/28/2010 11:49:50 Dior Rosewood Serum de Rouge Lipstick MAC Satiate Lipstick 90% Redder, Less moisturizing
6/29/2010 17:32:25 Dior Shiniest Pep Lipstick Dior Lindsay Pink Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 10:36:47 Dior Dior Phenome'eyes Mascara L'Oreal Telescopic Explosion Mascara 95% Slightly Clumpier
6/29/2010 0:40:01 Dior Red Dahlia Nail Polish China Glaze Seduce Me Nail Polish 100% Very long wearing and non-thickening formula
6/28/2010 15:23:11 Essie Lapis of Luxury Nail Polish Maybelline Pie in the Sky Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 4:19:18 Essie Lilacism Nail Polish L.A. Girl Flare Bright Delights Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture, Cooler, more pigmented
6/28/2010 14:19:00 Essie Mint Candy Apple Nail Polish China Glaze Re-fresh Mint Nail Polish 95% Greener/more mint
6/29/2010 9:07:13 Essie Mint Candy Apple Nail Polish Revlon Minted Nail Polish 95% chips more easily
6/28/2010 15:24:08 Essie Starry Starry Night Nail Polish Maybelline Twinkle Twinkle Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 10:56:41 Essie Viva la Vespa Nail Polish Essie Sexy Divide Nail Polish 95% None
6/29/2010 17:08:53 Estee Lauder Spot Light Highlighter - Cream MAC Strobe Cream Highlighter - Cream 100% None
7/5/2010 10:58:56 Estee Lauder Beige Lipstick Avon Latte Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 15:32:40 Finger Paints Floatin' on a Cloud Nail Polish Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Disco Ball Nail Polish 100% Less glitter
6/28/2010 10:47:46 Givenchy Absolutely Red Lipstick Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 19:12:17 Givency Sensual Rose Lipstick Lancome Sheer Lipstick 90% Lighter
7/15/2010 7:44:50 GOSH Purple Stain Eyeliner Sephora Flashy Violet Eyeliner 100% None
6/29/2010 17:13:12 GOSH Darling Lipstick MAC Creme d'Nude Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/3/2010 6:42:32 GOSH Wild Lilac Nail Polish Catrice Lucky In Lilac Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:06:17 Guerlain Terracotta - Blonde Bronzer Sephora Sun Disc Bronzer 100% None
7/12/2010 2:05:47 Guerlain Meterorites Highlighter Missha M Shimmering Ball Blusher Blush 90% Brighter
6/29/2010 8:48:13 Guerlain Gardenia Rouge G Lipstick Chanel Santal (Rouge Allure Laque) Lipstick 85% Different finish/texture
7/4/2010 16:35:56 Illamasqua Hussy Blush MAC Fleur Power Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
7/1/2010 11:47:30 Illamasqua Rude Blush - Cream JK jemma kidd 01 Pose Blush - Gel 95% Little pinker
7/13/2010 8:59:56 Illamasqua Obey Lipstick NYX Orange Soda Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture, Obey is a little pinky-er
6/28/2010 11:07:36 Illamasqua Baptiste Nail Polish Finger Paints Be a Pal-ette Nail Polish 85% Lighter
6/28/2010 15:26:06 Illamasqua Wink Nail Polish Essie Lilacism Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 14:35:45 Jane Blushing Plum Blush E.L.F. Tickled Pink Blush 100% None
6/29/2010 19:15:53 Lancome Contrast Eyeshadow MAC Nocturnelle Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:22:12 Lancome Metallic Eyeshadow Maybelline Sparkling Wine Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 19:16:14 Lancome Riot Eyeshadow Jane Deeply Green Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 21:18:56 Lancome Statuesque Eyeshadow MAC Carbon Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 20:01:29 Lancome Statuesque Eyeshadow Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Gold Rush Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, has glitter
7/9/2010 18:52:37 Lancome Chris & Tell Lipstick Bobbi Brown Cabana Coral Blush - Cream 95% Less stain
6/28/2010 19:43:05 Lancome Chris & Tell Lipstick YSL Peach Passion Lipstick 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 14:40:42 Lancome Rich Cashmere Lipstick MAC Cherish Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 10:59:26 Lancome Indigo Paris Nail Polish Sephora by OPI Opening Night Nail Polish 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 15:19:45 Lancome Bi-Facil Skincare Clean & Clear Soothing Eye Makeup Remover Skincare 95% Leaves a tiny bit of an oily residue
6/29/2010 19:16:29 Laura Mercier Cognac Eyeshadow Milani Spice Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:02:44 Lorac Serenity Eyeshadow Glamour Doll Eyes He Loves Me Not Eyeshadow 90% slightly more shimmery & intense
6/28/2010 20:14:54 LORAC Superstar Eyeshadow Revlon Tiger Eye Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 13:44:27 LORAC Superstar (Baked) Eyeshadow Revlon Tiger Eye (ColorStay Mineral) Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/16/2010 3:00:08 MAC Brunette (Mineralize Skinfinish) Blush MAC Peachtwist Blush - Cream 90% Less shimmery/glittery
6/28/2010 14:29:58 MAC Emote Blush NYX Taupe Blush 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 11:29:22 MAC Margin Blush NYX Terracotta Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Warmer
6/28/2010 10:57:29 MAC Nuance (Mineralize Blush) Blush Clinique 121 - Enchanted Bronze Blush 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:29:02 MAC Peaches Blush NYX Cinnamon Blush 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 11:22:43 MAC Peachykeen Blush Revlon Peachy Keen Blush 95% Different finish/texture
7/6/2010 19:52:58 MAC Pink Swoon Blush L'Oreal Freeze Frame Fuschia Blush 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 14:03:50 MAC Ripe Peach Blush Estee Lauder Peach Nuance Blush 95% Different finish/texture
7/10/2010 16:45:23 MAC Ripe Peach Blush Estee Lauder Peach Nuance Blush 90% Pinker, less shimmer
7/14/2010 3:44:02 MAC Ripe Peach Blush MAC Style Blush 85% Cooler
7/13/2010 11:39:13 MAC Springsheen Blush Mary Kay Shy Blush Blush 90% Different finish/texture, more pigmented
7/4/2010 2:08:24 MAC Stereo Rose Blush Laura Geller Rasberry Blush 90% Less pigmented
7/12/2010 15:53:54 MAC Stereo Rose Mineralize Skinfinish Blush MAC Superdupernatural Blush 95% Less pigmented
7/1/2010 8:44:55 MAC Style Blush Deborah Terracota 52 Blush 75% Different finish/texture, Darker
6/28/2010 21:48:46 MAC Sunbasque Blush NYX Terracotta Blush 100% None
6/30/2010 8:28:35 MAC Tippy Blush NYX Pinky Blush 100% None
7/15/2010 13:48:10 MAC Warm Soul Blush Maybelline Sweet Cinnamon Blush 95% Cooler
6/29/2010 8:34:32 MAC Warm Soul Blush NARS Madly Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 10:40:27 MAC Ladyblush Blush - Cream CoverGirl Simply Ageless Cream Blush Blush - Cream 95% Brighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:41:04 MAC Ladyblush Blush - Cream NYX Natural Blush - Cream 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 19:03:38 MAC Ladyblush Blush - Cream Revlon Rosy Glow Blush - Cream 85% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:04:41 MAC Lilicent Blush - Cream NYX Natural Blush - Cream 85% Lighter
6/29/2010 11:41:17 MAC Posey Blush - Cream NYX Glow Blush - Cream 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:03:55 MAC Golden Refined Bronzer NARS Laguna Bronzer 95% More pigmented
6/28/2010 12:00:30 MAC Lingering Brow - Pencil Maybelline Dark Blond Define-a-Brow Brows - Pencil 95% Pencil is slightly waxier
6/29/2010 12:21:40 MAC Lingering Brow - Pencil Maybelline Light Blonde Define-a-Brow Brows - Pencil 90% Slightly waxier, slightly redder
6/29/2010 16:57:57 MAC Spiked Brow - Pencil Maybelline Dark Brown Define-a-Brow Brows - Pencil 100% None
6/28/2010 11:32:47 MAC Browning Brows - Pencils Maybelline Dark Blond Define-a-Lash Brows - Pencil 95% Mechanical pencil
6/30/2010 9:59:00 MAC 239 Brush Brush Loew Cornell Maxine's Mop 3/8" Brush Brush 90% Scratchier, not as fluffy
6/28/2010 21:53:54 MAC Navy Stain Eyeliner GOSH Pretty Petrol Eyeliner 100% None
6/28/2010 12:07:59 MAC Smolder Eyeliner Rimmel Kajal Eyeliner 90% Less pigmented
7/1/2010 0:15:25 MAC Teddy Eyeliner Almay Dark Chocolate & Shell Bright Eyes liner/highlighter duo Eyeliner 95% Slightly darker
6/28/2010 21:33:33 MAC Blacktrack Eyeliner - Cream Maybelline Blackest Black Eyeliner - Cream 100% None
6/29/2010 14:07:58 MAC Blue Peep Eyeliner - Cream MAC Electric Eel Eyeshadow 95% Eyeshadow
6/29/2010 17:40:31 MAC Blacktrack Eyeliner - Gel Coastal Scents True Black Eyeliner - Gel 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/12/2010 13:45:16 MAC Blacktrack Eyeliner - Gel E.L.F. Black Eyeliner - Gel 100% None
6/28/2010 10:54:32 MAC Blacktrack Eyeliner - Gel Stila Black Eyeliner - Gel 90% Lighter
6/29/2010 14:20:25 MAC Blue Herizon Eyeliner - Gel Milani Infinite Eyeliner - Gel 100% None
6/29/2010 18:38:19 MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow Kat Von D Dimebag Eyeshadow 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 13:00:49 MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow MAC Honeylust Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:30:20 MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow NYX Champagne Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 18:26:12 MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow NYX Champagne Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 7:55:55 MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow NYX Champagne Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/29/2010 20:05:08 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow L'Oreal Saucy Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 11:12:59 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Saucy Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 13:58:03 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow Milani Bronze Doll Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 10:26:13 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow Milani Sun Goddess Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 14:20:56 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow NYX Golden Eyeshadow 95% Lighter, more yellow
7/7/2010 15:34:34 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow NYX Honey Comb (Gold shade in trio) Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:13:12 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow Prestige Melba Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:03:14 MAC Aquadisiac Eyeshadow Jane Millionaire Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:35:56 MAC Aquavert Eyeshadow NYX Spring Leaf Eyeshadow 85% Less pigmented, Warmer
6/28/2010 11:04:21 MAC Aztec Brick Eyeshadow Kat Von D Downtown Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:15:03 MAC Bamboo Eyeshadow Wild and Crazy Wild Guava Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:13:27 MAC Banshee Eyeshadow Milani Spice Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 16:36:32 MAC Beautiful Iris Eyeshadow Kat Von D Solitude (Memento Mori Palette) Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:21:44 MAC Beautiful Iris Eyeshadow NYX Frosted Lilac Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, Warmer
7/4/2010 8:16:56 MAC Beauty Marked Eyeshadow L'OREAL HIP Sculpted (Duo, Right Side) Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 11:25:28 MAC Beautymarked Eyeshadow NYX Lake Moss Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 3:36:54 MAC Beautymarked Eyeshadow Nyx Lake Moss Trio Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/30/2010 10:37:41 MAC Birds & Berries Eyeshadow Mac Tilt Eyeshadow 90% Brighter
6/28/2010 11:10:47 MAC Birds & Berries Eyeshadow Revlon Peacock Lustre 025 Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 12:19:00 MAC Black Tied Eyeshadow Urban Decay Oil Slick Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented, a little bit more sparkly
6/28/2010 16:36:27 MAC Blanc Type Eyeshadow Bobbi Brown Bone Eyeshadow 95% Darker
7/15/2010 7:38:32 MAC Blonde's Gold Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Champagne Eyeshadow 90% Pressed
6/29/2010 11:13:40 MAC Blu Noir Eyeshadow Prestige Ink Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 1:53:52 MAC Bold and Brazen Eyeshadow MAC Expensive Pink Eyeshadow 95% Less gold, difference is barely noticeable on eye
6/28/2010 21:29:28 Mac Bough Grey Eyeshadow Lancome Luxe Grey Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 12:31:36 MAC Brash Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Charged Duo Eyeshadow 95% Lighter, difference not noticeable on the eyes
6/29/2010 11:15:22 MAC Brill Eyeshadow Wild and Crazy Bahama Water Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/7/2010 15:36:55 MAC Bronze Eyeshadow NYX Honey Comb (Brown shade in trio) Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/4/2010 7:50:48 MAC Bronze Eyeshadow Sephora Milestone Eyeshadow 80% Lighter, Cooler
6/29/2010 11:38:06 MAC Brule Eyeshadow NYX Nude Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/6/2010 8:56:19 MAC Brule Eyeshadow Wet n' Wild Brule Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 1:56:29 MAC Brun Eyeshadow FACE Stockholm Russian Caviar Eyeshadow 95% Not as smooth
6/29/2010 11:15:37 MAC Camel Eyeshadow Revlon Bamboo Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
7/4/2010 7:55:48 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow Essence Newcomer Eyeshadow 100% Duo eyeshadow
6/29/2010 23:30:35 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow Kat Von D Lucifer (Ludwig Palette) Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 10:06:59 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow Milani Black Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 11:32:36 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow Milani Black Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 13:23:13 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow My Secret Matt Black Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
7/15/2010 9:55:28 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow NARS Pandora Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 11:49:32 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow NYX Black Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 16:56:37 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow NYX Black Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 11:11:59 MAC Charcoal Brown Eyeshadow NYX Dark Brown Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Powdery
6/29/2010 17:12:08 MAC Chrome Yellow Eyeshadow Sugarpill Buttercupcake Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, More pigmented
7/1/2010 9:28:15 MAC Cinderfella Eyeshadow Victoria's Secret Fierce Eyeshadow 85% Looks similar dry, may differ when foiled
6/28/2010 11:29:42 MAC Club Eyeshadow Bare Minerals BonBon Eyeshadow 95% Loose
6/28/2010 20:24:03 MAC Club Eyeshadow Too Faced Label Whore Eyeshadow 95% Has glitter
6/28/2010 16:07:35 MAC Club Eyeshadow Urban Decay Lounge Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:07:11 MAC Coppering Eyeshadow Milani Flare Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 2:05:39 MAC Coppering Eyeshadow NYX Copper Eyeshadow 95% Brighter
6/29/2010 11:15:58 MAC Cork Eyeshadow CoverGirl Swiss Chocolate Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented, Warmer
6/28/2010 14:22:56 MAC Cork Eyeshadow NYX 05 Brown Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:43:55 MAC Cranberry Eyeshadow NYX Rust Eyeshadow 90% Warmer
6/29/2010 2:06:57 MAC Cranberry Eyeshadow NYX Rust Eyeshadow 95% Brighter
6/29/2010 11:21:25 MAC Cranberry Eyeshadow NYX Rust Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Darker, Redder
6/29/2010 11:06:16 MAC Crystal Eyeshadow L'Oreal Beauty Queen On the Loose Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/4/2010 22:26:51 MAC Crystal Avalanche Eyeshadow L'Oreal Paris Frosted Icing Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:16:44 MAC D'Bohemia Eyeshadow Wild and Crazy Crazy on You Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 3:39:51 MAC Deep Truth Eyeshadow Milani Blue Lagoon Palette Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:07:26 MAC Electric Eel Eyeshadow NYX Irises Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented, Lighter
6/28/2010 14:14:51 MAC Electric Eel Eyeshadow Milani Atlantis Eyeshadow 100% None
7/16/2010 21:47:41 Mac Embark Eyeshadow Jane Brownie Points Eyeshadow 90% None
6/28/2010 15:44:43 MAC Embark Eyeshadow Wet n' Wild Vanity Palette (Matte brown shade) Eyeshadow 95% Darker
7/15/2010 8:03:16 MAC Espresso Eyeshadow Bobbi Brown Chocolate Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 21:44:09 MAC Et Tu, Bouquet? Eyeshadow NYX Champagne & Caviar Palette (Pink shade) Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/28/2010 18:28:30 MAC Expensive Pink Eyeshadow Wet-n-Wild Penny Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 16:06:32 MAC Femme Fi Eyeshadow MAC Nylon Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 7:53:34 MAC Fiction Eyeshadow MAC Greensmoke Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:33:32 MAC Fig. 1 Eyeshadow NYX Eggplant Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/3/2010 8:34:33 MAC Firecracker Eyeshadow MAC Coppering Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/4/2010 8:09:14 MAC Fresh Water Eyeshadow Wet n Wild Lagoon (254B) Eyeshadow 100% None
7/4/2010 7:55:59 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow Essence Newcomer Eyeshadow 100% Duo eyeshadow
6/28/2010 14:21:15 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow Jane Hipbone Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 14:21:32 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow Jane Hipbone Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 15:30:30 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow Lancome Daylight Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:07:39 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow NYX White Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 19:38:43 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow Sugarpill Tako Eyeshadow 95% more pigmented/easier application
7/1/2010 9:26:47 Mac Gilt By Association Eyeshadow Victoria's Secret Gilded Fierce Eyeshadow 75% Different finish/texture, Looks same dry, might differ when foiled
6/28/2010 14:54:01 Mac Going Bananas Eyeshadow Nyx Yellw Pearl Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/29/2010 11:34:43 MAC Goldmine Eyeshadow NYX Ray Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:02:32 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Stila Kitten Eyeshadow 95% Less shimmery
7/15/2010 15:47:06 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Stila Kitten Eyeshadow 95% tiny bit pinker
7/16/2010 15:52:59 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Stila Kitten Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:33:36 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Urban Decay Sin Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 11:02:45 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Urban Decay Snatch Eyeshadow 90% Peacher
6/28/2010 10:06:20 MAC Guacamole Eyeshadow Milani Limbo Lime Eyeshadow 95% Less green
6/29/2010 11:21:07 MAC Hepcat Eyeshadow NYX Violet Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 8:55:48 MAC Hot Hot Hot Eyeshadow NYX Sunrise Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 11:16:34 MAC Humid Eyeshadow Milani Clover Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:12:41 MAC Humid Eyeshadow NYX Mermaid Green Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:36:54 MAC Humid Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Cool as a Cucumber Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 12:56:47 mac Hypnotizing Eyeshadow NYX Beanie Eyeshadow 95% A little less purple
6/29/2010 16:57:49 MAC Idol Eyes Eyeshadow Silk Naturals Idolize Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:07:53 MAC Illegal Cargo Eyeshadow MAC Shale Eyeshadow 95% More purple
6/28/2010 10:08:04 MAC Jest Eyeshadow Milani Peachy Pink Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 22:23:49 MAC Juxt Eyeshadow Urban Decay Acid Rain Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:35:41 MAC Knight Divine Eyeshadow NYX Charcoal Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/15/2010 7:48:23 MAC Magnetic Fields Eyeshadow Dior Iridescent Leather--darkest shade Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Warmer
7/11/2010 11:44:51 MAC Metamorph Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Perky Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:10:59 MAC Metamorph Eyeshadow Rimmel Hope Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:28:01 MAC Moth Brown Eyeshadow NYX Alaksa Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented, Warmer
6/28/2010 13:31:43 MAC Mulch Eyeshadow Milani Java Bean Eyeshadow 95% Lighter, Darker
7/15/2010 16:29:28 MAC Mulch Eyeshadow Nyx Iced Mocha Eyeshadow - Cream 95% Darker
6/28/2010 17:05:01 MAC Naked Lunch Eyeshadow Lorac Moonstone Eyeshadow 95% Darker, Pinker
6/29/2010 11:33:16 MAC Newly Minted Eyeshadow NYX Algae Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/30/2010 13:33:07 MAC Newly Minted Eyeshadow NYX Green Eyeshadow 85% Warmer
6/28/2010 11:59:48 MAC Nylon Eyeshadow MAC Manila paper Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
7/7/2010 15:39:52 MAC Nylon Eyeshadow NYX Honey Comb (Light shade in trio) Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:35:53 MAC Nylon Eyeshadow Maybelline Enchanted Forest Quad Eyeshadow 75% Different Finish, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:38:44 MAC Paradisco Eyeshadow NYX Tropical Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/29/2010 11:32:26 MAC Parfait Amour Eyeshadow NYX Purple Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:10:07 MAC Parrot Eyeshadow Cargo Aegean Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 10:50:44 MAC Parrot Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Showy Duo (light side) Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 10:11:26 MAC Parrot Eyeshadow Lancome Excursion Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:26:57 MAC Parrot Eyeshadow NYX Ocean Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 16:57:09 MAC Parrot Eyeshadow Silk Naturals Poly Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:46:32 MAC Passionate Eyeshadow NYX Cherry Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Shimmer
6/29/2010 19:49:55 Mac Phloof! Eyeshadow Mac Next To Nothing! Eyeshadow 95% A tiny bit pinker
6/28/2010 11:37:48 MAC Pink Pearl Eyeshadow Milani Shock Eyeshadow 95% Purpler
6/29/2010 11:28:32 MAC Poison Pen Eyeshadow NYX Space Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Shimmery
6/30/2010 4:27:57 mac Prepped for Glamour Eyeshadow MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 13:12:08 MAC Rated R Eyeshadow MAC Sweet & Punchy Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/16/2010 15:58:15 MAC Retrospeck Eyeshadow Stila Wheat Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/29/2010 20:11:45 MAC Rule Eyeshadow Illamasqua Thrust Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/28/2010 12:19:44 MAC Sable Eyeshadow Milani Java Bean Eyeshadow 90% Cooler
6/28/2010 12:11:15 MAC Sable Eyeshadow Urban Decay Toasted Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/1/2010 18:10:11 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow CoverGirl Tapestry Taupe Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:38:26 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow ELF Moondust Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 8:00:53 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Elianto Roasted Brown Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Baked
7/1/2010 14:05:54 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Jordana Over The Taupe Eyeshadow 100% None
7/4/2010 8:23:46 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow L'OREAL HIP Sassy (Duo, Left Side) Eyeshadow 95% Deeper
6/28/2010 19:03:07 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Mary Kay Granite Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 5:40:19 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Max Factor Burnt Bark Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/29/2010 6:13:05 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Maybelline EyeStudio Sunset Seduction Quad Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
7/1/2010 18:08:50 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow NYX Iced Mocha Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 9:17:32 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Sonia Kashuk Burnished Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 19:30:25 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Urban Decay YDK Eyeshadow 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 13:42:15 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Nutty Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:28:01 Mac Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Wet n Wild Nutty Eyeshadow 85% Lighter
6/28/2010 11:04:48 MAC Shimmermoss Eyeshadow CoverGirl Aqua Paradise Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 10:11:40 MAC Shore Leave Eyeshadow MAC Phloof! Eyeshadow 80% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:11:29 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow CoverGirl Champagne Eyeshadow 80% Lighter
6/29/2010 10:51:15 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow LORAC Serenity Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:11:52 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow NYX Frosted Flakes Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 17:13:42 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow NYX Sahara Eyeshadow 95% Actually, I personally think it's more pigmented than Shroom!
6/28/2010 19:27:54 MAC Smoke & Diamonds Eyeshadow Benefit Where There's Smoke Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
6/28/2010 11:00:06 MAC Smoke & Diamonds Eyeshadow NYX Dune Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:21:26 MAC Smoke & Diamonds Eyeshadow Stila Diamond Lil Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:23:05 MAC Soba Eyeshadow Sally Girl Golden Bronze Eyeshadow 95% Slightly frostier
6/29/2010 14:22:28 MAC Soft Washed Eyeshadow NYX Charcoal (Pearl Finish Shadow) Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 19:36:36 MAC Solar White Eyeshadow MAC Cool Incantation Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 12:23:53 MAC Solar White Eyeshadow MAC Vanilla Pigment Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Loose
6/28/2010 12:53:08 MAC Solar White Eyeshadow NARS Albatross Highlighter 100% None
6/30/2010 14:52:12 MAC Springtime Skipper Eyeshadow MAC Juxt Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Darker, Greener
6/28/2010 19:07:34 MAC Star By Night Eyeshadow MAC Deep Truth Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Darker
7/4/2010 8:14:02 MAC Star Violet Eyeshadow L'OREAL HIP Sculpted Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 4:49:02 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow L.A. Colors EP42 Wildflowers Eyeshadow 85% Darker, Warmer, more pigmented
6/28/2010 11:55:39 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Reckless Duo Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Darker
6/28/2010 17:03:11 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow Milani Shock Eyeshadow 90% Darker
6/30/2010 11:01:23 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow Milani Shock Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/28/2010 13:45:32 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow NYX Luxor Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
7/9/2010 12:05:27 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow tokidoki Ciao Ciao Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/28/2010 12:27:14 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow Urban Decay Fishnet Eyeshadow 95% Warmer
7/4/2010 7:48:58 MAC Steamy Eyeshadow GOSH Effect Powder - Azure Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
7/10/2010 21:42:30 MAC Strike A Pose Eyeshadow MAC Birds & Berries Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented, B&B is slightly greener
6/28/2010 18:33:29 MAC Style Snob Eyeshadow MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 20:36:36 MAC Sultress Eyeshadow Revlon Matte Tempting Teal Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 17:20:16 MAC Sunset B Eyeshadow NYX Dolly Pink Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 11:40:01 MAC Sunset B. Eyeshadow NYX Dolly Pink Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/2/2010 15:54:00 MAC Sweet & Punchy Eyeshadow CoverGirl Lime Alive Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 7:35:41 MAC Sweet Chestnut Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Passion Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, More pigmented, smoother, has smattering of silver glitter
6/29/2010 11:26:45 MAC Swish Eyeshadow NYX Spring Flower Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:37:24 MAC Talent Pool Eyeshadow Stila Mystic Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:56:14 MAC Tempting Eyeshadow Stila Go Lightly Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/14/2010 16:57:28 MAC Tilt Eyeshadow Ulta Bayou Eyeshadow 90% Tilt has more of a gold sheen.
6/28/2010 11:07:22 MAC Time & Space Eyeshadow MAC Woodwinked Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/29/2010 11:32:42 MAC Top Hat Eyeshadow NYX Deep Purple Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:22:38 MAC Trax Eyeshadow Lancome Metallic Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
6/29/2010 11:22:51 MAC Trax Eyeshadow Maybelline Sparkling Wine Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
7/16/2010 20:44:24 MAC Trax Eyeshadow theBalm Curvy Cami Eyeshadow 90% Cooler
7/4/2010 7:54:35 MAC Vanilla Eyeshadow Catrice Nude Cream Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Slightly cooler
6/30/2010 12:22:08 MAC Vanilla Eyeshadow Coastal Scents Hot Pot M09 Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 4:30:01 MAC Vanilla Eyeshadow Ellen Betrix/Maxfactor 101 Pale Pebble Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:27:05 MAC Vanilla Eyeshadow Revlon Vintage Lace Eyeshadow 95% More Pigmented
6/29/2010 11:27:16 MAC Vellum Eyeshadow NYX Opal Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 13:03:00 MAC Wedge Eyeshadow Jane Rock Star Eyeshadow 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 17:06:39 MAC Wishful Eyeshadow MAC Grain Eyeshadow 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 10:33:46 MAC Woodwinked Eyeshadow Milani Golden Bronze Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:34:58 MAC Yogurt Eyeshadow NYX Dallas Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:47:59 MAC Young Punk Eyeshadow STILA Little Black Dress Eyeliner - Gel 95% Different finish
6/30/2010 10:03:17 MAC Bare Canvas Paint Eyeshadow - Base L'oreal Secretive H.I.P Paint Eyeshadow - Base 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:45:22 MAC Painterly Paint Pot Eyeshadow - Base Benefit Recess Eyeshadow - Base 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:34:15 MAC Mangomix (Shadestick) Eyeshadow - Cream E.L.F. Brown/Basic Eyeshadow - Cream 95% Darker
7/12/2010 21:50:10 MAC Blue Eyeshadow - Loose Fyrinnae 1.22 Gigawatts Eyeshadow - Loose 95% Different finish/texture
7/1/2010 11:26:06 MAC Blue Brown Eyeshadow - Loose L'Oreal HIP Intrepid Eyeshadow - Loose 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:16:23 MAC Cornflower (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose Physicians Formula Eye Tech Eyeshadow - Loose 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:17:08 MAC Dazzleray (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose NYX Champagne Eyeshadow - Loose 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 15:31:34 MAC Emerald Green Eyeshadow - Loose Neve Makeup Costa smeralda Eyeshadow - Loose 95% Darker
6/28/2010 17:35:29 MAC Gold (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose MAC Golden Lemon Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 16:31:45 Mac Gold mode pigment Eyeshadow - Loose NYX Pearl mink Eyeshadow - Loose 80% Different finish/texture
7/5/2010 20:30:58 MAC If It Sparkles... Eyeshadow - Loose MAC Pink Opal Eyeshadow - Loose 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 17:17:18 MAC Landscape Green Eyeshadow - Loose NYX Lake Algae Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/28/2010 22:32:54 MAC Melon (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose Urban Decay X (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 15:29:59 MAC Reflects Rust Eyeshadow - Loose Cinecittà Make-up Ombretto Cotto #38 Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 6:21:39 MAC Vanilla (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose NYX White pearl Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 10:15:55 MAC Vanilla Pigment Eyeshadow - Loose TKB Trading Hilite Copper Eyeshadow - Loose 100% None
6/28/2010 11:31:14 MAC Studio Fix Fluid SPF 15 Foundation - Liquid Revlon Colorstay Foundation Foundation - Liquid 90% Less staying power
7/9/2010 20:09:34 MAC By Candlelight Highlighter Victoria Secret Golden Sands Highlighter - Cream 90% Lighter, Cooler
6/28/2010 15:18:50 MAC Marine Life Highlighter Flirt! Pink Tutu Blush 90% More pigmented, More golden shimmer
6/29/2010 16:56:30 MAC Pettiecoat Highlighter Silk Naturals Crinoline Highlighter 90% Warmer, it looks identical to my eye or maybe a touch warmer
7/2/2010 3:37:37 MAC Pink Rebel Highlighter Lioele Pink Blooming Shimmer Pearl Base Highlighter 95% Thinner formula
6/28/2010 10:50:37 Mac Pleasureflush (Mineralize Skinfinish) Highlighter Laura Geller Boysenberry/Amaretti (Blush-n-Brighten) Highlighter 95% Different finish/texture
7/5/2010 20:29:44 MAC Shell Pearl Highlighter MAC By Candlelight Highlighter 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/28/2010 20:59:02 MAC Soft & Gentle (Mineralize Skinfinish) Highlighter Revlon Brighten Mineral Finishing Powder Highlighter 100% None
6/28/2010 11:18:01 Mac Pink Rebel Highlighter - Cream Revlon Skin Lights Instant Skin Brightener Pink Light 02 Highlighter - Cream 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:34:11 MAC Magenta Lip Liner NYX Purple Rain Lip Liner 95% Cooler
7/3/2010 22:26:55 MAC Spice Lip Liner Wet n Wild #666 Lip Liner 85% None
6/30/2010 11:14:55 Mac Stone Lip Liner NYX 825 1000 years Lip Liner 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 13:38:27 MAC Angel Wing Lipgloss MAC Decorative Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 1:09:05 MAC Bare Necessity Lipgloss Milani 3d Glitzy 43 Designer Label Lipgloss 100% Different finish/texture, scent
6/28/2010 16:12:31 MAC Boy Bait Lipgloss N.Y.C. Tinted Lip Conditioner in Sugar Coated Lip Balm 80% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:16:58 MAC Boy Bait Lipgloss NYC Tinted Lip Balm in Sugar Coated Lip Balm 95% Different finish/texture, strawberry scent
6/28/2010 11:47:47 MAC Boy Bait (Cremesheen Gloss) Lipgloss NYC Sugar Coated (Lip Slider) Lipgloss 95% Different finish
6/28/2010 14:08:05 Mac Chai Lipgloss Bonne Bell Lip Lites Cappachino Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
7/6/2010 12:35:54 MAC English Accents Lipgloss MAC Snob Lipstick 80% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented, Less pink
6/29/2010 14:10:33 MAC Flurry of Fun Lipgloss MAC You Got the Look Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture, Brighter
6/28/2010 13:36:11 MAC Gitane Lipgloss MAC Ornamental Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:49:28 MAC Internationalist (Dazzleglass) Lipgloss Milani Startshine - 3D Gloss Lipgloss 95% Lighter
7/13/2010 15:01:30 MAC Love Alert Lipgloss Covergirl 805 Shine Blast Lipgloss 90% Darker, Less pigmented, Less Glitter
6/29/2010 1:06:23 MAC Love Alert Lipgloss Milani 3D Glitzy 44 In Vogue Lipgloss 100% Different finish/texture, scent
6/28/2010 14:45:11 Mac Love Alert (Dazzleglass) Lipgloss Milani Fashion Diva - 3D Glitzy Glamour Gloss Lipgloss 90% Purpler
6/28/2010 13:06:52 Mac Love Nectar Lipgloss E.L.F. Goddess Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:29:02 MAC Love Nectar Lipgloss Milani Summer Baby Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:32:38 MAC Lust Lipgloss Milani Taboo Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:39:29 MAC Lust Lipgloss NYX Natural Lipgloss 85% More pigmented, less sticky
6/28/2010 13:37:33 MAC Magnitique Lipgloss MAC Pink Poodle Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:38:19 MAC Mimmy (LE) Lipgloss Max Factor 09 Sophisticated - Vibrant Curve Effect Lipgloss 95% Darker
6/28/2010 11:14:26 MAC Moistly (Lipgelee) Lipgloss New York Color Sugar Rush (Lip Sliders) Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:06:52 MAC Nymphette Lipgloss Milani Summer Baby Lipgloss 95% Darker
6/28/2010 18:29:36 MAC Nymphette Lipgloss NYC Sungold Pink Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 8:43:48 MAC Nymphette Lipgloss E.L.F. Oasis Lipgloss 95% Lighter
7/9/2010 7:58:10 MAC Oyster Girl Lipgloss Bare Escentuals Buxom Princess Lipgloss 90% Less pigmented
7/1/2010 8:51:25 MAC Perennial High Style Lipgloss Yves Rocher Couleurs Nature 06 Fraise Lipgloss 75% Darker
7/1/2010 9:26:23 MAC Revealing Lipgloss NYX Tanned Lipgloss 95% Darker
7/13/2010 15:00:12 MAC Roman Holiday Lipgloss Covergirl Blaze Shine Blast Lipgloss 85% Brighter, Less pigmented, Less Glitter
6/30/2010 20:12:51 MAC True Babe Lipgloss NYX Goddess of the Night in Dolly Pink Lipgloss 100% Looks the same on lips
6/29/2010 20:27:34 MAC Underage Lipgloss L'oreal Colorjuice in Bubble Gum Lipgloss 100% None
7/2/2010 14:21:47 MAC 3N Lipstick MAC Hue Lipstick 85% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:02:10 MAC Ahoy There! Lipstick MAC Angel Lipstick 90% Pinker
7/5/2010 20:30:21 MAC All Styled Up Lipstick MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Darker, Little pinker
6/30/2010 7:16:08 MAC All's Fair Lipstick Lancome The New Pink Lipstick 95% Warmer, Less glossy, less shimmer
6/28/2010 10:36:54 MAC Angel Lipstick NYX Sky Pink Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 14:12:04 MAC Angel Lipstick Revlon Pink Pout Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Darker
6/28/2010 11:10:28 MAC Bare (Slimshine) Lipstick Maybelline Nude Blush Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 10:01:17 MAC Bing Lipstick MAC Cyber Lipstick 90% Darker
6/28/2010 10:41:59 MAC Blooming Lovely Lipstick NYX Power Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:46:13 MAC Bubbles Lipstick Wet 'n' Wild #516A Lipstick 80% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:45:44 MAC Charred Red (PRO) Lipstick MAC Diva Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 11:44:18 MAC Creme d' Nude Lipstick Revlon Soft Nude Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/1/2010 10:19:22 MAC Creme d'Nude Lipstick NYX Circe Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 10:39:15 MAC Creme d'Nude Lipstick Revlon Soft Nude Lipstick 95% Pink tone
6/28/2010 14:37:32 MAC Creme in Your Coffee Lipstick Maybelline Color Sensational in Blushing Brunette Lipstick 100% None
7/15/2010 7:39:51 MAC Creme in Your Coffee Lipstick Revlon Rose Velvet Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 1:33:14 MAC Cyber Lipstick Revlon Va Va Violet Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:16:58 MAC Dream Lipstick Pink Sand Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 16:16:45 MAC Dressmaker, Dressmaker Lipstick NYX Pumpkin Pie Lipstick 90% Lighter
7/1/2010 9:40:31 MAC Dressmaker, Dressmaker Lipstick Rimmel Crush Lipstick 100% Lighter
6/28/2010 13:50:24 MAC Ever Hip Lipstick NYX Indian Pink Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:14:33 MAC Fafi Lustering Lipstick Rimmel Mulberry Silk Lipstick 95% Darker
6/28/2010 10:41:23 MAC Fanfare Lipstick NYX Tea Rose Lipstick 100% None
6/29/2010 13:59:17 MAC Fashion Mews Lipstick Barry M Palest Lavender Lipstick 90% Darker
7/9/2010 8:00:38 MAC Flaterring Lipstick MAC Velvet Teddy Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 10:38:31 MAC Fleshpot Lipstick E.L.F. Natural Nymph Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:27:46 MAC Fleshpot Lipstick NYX Echo Lipstick 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 23:20:10 MAC Funbathing Lipstick Milani South Beach Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 19:09:23 MAC Girl About Town Lipstick Milani Rose Hip Lipstick 90% Different scent, Brighter
7/1/2010 1:32:33 mac girl about town Lipstick revlon colorburst lipstick in fuschia Lipstick 95% Cooler
7/1/2010 10:50:15 MAC Hue Lipstick Boots 17 Mirror Shine On Beehive Lipstick 95% Glossier
7/1/2010 10:17:59 MAC Lavander Whip Lipstick NYX Power Lipstick 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:58:45 MAC Lavendar Whip Lipstick Fyrinnae Fanservice Other 85% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:16:30 MAC Lollipop Lovin' Lipstick Rimmel Coral Shimmer-Moisture Renew Lipstick 90% Less pigmented, No green iridescence
7/10/2010 10:00:45 MAC MAC Red Lipstick NYX Chaos Lipstick 95% Brighter
6/28/2010 10:54:20 MAC Masque Lipstick Boots Nude Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:47:15 MAC Melrose Mood Lipstick MAC Saint Germain Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 20:42:29 MAC Midimauve Lipstick Maybelline Totally Toffee Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/6/2010 12:37:36 MAC Most Popular Lipstick MAC Plumful Lipstick 95% Cooler, Less red
6/28/2010 11:44:59 MAC Myth Lipstick E.L.F. Natural Nymph Lipstick 90% Different finish, Lighter
6/28/2010 15:59:28 MAC Myth Lipstick GOSH Darling Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 21:27:20 MAC Myth Lipstick NYX Circe Lipstick 95% Less pink
6/28/2010 13:10:12 MAC Myth Lipstick NYX Orange Soda Lipstick 80% Darker
6/29/2010 11:04:43 MAC Myth Lipstick Revlon Nude Attitude Lipstick 90% Darker, Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:38:29 MAC Peachstock Lipstick NYX Orange Soda Lipstick 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 10:41:03 MAC Petals & Peacocks Lipstick NYX Fusion Lipstick 85% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/30/2010 6:08:05 MAC Petals & Peacocks Lipstick NYX Louisiana Lipstick 95% Lighter
7/14/2010 3:20:23 MAC Plumful Lipstick Maybelline Yummy Plummy Lipstick 100% None
7/7/2010 14:25:11 MAC Port Red Lipstick Wet 'n' Wild Geisha's Kiss Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 10:43:00 MAC Russian Red Lipstick Revlon Really Red Matte Lipstick 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 12:14:21 Mac Show Orchid Lipstick Revlon Fuchsia Fusion Lipstick 90% More purple
6/28/2010 11:07:22 MAC Show Orchid Lipstick Revlon Wild Orchid Lipstick 75% Darker, More purple
6/28/2010 10:52:23 MAC Shy Girl Lipstick Revlon Just Enough Buff Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:17:05 MAC Snob Lipstick NYX Power Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 20:15:27 MAC Snob Lipstick Revlon (Matte) Pink Pout Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 16:53:19 MAC Snob Lipstick Wet 'n' Wild Think Pink Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:50:25 MAC Thrills Lipstick Estee Lauder Tiger Eye Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:06:59 MAC Twig Lipstick NYX Twig Lipstick 100% None
6/29/2010 17:07:50 MAC Underworld Lipstick Illamasqua Growl Lipstick 95% Darker
7/4/2010 8:33:30 MAC Up The Amp Lipstick Revlon Berry Haute Lipstick 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 19:54:47 MAC Up the Amp Lipstick Revlon Berry Haute Lipstick 95% Less creamy
6/28/2010 11:23:15 MAC Velvet Teddy Lipstick Revlon 125 Nude Velvet Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/12/2010 18:07:05 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick NYX Narcissus Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 23:48:02 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick NYX Strawberry Milk Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture, Brighter
6/28/2010 10:56:59 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Revlon Pink Pout Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:01:51 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Rimmel Pink Blush Lipstick 90% Lighter, Warmer
7/1/2010 5:24:23 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Smashbox Photo Finish Lipstick in Pout Lipstick 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 13:51:29 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Wet 'n' Wild 901B Think Pink Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Cooler
7/8/2010 13:36:14 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick YSL No. 7 Rouge Volupte Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:05:57 MAC Viva Glam V Lipstick NYC Cafe Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 17:10:06 MAC Viva Glam V Lipstick NYC Mauve Gold Lipstick 95% Warmer
6/29/2010 10:19:31 MAC Viva Glam V Lipstick Revlon Colorburst in Blush Lipstick 95% Slightly more peachy sheen
7/14/2010 20:01:10 MAC Viva Glam VI SE Lipstick Revlon Mauve (Colorburst) Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture, Brighter
6/28/2010 11:51:24 MAC Cool Reserve Nail Polish Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish 100% None
7/5/2010 20:27:41 MAC Military Nail Polish Nubar Midnight Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/5/2010 20:26:24 MAC Military Nail Polish OPI Suzy Skis in the Pyrenees Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/5/2010 20:26:00 MAC Military Nail Polish Orly Iron Butterfly Nail Polish 100% None
7/5/2010 20:26:37 MAC Military Nail Polish Zoya Dovima Nail Polish 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 3:44:41 MAC Scorcher Nail Polish L'Oreal Shine & Resist Titanium in 430 Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 14:24:16 mac Scorching Nail Polish E.L.F. fire coral Nail Polish 100% None
6/30/2010 13:07:08 MAC Scorching Nail Polish ELF fire coral Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 14:30:21 MAC Steamy Nail Polish FingerPaints Watermelon Watercolor Nail Polish 95% Shinier
7/10/2010 22:01:10 MAC Clear Red Gloss Other MAC Dewy Jube Lipgloss 95% Very close to 100% match, DJ is slightly thinner
6/28/2010 20:13:04 MAC MSF Natural Other Maybelline Dream Matte Powder Other 90% lighter/silkier feel
6/30/2010 22:44:34 MAC Fix+ Skincare H20+ Oasis Mist Skincare 95% Thicker consistency
6/28/2010 11:41:34 MAC Fix+ Skincare MARK. Mist Opportunity Skincare 100% None
6/29/2010 16:58:13 MAC Fix+ Rose Skincare Mario Badescu Facial Spray With Aloe, Herbs And Rosewater Skincare 95% Different spray nozzle
6/28/2010 12:29:17 MAC Fix+ Rose Skincare The Body Shop Vitamin E Face Mist Skincare 100% None
6/29/2010 20:33:14 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow Lancome Pose Eyeshadow 95% Darker
7/1/2010 22:17:50 MAC Beautymark Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Sculpted Eyeshadow 100% same texture / same finish
6/28/2010 14:52:04 Mac Electric Eel Eyeshadow Milani Atlantis Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:49:57 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Stila Kitten Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 21:24:24 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Sassy Eyeshadow 90% Warmer
7/6/2010 20:48:28 Mac Satin taupe Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Nutty Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/30/2010 10:35:02 MAC Mustard Eyeshadow - Loose MAC Goldenrod Eyeshadow 95% Brighter
7/10/2010 21:55:44 MAC Steel Blue Eyeshadow - Loose Pure Luxe Galaxy Eyeshadow - Loose 95% Less pigmented, More of a glitter sparkle, has a drier texture
6/28/2010 11:47:50 MAC Boy Bait Lipgloss NYC Lip Sliders Tinted Lip Balm in Sugar Coated Lip Balm 90% Lip Balm
6/28/2010 10:42:23 MAC Funtabulous Lipgloss Milani 3D Glitzy Fashion Diva Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:53:04 MAC Rags to Riches Lipgloss Milani 3D Glitzy Star Shine Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 18:03:57 mac Ahoy There Lipstick Benefit Jing-a-ling Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 12:05:48 MAC Lazy Day Lipstick NYX LSS Sky Pink Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 22:07:40 MAC Melrose Mood Lipstick MAC Saint Germain Lipstick 100% None
6/29/2010 17:19:09 MAC Cool Reserve Nail Polish Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish 80% Darker, More gray, less purple
6/28/2010 15:57:21 MAC Peppermint Patti Nail Polish Barry M Mint Green Nail Polish 95% Easier application, thinner
7/15/2010 7:23:52 Majolica Majorca SV 821 Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Taupe Eyeshadow 95% Little less shimmery
6/30/2010 20:08:26 Make Up For Ever #10 Blush MAC Hipness Blush 90% Brighter
6/29/2010 19:26:34 Make Up For Ever 1L Eyeliner Prestige Strong Slate (06) Eyeliner 100% None
6/28/2010 14:29:28 Make Up For Ever #18 Eyeshadow Sugarpill Flamepoint Eyeshadow 100% Brighter
7/10/2010 22:10:56 Make Up For Ever #906 Star Powder Eyeshadow - Loose Pure Luxe Shameless Eyeshadow 95% These are VERY close; Shameless has a better texture
6/28/2010 15:00:52 Make Up For Ever HD Loose Powder Foundation - Loose E.L.F High Definition Powder Other 100% None
6/28/2010 14:58:11 MARS Cranberry Eyeshadow Urban Decay Gash Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/6/2010 19:16:22 Mary Kay Velocity Exfoliating Cleanser Skincare St. Ives Green Tea Exfoliater Skincare 90% Different finish/texture, different size beads
7/1/2010 6:52:07 Max Factor False Lash Effect Mascara Essence No Limited Mascara 90% Different finish/texture, Darker
6/28/2010 17:06:52 Misa High Waist Hue Nail Polish OPI Tickele M Franc-y Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 14:28:03 NARS Albatross Blush E.L.F. Gotta Glow Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:42:58 NARS Amour Blush MAC Fleur Power Blush 90% Lighter
6/29/2010 13:53:42 NARS Deep Throat Blush E.L.F. Tickled Pink Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/29/2010 11:20:21 NARS Deep Throat Blush Rimmel Apricot Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
7/16/2010 2:58:19 NARS Deep Throat Blush Smashbox Paradise Blush 85% Lighter
6/29/2010 13:51:46 NARS Desire Blush E.L.F. Pink Passion Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 1:40:01 NARS Desire Blush NYX Pinky Blush 95% Pinky is more pigmented so you will want to use a lighter hand
6/29/2010 13:52:30 NARS Gina Blush E.L.F. Peachy Keen Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/28/2010 14:58:44 NARS Laguna/Orgasm Duo Blush E.L.F Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder Other 95% Lighter, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:53:05 NARS Ninotchka Blush Make Up For Ever #70 Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:44:56 NARS Orgasm Blush Cargo The Big Easy Blush 95% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 7:31:58 NARS Orgasm Blush Clinique Precious Posy Blush 95% More pigmented, finer and less shimmer
7/16/2010 17:08:47 NARS Orgasm Blush E.L.F. Candid Coral Blush 95% Less gold shimmer
7/1/2010 8:27:49 NARS Orgasm Blush ELF Blushed Blush 90% more pigmented
7/11/2010 16:04:16 NARS Orgasm Blush Flirt! Heartthrob Blush 100% None
7/2/2010 20:29:49 NARS Orgasm Blush MAC Dainty Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:13:10 NARS Orgasm Blush MAC Springsheen Blush 95% Different finish/texture, More pigmented
7/1/2010 8:28:14 NARS Orgasm Blush MAC Springsheen Blush 95% Less pigmented
7/14/2010 13:30:18 NARS Orgasm Blush MAC Paradisco Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 16:18:35 NARS Orgasm Blush Mark. After Glo Blush 100% None
6/28/2010 19:15:26 NARS Orgasm Blush Milani Luminous Blush 85% Lighter, Less pigmented, Less staying power, Cooler
7/1/2010 20:38:02 NARS Orgasm Blush Milani Luminous Blush 90% Lighter, not as shimmery
7/6/2010 9:43:27 NARS Orgasm Blush Milani Luminous Blush 95% None
6/29/2010 18:16:46 NARS Orgasm Blush NYX Pinched Blush 95% Less Sparkle
7/3/2010 5:49:23 Nars Orgasm Blush NYX Pinched Blush 95% More pigmented; looks different in pan but same on skin
7/13/2010 7:06:47 NARS Orgasm Blush Ramy Bitch Slap! Blush 95% Less shimmery
7/14/2010 21:34:59 NARS Orgasm Blush Rock & Republic Call Me Blush 95% Brighter, More Pigmented
6/28/2010 11:50:13 NARS Orgasm Blush Smashbox Chiffon Blush 95% Less shimmery
6/30/2010 22:29:01 NARS Orgasm Blush The Body Shop Golden Pink Blush Blush 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 17:42:33 NARS Orgasm Blush Tracta Felice Blush 85% Darker, Warmer
6/28/2010 14:18:41 NARS Orgasm Blush theBalm Hot Mama Blush 90% Smoother
7/4/2010 19:51:02 Nars Sertao Blush MAC Trace Gold Blush 80% Brighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 14:01:54 NARS Sin Blush E.L.F. Berry Merry Blush 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 10:42:19 NARS Sin Blush Milani Temptation Blush 90% Less pigmented, less staying power
6/28/2010 18:28:49 NARS Irresistiblement Bronzer L'Oreal Bare Honey Blush 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 16:48:23 NARS Laguna Bronzer Physicians Formula Medium/Dark Bronze Booster Glow-Boosting Bronzer 75% Lighter, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:50:11 NARS Laguna Bronzer Tarte Park Ave Princess Bronzer 80% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 18:48:58 NARS Cap Vert Bronzer - Cream/Gel NARS Irresistiblement Bronzer 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:19:40 NARS Ashes to Ashes Eyeshadow Maybelline Silken Taupe Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 15:03:47 NARS Galapagos Eyeshadow NYX Golden Amber Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 15:55:10 NARS Kalahari Eyeshadow Quo Sahara Sand Duo Eyeshadow 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 16:23:15 NARS Night Clubbing Eyeshadow NYX Smoky Mountain Eyeshadow 95% Less chunky shimmer
6/29/2010 19:17:08 NARS Night Fairy Eyeshadow Prestige Uva Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 19:40:03 NARS Strada Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Kitten Eyeshadow 75% Less pigmented, Warmer
6/29/2010 11:19:57 NARS Tibet Eyeshadow Ben Nye Pearl Shine Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:26:49 Nars Albatross Highlighter E.L.F Gotta Glow Blush 95% Brighter, More shimmer
6/28/2010 12:05:31 NARS Copacabana Highlighter - Cream E.L.F. Spotlight (Shimmering Facial Whip) Highlighter - Cream 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:17:10 NARS Chelsea Girls Lipgloss theBalm Coco My Coconuts Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
7/5/2010 17:49:18 Nars Orgasm Lipgloss NYC 554 Sungold Pink Lipgloss 85% Different finish/texture, Warmer
6/28/2010 12:24:04 NARS Orgasm Lipgloss NYC Sungold Pink Lipgloss 95% Golder
6/28/2010 11:03:35 NARS Orgasm Lipgloss Sephora Rose Gold 38 Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:43:37 NARS Orgasm Lipgloss Too Faced Plush Lipgloss 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 19:58:32 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss BonneBell Strawberry Parfait Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:24:53 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss MAC Underage Lipgloss 95% Less pink
7/1/2010 17:30:57 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss Neutrogena In the Groove Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture, Darker
6/28/2010 11:32:18 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss Revlon Peach Petals Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 18:39:10 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss Smashbox Pout Lipgloss 95% Brighter
6/28/2010 10:41:21 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss Victoria's Secret Innocent Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:32:44 NARS Canaille Lipstick Clinique Plum Nude Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
7/14/2010 9:54:16 NARS Dolce Vita Lipstick Revlon Soft Rose Lipstick 80% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:45:33 NARS Niagara Lipstick NYX Brick (Black Label) Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 6:40:48 NARS Schiap Lipstick NYX Louisiana Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 11:12:03 NARS Purple Rain Nail Polish Essie Sexy Divide Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:29:10 NARS Orgasm Blush NYX Pinched Blush 95% Cooler, Pinker
6/28/2010 15:33:47 Nina Ultra Pro Opal Elegance Nail Polish Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Disco Ball Nail Polish 100% None
7/9/2010 13:54:11 NYX Mink Pearl Eyeshadow - Loose MAC Jardin Aires Eyeshadow - Loose 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:48:53 OPI Can You Tapas This? Nail Polish Misa Can't Nobody Take Me Down Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 15:04:47 OPI Charged Up Cherry Nail Polish Zoya Renee Nail Polish 95% Brighter
6/29/2010 15:43:49 OPI Conga-Line Coral Nail Polish China Glaze Coral Star Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/28/2010 15:29:02 OPI Dating a Royal Nail Polish Essie Mesmerize Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 15:45:05 OPI Lunch at the Delhi Nail Polish China Glaze Atelier Tulle Nail Polish 95% Warmer
6/29/2010 22:32:45 OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish Rimmel Steel Grey Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 10:00:29 OPI Pike's Peek-A-Boo Purple Nail Polish Orly Midnight Star Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 11:19:39 OPI Rumple's Wiggin Nail Polish Essie Lilacism Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:32:53 OPI Russian Navy Nail Polish Revlon Midnight Affair Nail Polish 95% Has different sparkles
6/29/2010 15:47:30 OPI Teal the Cows Come Home Nail Polish Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine Flash Nail Polish 95% More pigmented
6/28/2010 18:54:48 OPI The "It" Color Nail Polish American Apparel Manila Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 14:44:35 OPI The "It" Color Nail Polish Essence Sundancer Nail Polish 90% Warmer
6/28/2010 21:31:13 OPI Tutti Fruity Tonga Nail Polish China Glaze Exceptionally Gifted Nail Polish 85% Darker
6/28/2010 15:43:47 OPI Vodka & Caviar Nail Polish China Glaze Masai Red Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 11:01:13 OPI Who the Shrek are You? Nail Polish Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Grass Slipper Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 0:12:19 OPI Who the Shrek are You? Nail Polish Sally Hansens X-treme Wear Green with Envy Nail Polish 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 13:17:51 OPI You Don't Know Jacques Nail Polish ULTA Professional Soho Pretty Nail Polish 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 15:51:49 Orly Gorgeous Nail Polish Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Instant Iris Nail Polish 100% More pigmented
6/28/2010 15:25:02 Orly Prince Charming Nail Polish Essie Mink Muffs Nail Polish 100% None
6/30/2010 15:13:59 Piggy Polish Daylilly's & Music Nail Polish Revlon Minted Nail Polish 95% Slightly bluer
6/30/2010 15:15:41 Piggy Polish Tic Tac TOES! Nail Polish Jordana Ocean Frost Nail Polish 95% More watery
6/28/2010 15:14:45 Rescue Beauty Lounge Stormy Nail Polish Barry M Grey Nail Polish 100% None
7/7/2010 18:23:29 Revlon Rose Velvet Lipstick MAC Creme In Your Coffee Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 19:21:12 Revlon Street Wear Strawberry Suede Lipstick MAC So Chaud Lipstick 80% Less orange
6/28/2010 19:06:10 Revlon Street Wear Taxi Nail Polish China Glaze Solar Power Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 9:58:12 Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure Nail Polish Nubar Nubar 2010 Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 15:45:23 Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine Glow Nail Polish Wet 'n' Wild Jade Nail Polish 100% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:42:44 Sally Hanson Commander in Chic Nail Polish Rimmel Steel Grey Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 17:39:12 Sephora Bronzed Beauty Lipgloss Clinique Blackberry Bloom Lipgloss 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 4:22:20 Sephora by OPI BYOBoy Nail Polish Covergirl Boundless Color 515 Megawatt Mauve Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
7/1/2010 18:26:38 Sephora By OPI Mermaid to Order Nail Polish Rimmel London 819 Green With Envy Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 15:27:18 Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish China Glaze Channelesque Nail Polish 95% A little bit more purple
6/29/2010 15:01:33 Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish Confetti Moonstruck Nail Polish 95% Moonstruck is a thinner polish but the end result is identical.
6/29/2010 16:55:20 Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish Rimmel Steel Grey Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 16:01:13 Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish Rimmel Steel Grey (Lasting Pro Finish) Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/7/2010 20:22:28 Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish Sally Hansen Commander in Chic Nail Polish 100% Less streaky
6/28/2010 15:58:50 Sephora by OPI Too Good For Him Nail Polish Nicole by OPI Gone Wishin' Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 12:29:05 Smashbox Brow Tech Brow - Shadow NYC NYC Browser Brows - Shadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:37:41 Smashbox ASAP Eyeshadow Boots N7 Truffle Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 16:25:00 Smashbox Photo Finish Primer Other Quo Total Perfection Face Primer Other 95% None
6/28/2010 22:17:38 Stila Smudgepot Eyeliner - Gel L'Oreal HIP Color Truth Cream Eyeliner Eyeliner - Cream 95% Darker
6/29/2010 19:17:31 Stila Grace Eyeshadow Ulta Plum Smoke Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 22:50:40 Stila Kitten Eyeshadow JK Jemma Kidd Vintage Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/29/2010 10:48:30 Stila Kitten Eyeshadow MAC Naked Lunch Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:02:39 Stila Kitten Lipgloss Sephora Sweet Nectar Lipgloss 95% None
6/28/2010 12:11:12 Tarina Tarantino Electric Butterfly Eyeshadow NARS Mediterranee Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Less holographic
7/1/2010 11:10:20 Too Faced Papa Don't Preach Blush Maybelline 11 Apricot Blush 75% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:59:11 Urban Decay 1999 Eyeliner Ulta Raisin (Automatic) Eyeliner 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:09:55 Urban Decay 24/7 Eye Pencil Eyeliner CoverGirl Liquline Blast Eyeliner 95% Less lasting power
6/29/2010 13:46:30 Urban Decay 24/7 Eye Pencil Eyeliner Milani Liquifeye Eyeliner 100% None
6/28/2010 19:29:59 Urban Decay Covet Eyeliner Sephora 04 Flashy Green Eyeliner 95% Darker
6/29/2010 17:21:30 Urban Decay El Dorado Eyeliner L'Oreal Gold Charge Eyeliner 95% Darker
6/29/2010 17:23:33 Urban Decay Electric Eyeliner Bourjois Bleu clinquant Eyeliner 100% None
6/28/2010 19:31:28 Urban Decay Ransom Eyeliner Sephora 13 Flashy Ultra Violet Eyeliner 100% None
6/29/2010 17:19:35 Urban Decay Stash Eyeliner Clinique Egyptian Eyeliner 95% Darker
6/28/2010 11:48:32 Urban Decay Zero Eyeliner L'Oreal HIP Black Eyeliner 100% None
6/28/2010 11:32:33 Urban Decay Zero Eyeliner Milani Black (Liquif'Eye) Eyeliner 95% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 7:20:58 Urban Decay Acid Rain Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Lime Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 14:17:30 Urban Decay Blaze Eyeshadow MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow 95% Warmer
6/29/2010 1:21:00 Urban Decay Fishnet Eyeshadow Ben Nye Cosmic Violet Eyeshadow 95% Brighter
6/28/2010 16:51:39 Urban Decay Free Love Eyeshadow Coastal Scents 88 Warm Pal. -7th column 4th one down Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:06:58 Urban Decay Gash Eyeshadow MAC Cranberry Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Warmer
7/15/2010 7:20:33 Urban Decay Graffiti Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Green Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 13:40:33 Urban Decay Green Goddess Eyeshadow MAC Surreal Eyeshadow 95% more green
6/29/2010 17:17:52 Urban Decay Honey Eyeshadow MAC Goldmine Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 20:02:25 Urban Decay Mildew Eyeshadow MAC Humid Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/12/2010 2:38:23 Urban Decay Mildew Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Envy Eyeshadow 95% Brighter
7/15/2010 7:19:07 Urban Decay Shag Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Natural Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 11:34:37 Urban Decay Shag Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Penny 225B Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:20:51 Urban Decay Sin Eyeshadow Jane Sungloss Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented, Eyeshadow
6/28/2010 19:54:19 Urban Decay Snatch Eyeshadow Benefit RSVP Eyeshadow - Cream 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:14:41 Urban Decay Snatch Eyeshadow MAC Gleam Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/14/2010 16:58:16 Urban Decay Uzi Eyeshadow Ulta Ice Queen Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 19:57:30 Urban Decay X Eyeshadow MAC Gleam Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:44:13 Urban Decay Primer Potion Eyeshadow - Base E.L.F. Mineral Eyeshadow Primer Eyeshadow - Base 100% None
6/29/2010 8:22:24 Urban Decay Sin Primer Potion Eyeshadow - Base Benefit RSVP Eyeshadow - Cream 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 10:43:49 Urban Decay Apocalypse Lipstick Clinique Black Honey Lipstick Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:01:31 Urban Decay Hot Voodoo Lipstick MAC New York Apple Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
7/16/2010 21:52:42 Urban Decay Midnight Cowboy Lipstick Benefit Sugar Cookie Lipstick 95% Darker
6/28/2010 18:32:29 Urban decay Naked Lipstick Estee Lauder Pink Champagne Lipstick 95% More Shimmer
6/28/2010 15:01:29 Urban Decay Bruise Nail Polish Maybelline Vanishing Venus Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 15:00:44 Urban Decay Bruise Nail Polish Misa Embroidered Emerald Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 10:56:46 Urban Decay Love Light Nail Polish Zoya Glimmer Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 11:01:53 Urban Decay Stash Eyeliner Ulta Moss (Automatic) Eyeliner 85% Greener
6/28/2010 21:05:08 Urban Decay Gash Eyeshadow Stila Terracotta Eyeshadow 95% Brighter, More Shimmery
6/28/2010 11:32:38 Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick Victoria's Secret Showstopper Lipstick 100% None
7/1/2010 6:45:01 Viktort & Rolf Flowerbomb Fragrance Kylie Monigue Sweet Darling Fragrance 85% Less intense (eau de parfum vs. eau de toilette)
7/1/2010 8:59:39 YSL #08 Pur Gloss Lipgloss Revlon Coral Reef Lipgloss 95% Little pinker
7/8/2010 13:37:12 YSL No. 1 Rouge Volupte Lipstick MAC Angel Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 20:37:52 YSL Tender Peach Lipstick Victoria's Secret Scrumptious Lipstick 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 12:53:55 YSL Faux Cils Mascara L'Oreal HIP Voluminous Carbon Black Mascara 95% No rose scent
6/28/2010 15:21:36 Zoya Dovima Nail Polish Orly Iron Butterfly Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:17:17 Zoya Moxie Nail Polish Sally Hansen Beet Stain Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 10:49:34 Zoya Robyn Nail Polish Orly Blue Collar Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 10:01:19 Zoya Whitney Nail Polish OPI That's Hot! Pink Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 14:12:40 Zoya Yummy Nail Polish OPI Just Groovy Nail Polish 95% Darker
7/17/2010 11:39:09 MAC Shy Girl/ Dressmaker Dressmaker Lipstick Revlon Colorstay - Cozy Coral Lipstick 95% MAC's a bit shinier
7/17/2010 12:25:26 MAC all that glitters Eyeshadow Revlon Nude Slip Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/17/2010 14:09:57 MAC Lipglass Lipgloss Milani Summer baby Lipgloss 95% None
7/17/2010 14:12:20 MAC Lipglass Nymphette Lipgloss Milani Summer baby Lipgloss 95% None
7/17/2010 22:56:34 MAC Expensive Pink Eyeshadow NYX Peach Eyeshadow 95% Slight sparkles
7/18/2010 1:53:50 China Glaze Secret Periwinkle Nail Polish Zoya Jo Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture, More shimmer
7/18/2010 3:29:04 OPI Miami Beet Nail Polish Zoya Moxie Nail Polish 95% Darker
7/18/2010 3:32:23 OPI Feelin' Hot Hot Hot! Nail Polish OPI Party In My Cabana Nail Polish 90% Darker
7/18/2010 3:34:04 China Glaze Pink Underground Nail Polish Zoya Barbie Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/18/2010 3:36:27 OPI "Sheer" Your Toys! Nail Polish Zoya Harley Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/18/2010 7:41:30 MAC Full Body Lipstick Benefit Ms Behavin Lipstick 95% Cooler, slightly more plum
7/18/2010 11:55:55 nars orgasm Lipgloss nyc sungold pink Lipgloss 95% Less pigmented
7/18/2010 15:55:43 Laura Mercier Avant Garde Nail Polish OPI Lincoln Park at Midnight Nail Polish 100% None
7/18/2010 20:21:25 MAC Expensive Pink Eyeshadow Mary Kay Shy Blush Blush 95% Different finish/texture
7/18/2010 21:15:07 LORAC Blush Blush Jordana Powder Blush Blush 90% Less pigmented
7/19/2010 5:40:57 mac blue india (liberty of london collection) Nail Polish sally hansen complete manicure gray-by-gray Nail Polish 95% a touch lighter but after 2 coats you can't tell the difference
7/19/2010 20:41:20 MAC Blanc Type Eyeshadow essence 22 blockbuster Eyeshadow 100% None
7/19/2010 20:45:35 MAC Brule Eyeshadow Sephora Universal Beige 08 Eyeshadow 100% None
7/19/2010 20:47:32 MAC Blanc Type Eyeshadow Revlon Matte Eyeshadow Vintage Lace 001 Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/19/2010 20:54:25 Benefit Moonbeam Highlighter ULTA Seashell Eyeshadow Eyeshadow 90% Warmer
7/19/2010 21:02:23 MAC Mystery Eyeshadow NYX Dark Brown Eyeshadow 100% None
7/19/2010 21:11:31 MAC Print Eyeshadow NYX Casablanca Trio Darkest Shade Eyeshadow 95% No glitter
7/19/2010 22:12:38 Mac Springsheen Blush Blush Awake Light Coral Blush 100% None
7/19/2010 23:33:54 Benefit Posietint Lip Stain ETUDE HOUSE Fresh Cherry Tint Lip Gloss Makeup #2 Pink Lip Stain 95% Brighter
7/19/2010 23:40:22 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Wet'n'Wild Nutty Eyeshadow 100% Lighter
7/20/2010 9:54:57 MAC Indianwood Paint Pot Eyeshadow - Base NARS Fez Eyeshadow 100% Different finish/texture
7/20/2010 9:56:33 NARS Cordura Eyeshadow NARS Galapagos Eyeshadow 85% Lighter, Less pigmented
7/20/2010 9:58:44 NARS Madagascar Eyeshadow NARS Barbuda Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/20/2010 10:00:16 NARS Madagascar Eyeshadow NARS Ashes to Ashes Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/20/2010 10:02:55 NARS Isolde Eyeshadow NARS Blondie Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, Less pigmented
7/20/2010 12:15:20 MAC Shell pearl Highlighter MAC Perfect Topping MSF Highlighter 95% Different finish/texture, Perfect Topping is more shimmery.
7/20/2010 17:26:07 MAC Firecracker Eyeshadow NYX Cherry Eyeshadow 95% Lighter, Less pigmented
7/20/2010 19:26:40 Nars Orgasm Blush Rimmel Blush Blush 95% Less pigmented
7/21/2010 0:58:05 MAC Ripe Peach Blush Estee Lauder Peach Nuance Blush 95% Warmer
7/21/2010 8:14:23 NYX African Queen Lipgloss N.Y.C. Blue Pink Lipstick 85% Different finish/texture, Matte
7/21/2010 16:55:08 MAC Aquavert Eyeshadow Jane Eye Zinger Provence Eyeshadow 95% None
7/21/2010 17:52:59 mac young punk Eyeshadow mac young punk Eyeshadow 90% The pink is not as vibrant
7/21/2010 17:53:27 mac young punk Eyeshadow nyx sensual Eyeshadow 90% The pink is not as vibrant
7/21/2010 17:54:03 nars ondine Eyeshadow nyx violette Eyeshadow 90% Darker
7/21/2010 17:54:49 mac dressmaker dressmaker Lipstick nyx pumpkin pie Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/21/2010 17:56:07 NARS Orgasm Blush Mary Kay Shy Blush Blush 100% Shy Blush is a tiny bit more gold toned, but on the cheeks, they are identical.
7/21/2010 18:03:20 mac creme de nude Lipstick nyc circe Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/21/2010 18:15:26 nars taj mahal Blush nyx cinnamon Blush 95% Different finish/texture, Lighter
7/21/2010 18:16:28 mac marine life Highlighter mac hot hot hot Eyeshadow 95% slightly different shade
7/21/2010 18:17:34 mac boy bait Lipgloss nyx whipped Lipgloss 100% None
7/21/2010 18:18:37 mac creamsheen lipglosses Lipgloss nyx nyx girls lipglosses Lipgloss 100% Same creamy texture, different shades some dupes
7/21/2010 18:19:12 mac tiger tiger Lipstick mac dressmaker dressmaker, freckletone Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/21/2010 19:13:05 MAC Viva Glam VI Lipgloss Stila Raisin Lipgloss 95% smaller glitter
7/21/2010 22:36:22 Chanel Joues Contraste Powder Blush in 82 Reflex Blush E.L.F. Studio Line Blush in Candid Coral Blush 85% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/22/2010 11:54:49 mac viva glam II Lipstick rimmel airy fairy Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/22/2010 15:15:23 MAC Band of Roses Mineralize Blush Duo Blush MAC Dollymix and Breezy Sheertone Shimmer Blushes Blush 95% slightly different finish
7/22/2010 17:35:04 NARS Napoli Lipstick Maybelline Park Avenue Peach Lipstick 90% Brighter, Has more pink than Napoli
7/23/2010 7:27:03 MAC Later (Pigment) Eyeshadow Urban Decay Rockstar (Loose Pigment) Eyeshadow 95% Darker, Slightly more shimmery
7/23/2010 7:29:16 MAC Moth Brown Eyeshadow Chanel Taupe Grise Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented & No frost
7/23/2010 13:18:46 MAC Shy Girl Lipstick Rimmel Crush Lipstick 95% Crush is a hint more pigmented, but otherwise, they're identical.
7/23/2010 14:13:56 SpaRitual Optical Illusion Nail Polish China Glaze Zombie Zest Nail Polish 100% None
7/23/2010 14:31:27 MAC Glamour Check! Eyeshadow Revlon Shimmering Sienna Eyeshadow 100% None
7/23/2010 16:52:27 NARS South Beach Other Eyeko Tinted Cream Bronzer - Cream/Gel 95% just a little bit more golden
7/23/2010 19:35:00 mac petticoat Blush nars organism Blush 90% Darker
7/24/2010 1:49:07 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow Maybelline Expert wear Eyeshadow 15 Linen Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less Shimmery
7/24/2010 1:51:38 MAC Electra Eyeshadow Loreal HIP Metallic Shadow Duo Platinum 906 Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/24/2010 2:44:03 OPI Catch Me If You Can Nail Polish Zoya Charla Nail Polish 100% None
7/24/2010 2:45:44 Sephora by OPI Havana Dreams Nail Polish Hard Candy Sky Nail Polish 90% Lighter
7/24/2010 2:47:51 OPI Catch Me In Your Net Nail Polish Zoya Charla Nail Polish 100% None
7/24/2010 2:49:59 China Glaze Millenium Nail Polish Maybelline Mirror Image Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
7/24/2010 2:51:37 OPI Siberian Nights Nail Polish Orly Wild Wisteria Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/24/2010 2:54:12 Orly Gumdrop Nail Polish Eyeko Vintage Polish Nail Polish 90% Greener
7/24/2010 2:56:56 China Glaze Flyin High Nail Polish China Glaze Custom Kicks Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
7/24/2010 8:01:41 NARS Nail Polish-Orgasm Nail Polish Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Blush Rush Nail Polish 75% More opaque/pink
7/24/2010 11:31:22 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow Loreal Shroom Shimmer Eyeshadow 90% Warmer
7/24/2010 20:25:00 nars Taj Mahal Blush nyx Copper Blush 95% Lighter, Very close on skin but much more shimmery
7/24/2010 20:27:50 nars Taj Mahal Blush NYX Cinnamon Blush 75% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented, Cooler, The only reason I wrote this is because some said this was a dupe.Clearly they don't have taj mahal..No comparison..no shimmery not complex unique color..nothing special
7/24/2010 21:35:29 MAC Jazzed Lipstick Wet n Wild 903C Lipstick 100% None
7/24/2010 23:53:45 OPI Who The Shrek Are You? Nail Polish Misa Green with envy Eyeshadow 100% None
7/25/2010 19:02:40 MAC Go Eyeshadow Stila Go Lighly Eyeshadow 100% Different finish/texture
7/25/2010 19:46:49 MAC 4N Lipstick Maybelline Nude Blush G132 Lipstick 95% Brighter, Cooler
7/26/2010 2:11:56 MAC Ladyblush Blush - Cream N.Y.C. Big Apple Blush Blush - Cream 95% Different finish/texture
7/26/2010 10:42:59 mac bronze Eyeshadow nyx eyeshadow Eyeshadow 95% None
7/26/2010 15:12:55 China Glaze Sugar High Nail Polish China Glaze Rick and Famous Nail Polish 90% Brighter
7/26/2010 16:18:07 MAC Twig Lipstick NYX Twig Lipstick 100% distinctive smells, but that doesn't matter for lipsticks!
7/26/2010 18:22:03 Mac Stereo Rose MSF Blush NARS Orgasm Blush 90% Cooler, not as shimmery
7/27/2010 13:33:32 Laura Mercier Brown Copper Kohl Eye Pencil Eyeliner Maybelline New York Line Stylist Bronze Gleam Eyeliner 95% Darker, more sparkles
7/27/2010 19:47:05 philosophy When Hope is Not Enough Omega 3-6-9 Replenishing Body Lotion Skincare Paula's Choice Slip into Silk Body Lotion. Skincare 100% None
7/28/2010 10:53:57 MAC Rustmetal Eyeshadow - Loose Loreal HIP Pigment in Phosperhous Eyeshadow - Loose 90% Darker
7/28/2010 12:13:56 Urban Decay 24/7 Pencil in Zero Eyeliner Annabelle Smudgeliner in Oh My Goth Eyeliner 100% None
7/28/2010 12:18:30 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow MAC Magic Dust Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/29/2010 2:43:51 Chanel Particuliére Nail Polish Rimmel Steel Grey 270 Nail Polish 90% Cooler
7/29/2010 4:21:09 MAC Contrast Eyeshadow NYX Odyssey Eyeshadow 95% None
7/29/2010 12:52:16 MAC Mythology Eyeshadow Coastal Scents Hot Pot S15 Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/29/2010 12:55:03 MAC Creme De Violet Eyeshadow ULTA Iris Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/29/2010 17:31:05 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow NARS Ashes to Ashes Eyeshadow 85% Lighter
7/30/2010 8:25:33 Nars Orgasm Blush Milani Luminous Blush 85% None
7/30/2010 10:15:01 MAC Gold Rebel Lipgloss Milani 3D Glitzy Glamour Gloss in 42 Stylish Lipgloss 80% Brighter, more orange
7/30/2010 10:31:19 NARS orgasm blush Blush maybelline Dream mousse blush number 20 peach satin Blush - Cream 95% Less pigmented
7/30/2010 21:17:09 MAC Bare Necessity Lipgloss Milani Designer Label Lipgloss 100% None
7/30/2010 21:19:53 MAC Funtabulous Lipgloss Milani Fashion Diva Lipgloss 95% Lighter
7/31/2010 10:48:32 MAC Fluidline Eyeliner - Gel Sleek Ink Pot Eyeliner - Gel 100% Brighter
7/31/2010 14:11:22 MAC Gleam Eyeshadow Loreal Golden Sunset Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, Cooler
7/31/2010 21:09:27 MAC perennial high style lip glass Lipgloss Revlon Super Lustrous Lipglass in Coral Reef (Limited edition) Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
7/31/2010 23:14:54 mac lipstick Lipstick elf spf mineral foundation Skincare 75% Different finish/texture
8/1/2010 4:40:07 China Glaze Let's Groove! Nail Polish Catrice (EU) Poison Me, Poison You Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
8/1/2010 4:50:37 MAC Smudged Violet Eyeshadow Lancome SNAP Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
8/1/2010 8:13:03 MAC Float On By Lipstick Wet and Wild Kohl Eyeliner in Turquoise Eyeshadow 95% Lighter, Price. $13(MAC) $.99(Wet and Wild)
8/1/2010 12:01:46 MAC BeautyMarked Eyeshadow Wet n Wild #248 Lust Palette (lowest right shade) Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
8/1/2010 12:19:47 MAC BeautyMarked Eyeshadow Wet n Wild #248 Lust Palette (lowest right shade) Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
8/1/2010 14:25:11 YSL Pure Lipstick in #148 Tea Rose Lipstick Golden Rose Black packaged lipstick in #98 Lipstick 95% Warmer
8/1/2010 14:41:29 Chanel Particulière Nail Polish Rimmel London Lasting Finish Pro in Steel Grey Nail Polish 100% None
8/1/2010 15:59:52 Urban Decay Vert Eyeshadow Too Faced Jealous Eyeshadow 95% slightly more yellow
8/1/2010 16:25:04 chanel jade Nail Polish chanel polish Nail Polish 100% Different finish/texture, None
8/1/2010 20:44:32 MAC Sunbasque Blush Cover Girl Cheekers Blush- Soft Sable Blush 100% More pigmented
8/1/2010 23:17:13 MAC Knight Divine Eyeshadow Prestige Dramatic Minerals Eyeshadow Lapis Eyeshadow 80% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Brighter, Cooler
8/2/2010 1:47:51 Sephora by OPI Mermaid to Order Nail Polish Sinful Colors Gorgeous Nail Polish 95% Less gold
8/2/2010 9:21:10 MAC Viva Glam Cyndi Lipstick MAC See Sheer Lipstick 100% None
8/2/2010 9:33:57 Mac Rubenesque Paint pot Eyeshadow - Base Coastal Scents Gel Liner- Summer Fun Eyeliner - Gel 85% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
8/2/2010 14:46:46 New York Color Blushable Cream Stick Blush - Cream NARS Deep Throat Blush - Cream 85% Brighter
8/2/2010 16:39:05 MAC Cherry Blossom Lipglass Lipgloss NYX Goddess of the Night lipgloss in Perfect Lipgloss 95% Darker, Slighly darker, shimmer is a little less fine
8/3/2010 16:59:22 NARS Love Devotion Lipstick MAC See Sheer Lipstick 95% slightly more pigmented
8/3/2010 17:01:53 Mac shroom Eyeshadow Sallys champagne Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
8/3/2010 17:02:42 Mac shroom Eyeshadow milana classic beige Eyeshadow 100% None
8/3/2010 17:03:20 Mac wood winked Eyeshadow Nyx antique gold Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
8/3/2010 17:03:55 Mac all that glitters Eyeshadow Sallys bronze Eyeshadow 100% Lighter
8/3/2010 21:11:43 MAC Evening Aura Eyeshadow MAC Straw Harvest Eyeshadow 100% None
8/4/2010 7:12:58 No 7 10 Soft Damson Blush Avon Soft Plum Blush 95% Lighter
8/4/2010 12:56:12 MAC Cosmetics Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Rimmel London Pink Champagne Lipstick 90% Lighter, Cooler
8/4/2010 17:08:56 MAC Hey Eyeshadow MAC Grain Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
8/5/2010 0:25:49 mac plumage Eyeshadow revlon eyeshadow Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Darker
8/5/2010 10:01:44 Mac Angel Lipstick Rimmel Airy Fairy Lipstick 80% Darker
8/5/2010 15:32:34 NARS Orgasm Lipgloss Benefit I'm with the band Lipgloss 95% Benefit's gloss is *slightly* more pink and smells like lychee; NARS seems unscented
8/6/2010 15:12:05 Mac Viva Glam V Lipstick Maybelline Colorsensational #205 Nearly There Lipstick 100% 100% EXACT MATCH PEOPLE!!!
8/7/2010 11:10:23 MAC style snob Eyeshadow Wet N' Wild nutty Eyeshadow 95% Warmer
8/7/2010 11:39:44 opi red my fortune cookie Nail Polish opi opi on collins ave Nail Polish 95% Lighter, Darker
8/8/2010 1:29:13 MAC Stars N' Rockets Eyeshadow Stila Charm Eyeshadow 95% Darker
8/8/2010 1:30:42 MAC Stars N' Rockets Eyeshadow Ben Nye Cosmic Violet Eyeshadow 90% Lighter
8/8/2010 11:52:22 MAC Viva Glam I Lipstick Revlon In the Red Matte Lipstick Lipstick 100% None
8/8/2010 15:49:40 MAC Politely Pink Lipstick Maybelline Born With It Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Darker
8/11/2010 6:39:58 Bobbi Brown "Woodrose" Eyeshadow MAC "Quarry" Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Warmer
8/11/2010 12:00:38 Nars Orgasm Blush Dior Passion Fruit Blush 95% Contains a bit more pink
8/12/2010 20:41:01 MAC 226 Eye Brush Other Quo Crease Shadow Brush Other 90% Fluffier
8/12/2010 23:09:33 Nars Deep Throat Blush NYX Boho Chic Blush - Cream 85% Different finish/texture
8/13/2010 4:54:53 Benefit High Beam Highlighter - Cream Contém 1g Iluminador em Mousse Highlighter - Cream 85% Different finish/texture, Brighter
8/14/2010 15:00:33 Urban Decay Sin Eye Shadow (Naked Palette) Eyeshadow Revlon Nude Slip Luxurious Color Satin E/S Eyeshadow 85% tiny bit more brown
8/14/2010 15:53:47 MAC Fabby Lipstick Rimmel Airy Fairy Lipstick 95% Lighter
8/14/2010 21:46:33 MAC MAC Red Lipstick Milani Berry Rick Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
8/15/2010 8:42:48 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Jemma Kid (for Target) i-Design Eye Colour 03 Vintage Eyeshadow 85% Warmer
8/15/2010 8:46:34 Benefit Do Tell Lipstick Revlon Super Lustrous 463 Sassy Mauve Lipstick 95% Cooler
8/15/2010 8:47:27 Benefit Do Tell Lipstick NYX Round Lipstick 621 Milan Lipstick 90% Warmer
8/15/2010 15:58:21 MAC Brulee Eyeshadow Ulta Bone Eyeshadow Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Slightly More Pigmented
8/16/2010 13:16:54 mac lipsticks Lipstick revlon red Lipstick 95% Brighter
8/16/2010 23:53:32 NARS ORGASM BLUSH Blush E.L.F. Peachy Keen Blush 95% Warmer
8/17/2010 19:33:37 Dior Le Vernis Cherry Flower Nail Polish Revlon Iced Mauve Nail Polish 100% None
8/18/2010 10:54:10 OPI Bubble Bath Nail Polish Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Pink Slip Nail Polish 95% Lighter, Less pigmented
8/18/2010 17:12:22 Chanel Particuliere Nail Polish Barry M Mushroom Nail Polish 95% None
8/18/2010 17:23:39 Urban Decay Mushroom Eyeshadow MAC Night Manoeuvres Eyeshadow 90% Darker
8/18/2010 19:44:01 MAC Jazzed Lipstick Wet 'n Wild Just Peachy Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
8/19/2010 3:02:25 MAC Full Fuschia Blush Smashbox Radiance Blush 95% Lighter, Very Little Bit Lighter!
8/19/2010 5:11:17 MAC Dazzlelight Eyeshadow Essence Ever Glam Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
8/19/2010 5:15:54 mac club Eyeshadow M.A.C CLUB Eyeshadow 100% None
8/19/2010 5:23:21 Chanel Blue Satin Nail Polish Rimmel Blue Vogue Eyeshadow - Loose 100% None
8/19/2010 9:22:39 mac satin taupe Eyeshadow gemey satin taupe Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
8/19/2010 15:31:19 mac Show Orchid Lipstick loreal Clolor riche lip color/ wild plum Lipstick 90% Darker
8/19/2010 17:37:51 Lime Crime Centrifuchsia Lipstick Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Fuchsia Fusion Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture, Fuchsia Fusion has a blue pearl undertone
8/19/2010 17:49:14 MAC Hey Eyeshadow Stila Kitten Eyeshadow 95% None
8/20/2010 5:49:22 MAC blanc type Eyeshadow revlon vintage lace (matte shadow) Eyeshadow 95% Darker
8/20/2010 5:52:16 MAC grand entrance Eyeshadow maybelline champagne Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, a bit more chalky in texture
8/20/2010 13:56:01 MAC Parfait amour Eyeshadow TKB Grape parfait Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
8/21/2010 3:04:54 MAC Viva Glam V Lipstick Rimmel Moisture Renew in Sunset Lipstick 95% virtually no difference
8/21/2010 5:38:17 mac sweet and punchy Eyeshadow nars rated r Eyeshadow 95% None
8/22/2010 15:33:21 Dior Ultra Gloss in Satin peach Lipgloss NARS Orgasm lipgloss Lipgloss 100% Fragrance
8/23/2010 14:37:49 Benefit High Beam Highlighter ELF Lilac Petal Shimmering Facial Whip Highlighter - Cream 95% Different finish/texture, More pink colorant
8/23/2010 16:20:20 YSL MASCARA VOLUME EFFET FAUX CILS Eyeshadow L'oreal Carbon Black Voluminous Waterproof Mascara 100% Performance is the same, but YSL has fibers and isn't waterproof.
8/23/2010 17:15:55 MAC Gladabout Eyeshadow Cover Girl Queen Collection Fire it Up! Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, more reflective, less red
For those that arnt sure of the term "Dupe", it simply means an alternative, usually at a lower price :)
Many high end makeup products have pretty close lower price alternatives, so check out this list and bag yourself a bargain x
Timestamp Brand Product Product Type Brand Product Product Type Similarity? Any ways it differs?
6/28/2010 20:59:13 Anastasia Camille Highlighter E.L.F. Eyebrow Lifter & Filler Highlighter 100% Double ended
6/29/2010 11:00:08 Aveda Huckleberry Lipstick Bonne Bell Autumn Rose Lip Balm 85% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:00:39 Aveda Sheer Ambrosia Lipstick Clinique Black Violet Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Cooler
6/28/2010 20:20:19 Bare Escentuals Pacific Eyeshadow Bare Escentuals Denim Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 19:15:38 Bare Escentuals Cupcake Glimpse Lipgloss Milani Illusion Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:31:49 Bare Escentuals Buxom Zena Lipgloss Bare Escentuals Buxom Pixie Lipgloss 85% Brighter, Cooler, Less Shimmer
7/6/2010 17:21:30 BeautyBlender BeautyBlender Tools Sonia Kashuk Blending Sponge Tools 100% None
6/28/2010 22:09:16 Ben Nye Ice Eyeshadow MAC Crystal Avalanche Eyeshadow 100% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 15:07:01 Benefit Coralista Blush Korres Peach Blush 100% None
6/28/2010 20:14:56 Benefit Coralista Blush Korres Peach Blush 75% Different finish/texture, Darker, Warmer
6/29/2010 19:56:01 Benefit Coralista Blush MAC Dainty Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 8:57:02 Benefit Coralista Blush Rimmel Pink Sorbet Blush 90% Pinker
6/28/2010 11:42:23 Benefit Thrrrob Blush NYX Natural Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:58:51 Benefit Thrrrob Blush Tarina Tarantino Carved Rose Blush 75% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 14:54:33 Benefit High Brow Brow - Pencil E.L.F. Eyebrow Lifter and Filler Brows - Pencil 100% Dual ended
6/28/2010 20:37:59 Benefit It Stick Concealer E.L.F. Concealer Pencil and Brush Concealer 100% None
6/28/2010 14:17:13 Benefit Flipside Eyeshadow MAC Shimmermoss Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:43:04 Benefit High Beam Highlighter Boots No. 7 Illuminating Fluid Highlighter 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:43:42 Benefit High Beam Highlighter E.L.F. Lilac Petal Shimmering Facial Whip Highlighter - Cream 100% None
6/28/2010 17:55:50 Benefit High Beam Highlighter MeMeMe Moonbeam Highlighter 100% None
6/29/2010 16:58:46 Benefit High Beam Highlighter - Cream Abelha Rainha Sombra Rosa Chá Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:27:04 Benefit High Beam Highlighter - Cream Boots No. 7 High Lights Highlighter - Cream 100% None
6/28/2010 18:13:40 Benefit Benetint Lip Stain MeMeMe Pussycat Lip Stain 90% Darker
6/28/2010 18:11:30 Benefit Posietint Lip Stain MeMeMe Poppy Tint Lip Stain 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:01:39 Benefit BADgal Lash Mascara Maybelline Great Lash BIG Mascara 95% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 8:03:46 Bobbi Brown Chocolate Eyeshadow MAC Espresso Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 19:19:05 Bobbi Brown Shimmering Nudes Palette Eyeshadow NYX Champion & Caviar Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:02:03 Bobbi Brown Pinkberry Lip Stain Prestige Berry Lip Stain 85% Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:02:50 Bobbi Brown Blackberry Lipstick Revlon Blackberry Lipstick 80% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:03:12 Bobbi Brown Garnet Shimmer Lipstick MAC O Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:01:32 Bobbi Brown Nude Lipstick Revlon Neutrality Lipgloss 75% Different finish/texture
7/2/2010 8:00:00 Bourjois 1 Seconde No. 8 Nail Polish Catrice 070 Caught On The Red Carpet Nail Polish 85% Lighter
7/1/2010 20:27:22 Carmex Petroleum Jelly Lip Balm Aquaphor Petroleum Jelly Lip Balm 95% Scent
6/29/2010 17:28:22 Chanel Astral Lipgloss MAC Extra Amps Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture, less glitter
6/28/2010 10:49:04 Chanel Futile (Glossimer) Lipgloss Urban Decay Julio (Pocket Rocket) Lipgloss 85% Different finish/texture
7/16/2010 21:55:27 Chanel Mademoiselle Lipstick Clinique Blushing Nude Lipstick 90% Warmer
6/28/2010 13:10:21 Chanel Metallic Vamp Lipstick Bobbi Brown Silver Haze Lipstick 85% Lighter, Not as nuanced
6/29/2010 15:23:54 Chanel Paris (22) Lipstick Sephora Rouge Cream Lipstick in Valentine (09) Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 20:16:37 Chanel Genial Lipstick YSL Rouge Pure- Rosy Coral Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 9:13:53 Chanel Blue Satin Nail Polish Rimmel Midnight Blue Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture, dries less glossy
6/28/2010 15:08:49 Chanel Cosmic Violine Nail Polish OPI Kris Kringle Nail Polish 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 10:26:03 Chanel Flamingo Nail Polish Nubar Je T'aime Nail Polish 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 15:15:53 Chanel Flamingo Nail Polish OPI Dancing In The Isles Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:17:34 Chanel Jade Nail Polish Catrice Sold Out Forever Nail Polish 95% Slightly warmer
7/1/2010 10:11:28 Chanel Jade Nail Polish Catrice Sold Out Forever Nail Polish 90% None
7/2/2010 13:10:00 Chanel Jade Nail Polish Catrice Sold Out Forever Nail Polish 100% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 9:59:31 Chanel Kaleidoscope Nail Polish BB Couture For Nails Blind Love Nail Polish 100% None
6/30/2010 12:47:12 CHANEL Nouvelle Vague Nail Polish China Glaze For Audrey Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/29/2010 14:37:18 Chanel Orange Fizz Nail Polish Essence What Do U Think? Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:30:42 Chanel Orange Fizz Nail Polish Essie Carousel Coral Nail Polish 95% Cooler
7/1/2010 13:28:51 Chanel Particulaire Nail Polish Essence From Dusk to Dawn Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 15:11:38 Chanel Particuliere Nail Polish Essie Mink Muffs Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/29/2010 6:41:55 Chanel Particuliere Nail Polish OPI You Don't Know Jacques Nail Polish 85% Darker
7/3/2010 12:24:22 Chanel Particuliere Nail Polish p2 Rich & Royal Nail Polish 85% Lighter
6/29/2010 11:34:47 Chanel Particulière Nail Polish OPI Over The Taupe Nail Polish 95% Warmer
7/2/2010 11:35:18 Chanel Rouge Noir Nail Polish Catrice Claiton My Hero Nail Polish 100% Less pigmented, Warmer, None
6/28/2010 12:10:01 Chanel Rouge noir Nail Polish Catrice The Devil Wears Red Nail Polish 100% None
7/1/2010 10:28:31 Chanel Rouge Noir Nail Polish Catrice The Devil Wears Red Nail Polish 100% None
7/1/2010 14:30:06 Chanel Rouge Noir Nail Polish Catrice The Devil Wears Red Nail Polish 100% None
7/1/2010 7:15:12 Chanel Rouge Noir Nail Polish Catrice The Devil Wears Red Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture
7/1/2010 4:06:03 Chanel Rouge Noire Nail Polish Catrice The devil wears red Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
7/14/2010 1:26:33 Chanel Splendeur Nail Polish Catrice Hot Or Not Nail Polish 95% Lighter, Brighter
6/28/2010 20:52:50 Chanel Black Satin Nail Polish Zoya Raven Nail Polish 100% None
7/16/2010 23:51:55 Chanel Particulière Nail Polish Jessica Buck Naked Nail Polish 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 15:17:36 China Glaze For Audrey Nail Polish L'Oreal Waters Edge Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 11:34:05 China Glaze For Audrey Nail Polish Orly Gumdrop Nail Polish 85% Lighter, bluer
6/28/2010 14:58:00 China Glaze For Audrey Nail Polish Orly Gumdrop Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 15:11:36 China Glaze For Audrey Nail Polish Orly Gumdrop Nail Polish 95% Slightly greener
6/28/2010 15:07:17 China Glaze Grape Pop Nail Polish OPI Funky Dunkey Nail Polish 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 18:57:29 China Glaze Hippie Chic Nail Polish Misa Burnished Bronze Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 11:00:06 China Glaze Lubu Heels Nail Polish Rimmel Lava Red Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:28:28 China Glaze Purple Panic Nail Polish Milani Rad Purple Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 15:21:24 China Glaze Ruby Pumps Nail Polish Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Red Carpet Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 15:49:23 China Glaze Sexy Silhouette Nail Polish Wet 'n' Wild Strawberry Burst Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 15:47:40 China Glaze VII nail polish Nail Polish RIMMEL 403 Hypnotise Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 19:44:20 Clarins #02 Nail Polish YourStyle #105 Nail Polish 80% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Cooler, Less Pink, More pigmented
6/28/2010 11:46:42 Clinique Blushing Blush Powder Blush in Aglow Blush By Lauren Luke Peach Glow blush from My Smokey Classics Blush 80% Lighter, Pinker
6/29/2010 11:05:28 Clinique Black Honey Lipstick CoverGirl Edgy Lipstick 95% Less staying power
7/16/2010 23:00:37 Deborah Lippmann Before He Cheats Nail Polish China Glaze Innocence Nail Polish 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 17:42:02 Dior Pink Lace Highlighter Dior Beige Diamond Highlighter 95% Warmer
6/29/2010 17:37:53 Dior Beige Moire Lipgloss Chanel Gold Light Lipgloss 95% Brighter
6/28/2010 11:49:50 Dior Rosewood Serum de Rouge Lipstick MAC Satiate Lipstick 90% Redder, Less moisturizing
6/29/2010 17:32:25 Dior Shiniest Pep Lipstick Dior Lindsay Pink Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 10:36:47 Dior Dior Phenome'eyes Mascara L'Oreal Telescopic Explosion Mascara 95% Slightly Clumpier
6/29/2010 0:40:01 Dior Red Dahlia Nail Polish China Glaze Seduce Me Nail Polish 100% Very long wearing and non-thickening formula
6/28/2010 15:23:11 Essie Lapis of Luxury Nail Polish Maybelline Pie in the Sky Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 4:19:18 Essie Lilacism Nail Polish L.A. Girl Flare Bright Delights Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture, Cooler, more pigmented
6/28/2010 14:19:00 Essie Mint Candy Apple Nail Polish China Glaze Re-fresh Mint Nail Polish 95% Greener/more mint
6/29/2010 9:07:13 Essie Mint Candy Apple Nail Polish Revlon Minted Nail Polish 95% chips more easily
6/28/2010 15:24:08 Essie Starry Starry Night Nail Polish Maybelline Twinkle Twinkle Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 10:56:41 Essie Viva la Vespa Nail Polish Essie Sexy Divide Nail Polish 95% None
6/29/2010 17:08:53 Estee Lauder Spot Light Highlighter - Cream MAC Strobe Cream Highlighter - Cream 100% None
7/5/2010 10:58:56 Estee Lauder Beige Lipstick Avon Latte Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 15:32:40 Finger Paints Floatin' on a Cloud Nail Polish Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Disco Ball Nail Polish 100% Less glitter
6/28/2010 10:47:46 Givenchy Absolutely Red Lipstick Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 19:12:17 Givency Sensual Rose Lipstick Lancome Sheer Lipstick 90% Lighter
7/15/2010 7:44:50 GOSH Purple Stain Eyeliner Sephora Flashy Violet Eyeliner 100% None
6/29/2010 17:13:12 GOSH Darling Lipstick MAC Creme d'Nude Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/3/2010 6:42:32 GOSH Wild Lilac Nail Polish Catrice Lucky In Lilac Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:06:17 Guerlain Terracotta - Blonde Bronzer Sephora Sun Disc Bronzer 100% None
7/12/2010 2:05:47 Guerlain Meterorites Highlighter Missha M Shimmering Ball Blusher Blush 90% Brighter
6/29/2010 8:48:13 Guerlain Gardenia Rouge G Lipstick Chanel Santal (Rouge Allure Laque) Lipstick 85% Different finish/texture
7/4/2010 16:35:56 Illamasqua Hussy Blush MAC Fleur Power Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
7/1/2010 11:47:30 Illamasqua Rude Blush - Cream JK jemma kidd 01 Pose Blush - Gel 95% Little pinker
7/13/2010 8:59:56 Illamasqua Obey Lipstick NYX Orange Soda Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture, Obey is a little pinky-er
6/28/2010 11:07:36 Illamasqua Baptiste Nail Polish Finger Paints Be a Pal-ette Nail Polish 85% Lighter
6/28/2010 15:26:06 Illamasqua Wink Nail Polish Essie Lilacism Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 14:35:45 Jane Blushing Plum Blush E.L.F. Tickled Pink Blush 100% None
6/29/2010 19:15:53 Lancome Contrast Eyeshadow MAC Nocturnelle Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:22:12 Lancome Metallic Eyeshadow Maybelline Sparkling Wine Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 19:16:14 Lancome Riot Eyeshadow Jane Deeply Green Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 21:18:56 Lancome Statuesque Eyeshadow MAC Carbon Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 20:01:29 Lancome Statuesque Eyeshadow Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Gold Rush Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, has glitter
7/9/2010 18:52:37 Lancome Chris & Tell Lipstick Bobbi Brown Cabana Coral Blush - Cream 95% Less stain
6/28/2010 19:43:05 Lancome Chris & Tell Lipstick YSL Peach Passion Lipstick 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 14:40:42 Lancome Rich Cashmere Lipstick MAC Cherish Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 10:59:26 Lancome Indigo Paris Nail Polish Sephora by OPI Opening Night Nail Polish 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 15:19:45 Lancome Bi-Facil Skincare Clean & Clear Soothing Eye Makeup Remover Skincare 95% Leaves a tiny bit of an oily residue
6/29/2010 19:16:29 Laura Mercier Cognac Eyeshadow Milani Spice Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:02:44 Lorac Serenity Eyeshadow Glamour Doll Eyes He Loves Me Not Eyeshadow 90% slightly more shimmery & intense
6/28/2010 20:14:54 LORAC Superstar Eyeshadow Revlon Tiger Eye Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 13:44:27 LORAC Superstar (Baked) Eyeshadow Revlon Tiger Eye (ColorStay Mineral) Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/16/2010 3:00:08 MAC Brunette (Mineralize Skinfinish) Blush MAC Peachtwist Blush - Cream 90% Less shimmery/glittery
6/28/2010 14:29:58 MAC Emote Blush NYX Taupe Blush 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 11:29:22 MAC Margin Blush NYX Terracotta Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Warmer
6/28/2010 10:57:29 MAC Nuance (Mineralize Blush) Blush Clinique 121 - Enchanted Bronze Blush 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:29:02 MAC Peaches Blush NYX Cinnamon Blush 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 11:22:43 MAC Peachykeen Blush Revlon Peachy Keen Blush 95% Different finish/texture
7/6/2010 19:52:58 MAC Pink Swoon Blush L'Oreal Freeze Frame Fuschia Blush 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 14:03:50 MAC Ripe Peach Blush Estee Lauder Peach Nuance Blush 95% Different finish/texture
7/10/2010 16:45:23 MAC Ripe Peach Blush Estee Lauder Peach Nuance Blush 90% Pinker, less shimmer
7/14/2010 3:44:02 MAC Ripe Peach Blush MAC Style Blush 85% Cooler
7/13/2010 11:39:13 MAC Springsheen Blush Mary Kay Shy Blush Blush 90% Different finish/texture, more pigmented
7/4/2010 2:08:24 MAC Stereo Rose Blush Laura Geller Rasberry Blush 90% Less pigmented
7/12/2010 15:53:54 MAC Stereo Rose Mineralize Skinfinish Blush MAC Superdupernatural Blush 95% Less pigmented
7/1/2010 8:44:55 MAC Style Blush Deborah Terracota 52 Blush 75% Different finish/texture, Darker
6/28/2010 21:48:46 MAC Sunbasque Blush NYX Terracotta Blush 100% None
6/30/2010 8:28:35 MAC Tippy Blush NYX Pinky Blush 100% None
7/15/2010 13:48:10 MAC Warm Soul Blush Maybelline Sweet Cinnamon Blush 95% Cooler
6/29/2010 8:34:32 MAC Warm Soul Blush NARS Madly Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 10:40:27 MAC Ladyblush Blush - Cream CoverGirl Simply Ageless Cream Blush Blush - Cream 95% Brighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:41:04 MAC Ladyblush Blush - Cream NYX Natural Blush - Cream 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 19:03:38 MAC Ladyblush Blush - Cream Revlon Rosy Glow Blush - Cream 85% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:04:41 MAC Lilicent Blush - Cream NYX Natural Blush - Cream 85% Lighter
6/29/2010 11:41:17 MAC Posey Blush - Cream NYX Glow Blush - Cream 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:03:55 MAC Golden Refined Bronzer NARS Laguna Bronzer 95% More pigmented
6/28/2010 12:00:30 MAC Lingering Brow - Pencil Maybelline Dark Blond Define-a-Brow Brows - Pencil 95% Pencil is slightly waxier
6/29/2010 12:21:40 MAC Lingering Brow - Pencil Maybelline Light Blonde Define-a-Brow Brows - Pencil 90% Slightly waxier, slightly redder
6/29/2010 16:57:57 MAC Spiked Brow - Pencil Maybelline Dark Brown Define-a-Brow Brows - Pencil 100% None
6/28/2010 11:32:47 MAC Browning Brows - Pencils Maybelline Dark Blond Define-a-Lash Brows - Pencil 95% Mechanical pencil
6/30/2010 9:59:00 MAC 239 Brush Brush Loew Cornell Maxine's Mop 3/8" Brush Brush 90% Scratchier, not as fluffy
6/28/2010 21:53:54 MAC Navy Stain Eyeliner GOSH Pretty Petrol Eyeliner 100% None
6/28/2010 12:07:59 MAC Smolder Eyeliner Rimmel Kajal Eyeliner 90% Less pigmented
7/1/2010 0:15:25 MAC Teddy Eyeliner Almay Dark Chocolate & Shell Bright Eyes liner/highlighter duo Eyeliner 95% Slightly darker
6/28/2010 21:33:33 MAC Blacktrack Eyeliner - Cream Maybelline Blackest Black Eyeliner - Cream 100% None
6/29/2010 14:07:58 MAC Blue Peep Eyeliner - Cream MAC Electric Eel Eyeshadow 95% Eyeshadow
6/29/2010 17:40:31 MAC Blacktrack Eyeliner - Gel Coastal Scents True Black Eyeliner - Gel 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/12/2010 13:45:16 MAC Blacktrack Eyeliner - Gel E.L.F. Black Eyeliner - Gel 100% None
6/28/2010 10:54:32 MAC Blacktrack Eyeliner - Gel Stila Black Eyeliner - Gel 90% Lighter
6/29/2010 14:20:25 MAC Blue Herizon Eyeliner - Gel Milani Infinite Eyeliner - Gel 100% None
6/29/2010 18:38:19 MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow Kat Von D Dimebag Eyeshadow 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 13:00:49 MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow MAC Honeylust Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:30:20 MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow NYX Champagne Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 18:26:12 MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow NYX Champagne Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 7:55:55 MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow NYX Champagne Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/29/2010 20:05:08 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow L'Oreal Saucy Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 11:12:59 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Saucy Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 13:58:03 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow Milani Bronze Doll Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 10:26:13 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow Milani Sun Goddess Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 14:20:56 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow NYX Golden Eyeshadow 95% Lighter, more yellow
7/7/2010 15:34:34 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow NYX Honey Comb (Gold shade in trio) Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:13:12 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow Prestige Melba Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:03:14 MAC Aquadisiac Eyeshadow Jane Millionaire Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:35:56 MAC Aquavert Eyeshadow NYX Spring Leaf Eyeshadow 85% Less pigmented, Warmer
6/28/2010 11:04:21 MAC Aztec Brick Eyeshadow Kat Von D Downtown Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:15:03 MAC Bamboo Eyeshadow Wild and Crazy Wild Guava Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:13:27 MAC Banshee Eyeshadow Milani Spice Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 16:36:32 MAC Beautiful Iris Eyeshadow Kat Von D Solitude (Memento Mori Palette) Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:21:44 MAC Beautiful Iris Eyeshadow NYX Frosted Lilac Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, Warmer
7/4/2010 8:16:56 MAC Beauty Marked Eyeshadow L'OREAL HIP Sculpted (Duo, Right Side) Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 11:25:28 MAC Beautymarked Eyeshadow NYX Lake Moss Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 3:36:54 MAC Beautymarked Eyeshadow Nyx Lake Moss Trio Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/30/2010 10:37:41 MAC Birds & Berries Eyeshadow Mac Tilt Eyeshadow 90% Brighter
6/28/2010 11:10:47 MAC Birds & Berries Eyeshadow Revlon Peacock Lustre 025 Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 12:19:00 MAC Black Tied Eyeshadow Urban Decay Oil Slick Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented, a little bit more sparkly
6/28/2010 16:36:27 MAC Blanc Type Eyeshadow Bobbi Brown Bone Eyeshadow 95% Darker
7/15/2010 7:38:32 MAC Blonde's Gold Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Champagne Eyeshadow 90% Pressed
6/29/2010 11:13:40 MAC Blu Noir Eyeshadow Prestige Ink Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 1:53:52 MAC Bold and Brazen Eyeshadow MAC Expensive Pink Eyeshadow 95% Less gold, difference is barely noticeable on eye
6/28/2010 21:29:28 Mac Bough Grey Eyeshadow Lancome Luxe Grey Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 12:31:36 MAC Brash Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Charged Duo Eyeshadow 95% Lighter, difference not noticeable on the eyes
6/29/2010 11:15:22 MAC Brill Eyeshadow Wild and Crazy Bahama Water Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/7/2010 15:36:55 MAC Bronze Eyeshadow NYX Honey Comb (Brown shade in trio) Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/4/2010 7:50:48 MAC Bronze Eyeshadow Sephora Milestone Eyeshadow 80% Lighter, Cooler
6/29/2010 11:38:06 MAC Brule Eyeshadow NYX Nude Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/6/2010 8:56:19 MAC Brule Eyeshadow Wet n' Wild Brule Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 1:56:29 MAC Brun Eyeshadow FACE Stockholm Russian Caviar Eyeshadow 95% Not as smooth
6/29/2010 11:15:37 MAC Camel Eyeshadow Revlon Bamboo Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
7/4/2010 7:55:48 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow Essence Newcomer Eyeshadow 100% Duo eyeshadow
6/29/2010 23:30:35 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow Kat Von D Lucifer (Ludwig Palette) Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 10:06:59 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow Milani Black Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 11:32:36 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow Milani Black Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 13:23:13 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow My Secret Matt Black Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
7/15/2010 9:55:28 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow NARS Pandora Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 11:49:32 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow NYX Black Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 16:56:37 MAC Carbon Eyeshadow NYX Black Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 11:11:59 MAC Charcoal Brown Eyeshadow NYX Dark Brown Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Powdery
6/29/2010 17:12:08 MAC Chrome Yellow Eyeshadow Sugarpill Buttercupcake Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, More pigmented
7/1/2010 9:28:15 MAC Cinderfella Eyeshadow Victoria's Secret Fierce Eyeshadow 85% Looks similar dry, may differ when foiled
6/28/2010 11:29:42 MAC Club Eyeshadow Bare Minerals BonBon Eyeshadow 95% Loose
6/28/2010 20:24:03 MAC Club Eyeshadow Too Faced Label Whore Eyeshadow 95% Has glitter
6/28/2010 16:07:35 MAC Club Eyeshadow Urban Decay Lounge Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:07:11 MAC Coppering Eyeshadow Milani Flare Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 2:05:39 MAC Coppering Eyeshadow NYX Copper Eyeshadow 95% Brighter
6/29/2010 11:15:58 MAC Cork Eyeshadow CoverGirl Swiss Chocolate Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented, Warmer
6/28/2010 14:22:56 MAC Cork Eyeshadow NYX 05 Brown Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:43:55 MAC Cranberry Eyeshadow NYX Rust Eyeshadow 90% Warmer
6/29/2010 2:06:57 MAC Cranberry Eyeshadow NYX Rust Eyeshadow 95% Brighter
6/29/2010 11:21:25 MAC Cranberry Eyeshadow NYX Rust Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Darker, Redder
6/29/2010 11:06:16 MAC Crystal Eyeshadow L'Oreal Beauty Queen On the Loose Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/4/2010 22:26:51 MAC Crystal Avalanche Eyeshadow L'Oreal Paris Frosted Icing Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:16:44 MAC D'Bohemia Eyeshadow Wild and Crazy Crazy on You Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 3:39:51 MAC Deep Truth Eyeshadow Milani Blue Lagoon Palette Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:07:26 MAC Electric Eel Eyeshadow NYX Irises Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented, Lighter
6/28/2010 14:14:51 MAC Electric Eel Eyeshadow Milani Atlantis Eyeshadow 100% None
7/16/2010 21:47:41 Mac Embark Eyeshadow Jane Brownie Points Eyeshadow 90% None
6/28/2010 15:44:43 MAC Embark Eyeshadow Wet n' Wild Vanity Palette (Matte brown shade) Eyeshadow 95% Darker
7/15/2010 8:03:16 MAC Espresso Eyeshadow Bobbi Brown Chocolate Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 21:44:09 MAC Et Tu, Bouquet? Eyeshadow NYX Champagne & Caviar Palette (Pink shade) Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/28/2010 18:28:30 MAC Expensive Pink Eyeshadow Wet-n-Wild Penny Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 16:06:32 MAC Femme Fi Eyeshadow MAC Nylon Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 7:53:34 MAC Fiction Eyeshadow MAC Greensmoke Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:33:32 MAC Fig. 1 Eyeshadow NYX Eggplant Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/3/2010 8:34:33 MAC Firecracker Eyeshadow MAC Coppering Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/4/2010 8:09:14 MAC Fresh Water Eyeshadow Wet n Wild Lagoon (254B) Eyeshadow 100% None
7/4/2010 7:55:59 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow Essence Newcomer Eyeshadow 100% Duo eyeshadow
6/28/2010 14:21:15 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow Jane Hipbone Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 14:21:32 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow Jane Hipbone Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 15:30:30 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow Lancome Daylight Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:07:39 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow NYX White Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 19:38:43 MAC Gesso Eyeshadow Sugarpill Tako Eyeshadow 95% more pigmented/easier application
7/1/2010 9:26:47 Mac Gilt By Association Eyeshadow Victoria's Secret Gilded Fierce Eyeshadow 75% Different finish/texture, Looks same dry, might differ when foiled
6/28/2010 14:54:01 Mac Going Bananas Eyeshadow Nyx Yellw Pearl Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/29/2010 11:34:43 MAC Goldmine Eyeshadow NYX Ray Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:02:32 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Stila Kitten Eyeshadow 95% Less shimmery
7/15/2010 15:47:06 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Stila Kitten Eyeshadow 95% tiny bit pinker
7/16/2010 15:52:59 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Stila Kitten Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:33:36 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Urban Decay Sin Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 11:02:45 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Urban Decay Snatch Eyeshadow 90% Peacher
6/28/2010 10:06:20 MAC Guacamole Eyeshadow Milani Limbo Lime Eyeshadow 95% Less green
6/29/2010 11:21:07 MAC Hepcat Eyeshadow NYX Violet Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 8:55:48 MAC Hot Hot Hot Eyeshadow NYX Sunrise Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 11:16:34 MAC Humid Eyeshadow Milani Clover Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:12:41 MAC Humid Eyeshadow NYX Mermaid Green Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:36:54 MAC Humid Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Cool as a Cucumber Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 12:56:47 mac Hypnotizing Eyeshadow NYX Beanie Eyeshadow 95% A little less purple
6/29/2010 16:57:49 MAC Idol Eyes Eyeshadow Silk Naturals Idolize Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:07:53 MAC Illegal Cargo Eyeshadow MAC Shale Eyeshadow 95% More purple
6/28/2010 10:08:04 MAC Jest Eyeshadow Milani Peachy Pink Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 22:23:49 MAC Juxt Eyeshadow Urban Decay Acid Rain Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:35:41 MAC Knight Divine Eyeshadow NYX Charcoal Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/15/2010 7:48:23 MAC Magnetic Fields Eyeshadow Dior Iridescent Leather--darkest shade Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Warmer
7/11/2010 11:44:51 MAC Metamorph Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Perky Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:10:59 MAC Metamorph Eyeshadow Rimmel Hope Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:28:01 MAC Moth Brown Eyeshadow NYX Alaksa Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented, Warmer
6/28/2010 13:31:43 MAC Mulch Eyeshadow Milani Java Bean Eyeshadow 95% Lighter, Darker
7/15/2010 16:29:28 MAC Mulch Eyeshadow Nyx Iced Mocha Eyeshadow - Cream 95% Darker
6/28/2010 17:05:01 MAC Naked Lunch Eyeshadow Lorac Moonstone Eyeshadow 95% Darker, Pinker
6/29/2010 11:33:16 MAC Newly Minted Eyeshadow NYX Algae Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/30/2010 13:33:07 MAC Newly Minted Eyeshadow NYX Green Eyeshadow 85% Warmer
6/28/2010 11:59:48 MAC Nylon Eyeshadow MAC Manila paper Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
7/7/2010 15:39:52 MAC Nylon Eyeshadow NYX Honey Comb (Light shade in trio) Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:35:53 MAC Nylon Eyeshadow Maybelline Enchanted Forest Quad Eyeshadow 75% Different Finish, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:38:44 MAC Paradisco Eyeshadow NYX Tropical Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/29/2010 11:32:26 MAC Parfait Amour Eyeshadow NYX Purple Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:10:07 MAC Parrot Eyeshadow Cargo Aegean Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 10:50:44 MAC Parrot Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Showy Duo (light side) Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 10:11:26 MAC Parrot Eyeshadow Lancome Excursion Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:26:57 MAC Parrot Eyeshadow NYX Ocean Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 16:57:09 MAC Parrot Eyeshadow Silk Naturals Poly Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:46:32 MAC Passionate Eyeshadow NYX Cherry Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Shimmer
6/29/2010 19:49:55 Mac Phloof! Eyeshadow Mac Next To Nothing! Eyeshadow 95% A tiny bit pinker
6/28/2010 11:37:48 MAC Pink Pearl Eyeshadow Milani Shock Eyeshadow 95% Purpler
6/29/2010 11:28:32 MAC Poison Pen Eyeshadow NYX Space Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Shimmery
6/30/2010 4:27:57 mac Prepped for Glamour Eyeshadow MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 13:12:08 MAC Rated R Eyeshadow MAC Sweet & Punchy Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/16/2010 15:58:15 MAC Retrospeck Eyeshadow Stila Wheat Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/29/2010 20:11:45 MAC Rule Eyeshadow Illamasqua Thrust Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/28/2010 12:19:44 MAC Sable Eyeshadow Milani Java Bean Eyeshadow 90% Cooler
6/28/2010 12:11:15 MAC Sable Eyeshadow Urban Decay Toasted Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/1/2010 18:10:11 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow CoverGirl Tapestry Taupe Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:38:26 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow ELF Moondust Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 8:00:53 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Elianto Roasted Brown Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Baked
7/1/2010 14:05:54 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Jordana Over The Taupe Eyeshadow 100% None
7/4/2010 8:23:46 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow L'OREAL HIP Sassy (Duo, Left Side) Eyeshadow 95% Deeper
6/28/2010 19:03:07 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Mary Kay Granite Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 5:40:19 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Max Factor Burnt Bark Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/29/2010 6:13:05 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Maybelline EyeStudio Sunset Seduction Quad Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
7/1/2010 18:08:50 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow NYX Iced Mocha Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 9:17:32 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Sonia Kashuk Burnished Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 19:30:25 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Urban Decay YDK Eyeshadow 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 13:42:15 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Nutty Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:28:01 Mac Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Wet n Wild Nutty Eyeshadow 85% Lighter
6/28/2010 11:04:48 MAC Shimmermoss Eyeshadow CoverGirl Aqua Paradise Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 10:11:40 MAC Shore Leave Eyeshadow MAC Phloof! Eyeshadow 80% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:11:29 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow CoverGirl Champagne Eyeshadow 80% Lighter
6/29/2010 10:51:15 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow LORAC Serenity Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:11:52 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow NYX Frosted Flakes Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 17:13:42 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow NYX Sahara Eyeshadow 95% Actually, I personally think it's more pigmented than Shroom!
6/28/2010 19:27:54 MAC Smoke & Diamonds Eyeshadow Benefit Where There's Smoke Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
6/28/2010 11:00:06 MAC Smoke & Diamonds Eyeshadow NYX Dune Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:21:26 MAC Smoke & Diamonds Eyeshadow Stila Diamond Lil Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:23:05 MAC Soba Eyeshadow Sally Girl Golden Bronze Eyeshadow 95% Slightly frostier
6/29/2010 14:22:28 MAC Soft Washed Eyeshadow NYX Charcoal (Pearl Finish Shadow) Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 19:36:36 MAC Solar White Eyeshadow MAC Cool Incantation Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 12:23:53 MAC Solar White Eyeshadow MAC Vanilla Pigment Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Loose
6/28/2010 12:53:08 MAC Solar White Eyeshadow NARS Albatross Highlighter 100% None
6/30/2010 14:52:12 MAC Springtime Skipper Eyeshadow MAC Juxt Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Darker, Greener
6/28/2010 19:07:34 MAC Star By Night Eyeshadow MAC Deep Truth Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Darker
7/4/2010 8:14:02 MAC Star Violet Eyeshadow L'OREAL HIP Sculpted Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 4:49:02 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow L.A. Colors EP42 Wildflowers Eyeshadow 85% Darker, Warmer, more pigmented
6/28/2010 11:55:39 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Reckless Duo Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Darker
6/28/2010 17:03:11 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow Milani Shock Eyeshadow 90% Darker
6/30/2010 11:01:23 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow Milani Shock Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/28/2010 13:45:32 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow NYX Luxor Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
7/9/2010 12:05:27 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow tokidoki Ciao Ciao Eyeshadow 95% Darker
6/28/2010 12:27:14 MAC Stars 'n Rockets Eyeshadow Urban Decay Fishnet Eyeshadow 95% Warmer
7/4/2010 7:48:58 MAC Steamy Eyeshadow GOSH Effect Powder - Azure Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
7/10/2010 21:42:30 MAC Strike A Pose Eyeshadow MAC Birds & Berries Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented, B&B is slightly greener
6/28/2010 18:33:29 MAC Style Snob Eyeshadow MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 20:36:36 MAC Sultress Eyeshadow Revlon Matte Tempting Teal Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 17:20:16 MAC Sunset B Eyeshadow NYX Dolly Pink Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 11:40:01 MAC Sunset B. Eyeshadow NYX Dolly Pink Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/2/2010 15:54:00 MAC Sweet & Punchy Eyeshadow CoverGirl Lime Alive Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 7:35:41 MAC Sweet Chestnut Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Passion Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, More pigmented, smoother, has smattering of silver glitter
6/29/2010 11:26:45 MAC Swish Eyeshadow NYX Spring Flower Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:37:24 MAC Talent Pool Eyeshadow Stila Mystic Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:56:14 MAC Tempting Eyeshadow Stila Go Lightly Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/14/2010 16:57:28 MAC Tilt Eyeshadow Ulta Bayou Eyeshadow 90% Tilt has more of a gold sheen.
6/28/2010 11:07:22 MAC Time & Space Eyeshadow MAC Woodwinked Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/29/2010 11:32:42 MAC Top Hat Eyeshadow NYX Deep Purple Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:22:38 MAC Trax Eyeshadow Lancome Metallic Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
6/29/2010 11:22:51 MAC Trax Eyeshadow Maybelline Sparkling Wine Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
7/16/2010 20:44:24 MAC Trax Eyeshadow theBalm Curvy Cami Eyeshadow 90% Cooler
7/4/2010 7:54:35 MAC Vanilla Eyeshadow Catrice Nude Cream Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Slightly cooler
6/30/2010 12:22:08 MAC Vanilla Eyeshadow Coastal Scents Hot Pot M09 Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 4:30:01 MAC Vanilla Eyeshadow Ellen Betrix/Maxfactor 101 Pale Pebble Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:27:05 MAC Vanilla Eyeshadow Revlon Vintage Lace Eyeshadow 95% More Pigmented
6/29/2010 11:27:16 MAC Vellum Eyeshadow NYX Opal Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 13:03:00 MAC Wedge Eyeshadow Jane Rock Star Eyeshadow 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 17:06:39 MAC Wishful Eyeshadow MAC Grain Eyeshadow 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 10:33:46 MAC Woodwinked Eyeshadow Milani Golden Bronze Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:34:58 MAC Yogurt Eyeshadow NYX Dallas Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:47:59 MAC Young Punk Eyeshadow STILA Little Black Dress Eyeliner - Gel 95% Different finish
6/30/2010 10:03:17 MAC Bare Canvas Paint Eyeshadow - Base L'oreal Secretive H.I.P Paint Eyeshadow - Base 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:45:22 MAC Painterly Paint Pot Eyeshadow - Base Benefit Recess Eyeshadow - Base 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:34:15 MAC Mangomix (Shadestick) Eyeshadow - Cream E.L.F. Brown/Basic Eyeshadow - Cream 95% Darker
7/12/2010 21:50:10 MAC Blue Eyeshadow - Loose Fyrinnae 1.22 Gigawatts Eyeshadow - Loose 95% Different finish/texture
7/1/2010 11:26:06 MAC Blue Brown Eyeshadow - Loose L'Oreal HIP Intrepid Eyeshadow - Loose 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:16:23 MAC Cornflower (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose Physicians Formula Eye Tech Eyeshadow - Loose 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:17:08 MAC Dazzleray (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose NYX Champagne Eyeshadow - Loose 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 15:31:34 MAC Emerald Green Eyeshadow - Loose Neve Makeup Costa smeralda Eyeshadow - Loose 95% Darker
6/28/2010 17:35:29 MAC Gold (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose MAC Golden Lemon Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 16:31:45 Mac Gold mode pigment Eyeshadow - Loose NYX Pearl mink Eyeshadow - Loose 80% Different finish/texture
7/5/2010 20:30:58 MAC If It Sparkles... Eyeshadow - Loose MAC Pink Opal Eyeshadow - Loose 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 17:17:18 MAC Landscape Green Eyeshadow - Loose NYX Lake Algae Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/28/2010 22:32:54 MAC Melon (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose Urban Decay X (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 15:29:59 MAC Reflects Rust Eyeshadow - Loose Cinecittà Make-up Ombretto Cotto #38 Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 6:21:39 MAC Vanilla (Pigment) Eyeshadow - Loose NYX White pearl Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 10:15:55 MAC Vanilla Pigment Eyeshadow - Loose TKB Trading Hilite Copper Eyeshadow - Loose 100% None
6/28/2010 11:31:14 MAC Studio Fix Fluid SPF 15 Foundation - Liquid Revlon Colorstay Foundation Foundation - Liquid 90% Less staying power
7/9/2010 20:09:34 MAC By Candlelight Highlighter Victoria Secret Golden Sands Highlighter - Cream 90% Lighter, Cooler
6/28/2010 15:18:50 MAC Marine Life Highlighter Flirt! Pink Tutu Blush 90% More pigmented, More golden shimmer
6/29/2010 16:56:30 MAC Pettiecoat Highlighter Silk Naturals Crinoline Highlighter 90% Warmer, it looks identical to my eye or maybe a touch warmer
7/2/2010 3:37:37 MAC Pink Rebel Highlighter Lioele Pink Blooming Shimmer Pearl Base Highlighter 95% Thinner formula
6/28/2010 10:50:37 Mac Pleasureflush (Mineralize Skinfinish) Highlighter Laura Geller Boysenberry/Amaretti (Blush-n-Brighten) Highlighter 95% Different finish/texture
7/5/2010 20:29:44 MAC Shell Pearl Highlighter MAC By Candlelight Highlighter 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/28/2010 20:59:02 MAC Soft & Gentle (Mineralize Skinfinish) Highlighter Revlon Brighten Mineral Finishing Powder Highlighter 100% None
6/28/2010 11:18:01 Mac Pink Rebel Highlighter - Cream Revlon Skin Lights Instant Skin Brightener Pink Light 02 Highlighter - Cream 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:34:11 MAC Magenta Lip Liner NYX Purple Rain Lip Liner 95% Cooler
7/3/2010 22:26:55 MAC Spice Lip Liner Wet n Wild #666 Lip Liner 85% None
6/30/2010 11:14:55 Mac Stone Lip Liner NYX 825 1000 years Lip Liner 95% Warmer
6/28/2010 13:38:27 MAC Angel Wing Lipgloss MAC Decorative Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 1:09:05 MAC Bare Necessity Lipgloss Milani 3d Glitzy 43 Designer Label Lipgloss 100% Different finish/texture, scent
6/28/2010 16:12:31 MAC Boy Bait Lipgloss N.Y.C. Tinted Lip Conditioner in Sugar Coated Lip Balm 80% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:16:58 MAC Boy Bait Lipgloss NYC Tinted Lip Balm in Sugar Coated Lip Balm 95% Different finish/texture, strawberry scent
6/28/2010 11:47:47 MAC Boy Bait (Cremesheen Gloss) Lipgloss NYC Sugar Coated (Lip Slider) Lipgloss 95% Different finish
6/28/2010 14:08:05 Mac Chai Lipgloss Bonne Bell Lip Lites Cappachino Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
7/6/2010 12:35:54 MAC English Accents Lipgloss MAC Snob Lipstick 80% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented, Less pink
6/29/2010 14:10:33 MAC Flurry of Fun Lipgloss MAC You Got the Look Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture, Brighter
6/28/2010 13:36:11 MAC Gitane Lipgloss MAC Ornamental Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:49:28 MAC Internationalist (Dazzleglass) Lipgloss Milani Startshine - 3D Gloss Lipgloss 95% Lighter
7/13/2010 15:01:30 MAC Love Alert Lipgloss Covergirl 805 Shine Blast Lipgloss 90% Darker, Less pigmented, Less Glitter
6/29/2010 1:06:23 MAC Love Alert Lipgloss Milani 3D Glitzy 44 In Vogue Lipgloss 100% Different finish/texture, scent
6/28/2010 14:45:11 Mac Love Alert (Dazzleglass) Lipgloss Milani Fashion Diva - 3D Glitzy Glamour Gloss Lipgloss 90% Purpler
6/28/2010 13:06:52 Mac Love Nectar Lipgloss E.L.F. Goddess Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:29:02 MAC Love Nectar Lipgloss Milani Summer Baby Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:32:38 MAC Lust Lipgloss Milani Taboo Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:39:29 MAC Lust Lipgloss NYX Natural Lipgloss 85% More pigmented, less sticky
6/28/2010 13:37:33 MAC Magnitique Lipgloss MAC Pink Poodle Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:38:19 MAC Mimmy (LE) Lipgloss Max Factor 09 Sophisticated - Vibrant Curve Effect Lipgloss 95% Darker
6/28/2010 11:14:26 MAC Moistly (Lipgelee) Lipgloss New York Color Sugar Rush (Lip Sliders) Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:06:52 MAC Nymphette Lipgloss Milani Summer Baby Lipgloss 95% Darker
6/28/2010 18:29:36 MAC Nymphette Lipgloss NYC Sungold Pink Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 8:43:48 MAC Nymphette Lipgloss E.L.F. Oasis Lipgloss 95% Lighter
7/9/2010 7:58:10 MAC Oyster Girl Lipgloss Bare Escentuals Buxom Princess Lipgloss 90% Less pigmented
7/1/2010 8:51:25 MAC Perennial High Style Lipgloss Yves Rocher Couleurs Nature 06 Fraise Lipgloss 75% Darker
7/1/2010 9:26:23 MAC Revealing Lipgloss NYX Tanned Lipgloss 95% Darker
7/13/2010 15:00:12 MAC Roman Holiday Lipgloss Covergirl Blaze Shine Blast Lipgloss 85% Brighter, Less pigmented, Less Glitter
6/30/2010 20:12:51 MAC True Babe Lipgloss NYX Goddess of the Night in Dolly Pink Lipgloss 100% Looks the same on lips
6/29/2010 20:27:34 MAC Underage Lipgloss L'oreal Colorjuice in Bubble Gum Lipgloss 100% None
7/2/2010 14:21:47 MAC 3N Lipstick MAC Hue Lipstick 85% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:02:10 MAC Ahoy There! Lipstick MAC Angel Lipstick 90% Pinker
7/5/2010 20:30:21 MAC All Styled Up Lipstick MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Darker, Little pinker
6/30/2010 7:16:08 MAC All's Fair Lipstick Lancome The New Pink Lipstick 95% Warmer, Less glossy, less shimmer
6/28/2010 10:36:54 MAC Angel Lipstick NYX Sky Pink Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 14:12:04 MAC Angel Lipstick Revlon Pink Pout Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Darker
6/28/2010 11:10:28 MAC Bare (Slimshine) Lipstick Maybelline Nude Blush Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 10:01:17 MAC Bing Lipstick MAC Cyber Lipstick 90% Darker
6/28/2010 10:41:59 MAC Blooming Lovely Lipstick NYX Power Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:46:13 MAC Bubbles Lipstick Wet 'n' Wild #516A Lipstick 80% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:45:44 MAC Charred Red (PRO) Lipstick MAC Diva Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/28/2010 11:44:18 MAC Creme d' Nude Lipstick Revlon Soft Nude Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/1/2010 10:19:22 MAC Creme d'Nude Lipstick NYX Circe Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 10:39:15 MAC Creme d'Nude Lipstick Revlon Soft Nude Lipstick 95% Pink tone
6/28/2010 14:37:32 MAC Creme in Your Coffee Lipstick Maybelline Color Sensational in Blushing Brunette Lipstick 100% None
7/15/2010 7:39:51 MAC Creme in Your Coffee Lipstick Revlon Rose Velvet Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 1:33:14 MAC Cyber Lipstick Revlon Va Va Violet Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:16:58 MAC Dream Lipstick Pink Sand Maybelline Color Sensational Lipstick Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 16:16:45 MAC Dressmaker, Dressmaker Lipstick NYX Pumpkin Pie Lipstick 90% Lighter
7/1/2010 9:40:31 MAC Dressmaker, Dressmaker Lipstick Rimmel Crush Lipstick 100% Lighter
6/28/2010 13:50:24 MAC Ever Hip Lipstick NYX Indian Pink Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:14:33 MAC Fafi Lustering Lipstick Rimmel Mulberry Silk Lipstick 95% Darker
6/28/2010 10:41:23 MAC Fanfare Lipstick NYX Tea Rose Lipstick 100% None
6/29/2010 13:59:17 MAC Fashion Mews Lipstick Barry M Palest Lavender Lipstick 90% Darker
7/9/2010 8:00:38 MAC Flaterring Lipstick MAC Velvet Teddy Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 10:38:31 MAC Fleshpot Lipstick E.L.F. Natural Nymph Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 11:27:46 MAC Fleshpot Lipstick NYX Echo Lipstick 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 23:20:10 MAC Funbathing Lipstick Milani South Beach Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 19:09:23 MAC Girl About Town Lipstick Milani Rose Hip Lipstick 90% Different scent, Brighter
7/1/2010 1:32:33 mac girl about town Lipstick revlon colorburst lipstick in fuschia Lipstick 95% Cooler
7/1/2010 10:50:15 MAC Hue Lipstick Boots 17 Mirror Shine On Beehive Lipstick 95% Glossier
7/1/2010 10:17:59 MAC Lavander Whip Lipstick NYX Power Lipstick 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:58:45 MAC Lavendar Whip Lipstick Fyrinnae Fanservice Other 85% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:16:30 MAC Lollipop Lovin' Lipstick Rimmel Coral Shimmer-Moisture Renew Lipstick 90% Less pigmented, No green iridescence
7/10/2010 10:00:45 MAC MAC Red Lipstick NYX Chaos Lipstick 95% Brighter
6/28/2010 10:54:20 MAC Masque Lipstick Boots Nude Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:47:15 MAC Melrose Mood Lipstick MAC Saint Germain Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 20:42:29 MAC Midimauve Lipstick Maybelline Totally Toffee Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/6/2010 12:37:36 MAC Most Popular Lipstick MAC Plumful Lipstick 95% Cooler, Less red
6/28/2010 11:44:59 MAC Myth Lipstick E.L.F. Natural Nymph Lipstick 90% Different finish, Lighter
6/28/2010 15:59:28 MAC Myth Lipstick GOSH Darling Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 21:27:20 MAC Myth Lipstick NYX Circe Lipstick 95% Less pink
6/28/2010 13:10:12 MAC Myth Lipstick NYX Orange Soda Lipstick 80% Darker
6/29/2010 11:04:43 MAC Myth Lipstick Revlon Nude Attitude Lipstick 90% Darker, Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:38:29 MAC Peachstock Lipstick NYX Orange Soda Lipstick 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 10:41:03 MAC Petals & Peacocks Lipstick NYX Fusion Lipstick 85% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/30/2010 6:08:05 MAC Petals & Peacocks Lipstick NYX Louisiana Lipstick 95% Lighter
7/14/2010 3:20:23 MAC Plumful Lipstick Maybelline Yummy Plummy Lipstick 100% None
7/7/2010 14:25:11 MAC Port Red Lipstick Wet 'n' Wild Geisha's Kiss Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 10:43:00 MAC Russian Red Lipstick Revlon Really Red Matte Lipstick 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 12:14:21 Mac Show Orchid Lipstick Revlon Fuchsia Fusion Lipstick 90% More purple
6/28/2010 11:07:22 MAC Show Orchid Lipstick Revlon Wild Orchid Lipstick 75% Darker, More purple
6/28/2010 10:52:23 MAC Shy Girl Lipstick Revlon Just Enough Buff Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:17:05 MAC Snob Lipstick NYX Power Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 20:15:27 MAC Snob Lipstick Revlon (Matte) Pink Pout Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 16:53:19 MAC Snob Lipstick Wet 'n' Wild Think Pink Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:50:25 MAC Thrills Lipstick Estee Lauder Tiger Eye Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:06:59 MAC Twig Lipstick NYX Twig Lipstick 100% None
6/29/2010 17:07:50 MAC Underworld Lipstick Illamasqua Growl Lipstick 95% Darker
7/4/2010 8:33:30 MAC Up The Amp Lipstick Revlon Berry Haute Lipstick 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 19:54:47 MAC Up the Amp Lipstick Revlon Berry Haute Lipstick 95% Less creamy
6/28/2010 11:23:15 MAC Velvet Teddy Lipstick Revlon 125 Nude Velvet Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/12/2010 18:07:05 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick NYX Narcissus Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 23:48:02 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick NYX Strawberry Milk Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture, Brighter
6/28/2010 10:56:59 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Revlon Pink Pout Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:01:51 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Rimmel Pink Blush Lipstick 90% Lighter, Warmer
7/1/2010 5:24:23 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Smashbox Photo Finish Lipstick in Pout Lipstick 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 13:51:29 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Wet 'n' Wild 901B Think Pink Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Cooler
7/8/2010 13:36:14 MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick YSL No. 7 Rouge Volupte Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:05:57 MAC Viva Glam V Lipstick NYC Cafe Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 17:10:06 MAC Viva Glam V Lipstick NYC Mauve Gold Lipstick 95% Warmer
6/29/2010 10:19:31 MAC Viva Glam V Lipstick Revlon Colorburst in Blush Lipstick 95% Slightly more peachy sheen
7/14/2010 20:01:10 MAC Viva Glam VI SE Lipstick Revlon Mauve (Colorburst) Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture, Brighter
6/28/2010 11:51:24 MAC Cool Reserve Nail Polish Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish 100% None
7/5/2010 20:27:41 MAC Military Nail Polish Nubar Midnight Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/5/2010 20:26:24 MAC Military Nail Polish OPI Suzy Skis in the Pyrenees Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/5/2010 20:26:00 MAC Military Nail Polish Orly Iron Butterfly Nail Polish 100% None
7/5/2010 20:26:37 MAC Military Nail Polish Zoya Dovima Nail Polish 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 3:44:41 MAC Scorcher Nail Polish L'Oreal Shine & Resist Titanium in 430 Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 14:24:16 mac Scorching Nail Polish E.L.F. fire coral Nail Polish 100% None
6/30/2010 13:07:08 MAC Scorching Nail Polish ELF fire coral Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 14:30:21 MAC Steamy Nail Polish FingerPaints Watermelon Watercolor Nail Polish 95% Shinier
7/10/2010 22:01:10 MAC Clear Red Gloss Other MAC Dewy Jube Lipgloss 95% Very close to 100% match, DJ is slightly thinner
6/28/2010 20:13:04 MAC MSF Natural Other Maybelline Dream Matte Powder Other 90% lighter/silkier feel
6/30/2010 22:44:34 MAC Fix+ Skincare H20+ Oasis Mist Skincare 95% Thicker consistency
6/28/2010 11:41:34 MAC Fix+ Skincare MARK. Mist Opportunity Skincare 100% None
6/29/2010 16:58:13 MAC Fix+ Rose Skincare Mario Badescu Facial Spray With Aloe, Herbs And Rosewater Skincare 95% Different spray nozzle
6/28/2010 12:29:17 MAC Fix+ Rose Skincare The Body Shop Vitamin E Face Mist Skincare 100% None
6/29/2010 20:33:14 MAC Amber Lights Eyeshadow Lancome Pose Eyeshadow 95% Darker
7/1/2010 22:17:50 MAC Beautymark Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Sculpted Eyeshadow 100% same texture / same finish
6/28/2010 14:52:04 Mac Electric Eel Eyeshadow Milani Atlantis Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:49:57 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Stila Kitten Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 21:24:24 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow L'Oreal HIP Sassy Eyeshadow 90% Warmer
7/6/2010 20:48:28 Mac Satin taupe Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Nutty Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/30/2010 10:35:02 MAC Mustard Eyeshadow - Loose MAC Goldenrod Eyeshadow 95% Brighter
7/10/2010 21:55:44 MAC Steel Blue Eyeshadow - Loose Pure Luxe Galaxy Eyeshadow - Loose 95% Less pigmented, More of a glitter sparkle, has a drier texture
6/28/2010 11:47:50 MAC Boy Bait Lipgloss NYC Lip Sliders Tinted Lip Balm in Sugar Coated Lip Balm 90% Lip Balm
6/28/2010 10:42:23 MAC Funtabulous Lipgloss Milani 3D Glitzy Fashion Diva Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 10:53:04 MAC Rags to Riches Lipgloss Milani 3D Glitzy Star Shine Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 18:03:57 mac Ahoy There Lipstick Benefit Jing-a-ling Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 12:05:48 MAC Lazy Day Lipstick NYX LSS Sky Pink Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 22:07:40 MAC Melrose Mood Lipstick MAC Saint Germain Lipstick 100% None
6/29/2010 17:19:09 MAC Cool Reserve Nail Polish Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish 80% Darker, More gray, less purple
6/28/2010 15:57:21 MAC Peppermint Patti Nail Polish Barry M Mint Green Nail Polish 95% Easier application, thinner
7/15/2010 7:23:52 Majolica Majorca SV 821 Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Taupe Eyeshadow 95% Little less shimmery
6/30/2010 20:08:26 Make Up For Ever #10 Blush MAC Hipness Blush 90% Brighter
6/29/2010 19:26:34 Make Up For Ever 1L Eyeliner Prestige Strong Slate (06) Eyeliner 100% None
6/28/2010 14:29:28 Make Up For Ever #18 Eyeshadow Sugarpill Flamepoint Eyeshadow 100% Brighter
7/10/2010 22:10:56 Make Up For Ever #906 Star Powder Eyeshadow - Loose Pure Luxe Shameless Eyeshadow 95% These are VERY close; Shameless has a better texture
6/28/2010 15:00:52 Make Up For Ever HD Loose Powder Foundation - Loose E.L.F High Definition Powder Other 100% None
6/28/2010 14:58:11 MARS Cranberry Eyeshadow Urban Decay Gash Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/6/2010 19:16:22 Mary Kay Velocity Exfoliating Cleanser Skincare St. Ives Green Tea Exfoliater Skincare 90% Different finish/texture, different size beads
7/1/2010 6:52:07 Max Factor False Lash Effect Mascara Essence No Limited Mascara 90% Different finish/texture, Darker
6/28/2010 17:06:52 Misa High Waist Hue Nail Polish OPI Tickele M Franc-y Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 14:28:03 NARS Albatross Blush E.L.F. Gotta Glow Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:42:58 NARS Amour Blush MAC Fleur Power Blush 90% Lighter
6/29/2010 13:53:42 NARS Deep Throat Blush E.L.F. Tickled Pink Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/29/2010 11:20:21 NARS Deep Throat Blush Rimmel Apricot Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
7/16/2010 2:58:19 NARS Deep Throat Blush Smashbox Paradise Blush 85% Lighter
6/29/2010 13:51:46 NARS Desire Blush E.L.F. Pink Passion Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 1:40:01 NARS Desire Blush NYX Pinky Blush 95% Pinky is more pigmented so you will want to use a lighter hand
6/29/2010 13:52:30 NARS Gina Blush E.L.F. Peachy Keen Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/28/2010 14:58:44 NARS Laguna/Orgasm Duo Blush E.L.F Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder Other 95% Lighter, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:53:05 NARS Ninotchka Blush Make Up For Ever #70 Blush 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:44:56 NARS Orgasm Blush Cargo The Big Easy Blush 95% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 7:31:58 NARS Orgasm Blush Clinique Precious Posy Blush 95% More pigmented, finer and less shimmer
7/16/2010 17:08:47 NARS Orgasm Blush E.L.F. Candid Coral Blush 95% Less gold shimmer
7/1/2010 8:27:49 NARS Orgasm Blush ELF Blushed Blush 90% more pigmented
7/11/2010 16:04:16 NARS Orgasm Blush Flirt! Heartthrob Blush 100% None
7/2/2010 20:29:49 NARS Orgasm Blush MAC Dainty Blush 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:13:10 NARS Orgasm Blush MAC Springsheen Blush 95% Different finish/texture, More pigmented
7/1/2010 8:28:14 NARS Orgasm Blush MAC Springsheen Blush 95% Less pigmented
7/14/2010 13:30:18 NARS Orgasm Blush MAC Paradisco Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 16:18:35 NARS Orgasm Blush Mark. After Glo Blush 100% None
6/28/2010 19:15:26 NARS Orgasm Blush Milani Luminous Blush 85% Lighter, Less pigmented, Less staying power, Cooler
7/1/2010 20:38:02 NARS Orgasm Blush Milani Luminous Blush 90% Lighter, not as shimmery
7/6/2010 9:43:27 NARS Orgasm Blush Milani Luminous Blush 95% None
6/29/2010 18:16:46 NARS Orgasm Blush NYX Pinched Blush 95% Less Sparkle
7/3/2010 5:49:23 Nars Orgasm Blush NYX Pinched Blush 95% More pigmented; looks different in pan but same on skin
7/13/2010 7:06:47 NARS Orgasm Blush Ramy Bitch Slap! Blush 95% Less shimmery
7/14/2010 21:34:59 NARS Orgasm Blush Rock & Republic Call Me Blush 95% Brighter, More Pigmented
6/28/2010 11:50:13 NARS Orgasm Blush Smashbox Chiffon Blush 95% Less shimmery
6/30/2010 22:29:01 NARS Orgasm Blush The Body Shop Golden Pink Blush Blush 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 17:42:33 NARS Orgasm Blush Tracta Felice Blush 85% Darker, Warmer
6/28/2010 14:18:41 NARS Orgasm Blush theBalm Hot Mama Blush 90% Smoother
7/4/2010 19:51:02 Nars Sertao Blush MAC Trace Gold Blush 80% Brighter, Less pigmented
6/29/2010 14:01:54 NARS Sin Blush E.L.F. Berry Merry Blush 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 10:42:19 NARS Sin Blush Milani Temptation Blush 90% Less pigmented, less staying power
6/28/2010 18:28:49 NARS Irresistiblement Bronzer L'Oreal Bare Honey Blush 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 16:48:23 NARS Laguna Bronzer Physicians Formula Medium/Dark Bronze Booster Glow-Boosting Bronzer 75% Lighter, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:50:11 NARS Laguna Bronzer Tarte Park Ave Princess Bronzer 80% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 18:48:58 NARS Cap Vert Bronzer - Cream/Gel NARS Irresistiblement Bronzer 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 11:19:40 NARS Ashes to Ashes Eyeshadow Maybelline Silken Taupe Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 15:03:47 NARS Galapagos Eyeshadow NYX Golden Amber Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 15:55:10 NARS Kalahari Eyeshadow Quo Sahara Sand Duo Eyeshadow 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 16:23:15 NARS Night Clubbing Eyeshadow NYX Smoky Mountain Eyeshadow 95% Less chunky shimmer
6/29/2010 19:17:08 NARS Night Fairy Eyeshadow Prestige Uva Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 19:40:03 NARS Strada Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Kitten Eyeshadow 75% Less pigmented, Warmer
6/29/2010 11:19:57 NARS Tibet Eyeshadow Ben Nye Pearl Shine Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:26:49 Nars Albatross Highlighter E.L.F Gotta Glow Blush 95% Brighter, More shimmer
6/28/2010 12:05:31 NARS Copacabana Highlighter - Cream E.L.F. Spotlight (Shimmering Facial Whip) Highlighter - Cream 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:17:10 NARS Chelsea Girls Lipgloss theBalm Coco My Coconuts Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
7/5/2010 17:49:18 Nars Orgasm Lipgloss NYC 554 Sungold Pink Lipgloss 85% Different finish/texture, Warmer
6/28/2010 12:24:04 NARS Orgasm Lipgloss NYC Sungold Pink Lipgloss 95% Golder
6/28/2010 11:03:35 NARS Orgasm Lipgloss Sephora Rose Gold 38 Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:43:37 NARS Orgasm Lipgloss Too Faced Plush Lipgloss 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 19:58:32 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss BonneBell Strawberry Parfait Lipgloss 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:24:53 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss MAC Underage Lipgloss 95% Less pink
7/1/2010 17:30:57 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss Neutrogena In the Groove Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture, Darker
6/28/2010 11:32:18 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss Revlon Peach Petals Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 18:39:10 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss Smashbox Pout Lipgloss 95% Brighter
6/28/2010 10:41:21 NARS Turkish Delight Lipgloss Victoria's Secret Innocent Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 12:32:44 NARS Canaille Lipstick Clinique Plum Nude Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
7/14/2010 9:54:16 NARS Dolce Vita Lipstick Revlon Soft Rose Lipstick 80% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:45:33 NARS Niagara Lipstick NYX Brick (Black Label) Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
6/30/2010 6:40:48 NARS Schiap Lipstick NYX Louisiana Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 11:12:03 NARS Purple Rain Nail Polish Essie Sexy Divide Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 13:29:10 NARS Orgasm Blush NYX Pinched Blush 95% Cooler, Pinker
6/28/2010 15:33:47 Nina Ultra Pro Opal Elegance Nail Polish Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Disco Ball Nail Polish 100% None
7/9/2010 13:54:11 NYX Mink Pearl Eyeshadow - Loose MAC Jardin Aires Eyeshadow - Loose 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:48:53 OPI Can You Tapas This? Nail Polish Misa Can't Nobody Take Me Down Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 15:04:47 OPI Charged Up Cherry Nail Polish Zoya Renee Nail Polish 95% Brighter
6/29/2010 15:43:49 OPI Conga-Line Coral Nail Polish China Glaze Coral Star Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
6/28/2010 15:29:02 OPI Dating a Royal Nail Polish Essie Mesmerize Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 15:45:05 OPI Lunch at the Delhi Nail Polish China Glaze Atelier Tulle Nail Polish 95% Warmer
6/29/2010 22:32:45 OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish Rimmel Steel Grey Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 10:00:29 OPI Pike's Peek-A-Boo Purple Nail Polish Orly Midnight Star Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 11:19:39 OPI Rumple's Wiggin Nail Polish Essie Lilacism Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:32:53 OPI Russian Navy Nail Polish Revlon Midnight Affair Nail Polish 95% Has different sparkles
6/29/2010 15:47:30 OPI Teal the Cows Come Home Nail Polish Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine Flash Nail Polish 95% More pigmented
6/28/2010 18:54:48 OPI The "It" Color Nail Polish American Apparel Manila Nail Polish 95% Darker
6/28/2010 14:44:35 OPI The "It" Color Nail Polish Essence Sundancer Nail Polish 90% Warmer
6/28/2010 21:31:13 OPI Tutti Fruity Tonga Nail Polish China Glaze Exceptionally Gifted Nail Polish 85% Darker
6/28/2010 15:43:47 OPI Vodka & Caviar Nail Polish China Glaze Masai Red Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 11:01:13 OPI Who the Shrek are You? Nail Polish Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Grass Slipper Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 0:12:19 OPI Who the Shrek are You? Nail Polish Sally Hansens X-treme Wear Green with Envy Nail Polish 95% Lighter
6/29/2010 13:17:51 OPI You Don't Know Jacques Nail Polish ULTA Professional Soho Pretty Nail Polish 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 15:51:49 Orly Gorgeous Nail Polish Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Instant Iris Nail Polish 100% More pigmented
6/28/2010 15:25:02 Orly Prince Charming Nail Polish Essie Mink Muffs Nail Polish 100% None
6/30/2010 15:13:59 Piggy Polish Daylilly's & Music Nail Polish Revlon Minted Nail Polish 95% Slightly bluer
6/30/2010 15:15:41 Piggy Polish Tic Tac TOES! Nail Polish Jordana Ocean Frost Nail Polish 95% More watery
6/28/2010 15:14:45 Rescue Beauty Lounge Stormy Nail Polish Barry M Grey Nail Polish 100% None
7/7/2010 18:23:29 Revlon Rose Velvet Lipstick MAC Creme In Your Coffee Lipstick 100% None
6/28/2010 19:21:12 Revlon Street Wear Strawberry Suede Lipstick MAC So Chaud Lipstick 80% Less orange
6/28/2010 19:06:10 Revlon Street Wear Taxi Nail Polish China Glaze Solar Power Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 9:58:12 Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure Nail Polish Nubar Nubar 2010 Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 15:45:23 Sally Hansen Lacquer Shine Glow Nail Polish Wet 'n' Wild Jade Nail Polish 100% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:42:44 Sally Hanson Commander in Chic Nail Polish Rimmel Steel Grey Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 17:39:12 Sephora Bronzed Beauty Lipgloss Clinique Blackberry Bloom Lipgloss 95% Less pigmented
6/29/2010 4:22:20 Sephora by OPI BYOBoy Nail Polish Covergirl Boundless Color 515 Megawatt Mauve Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
7/1/2010 18:26:38 Sephora By OPI Mermaid to Order Nail Polish Rimmel London 819 Green With Envy Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 15:27:18 Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish China Glaze Channelesque Nail Polish 95% A little bit more purple
6/29/2010 15:01:33 Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish Confetti Moonstruck Nail Polish 95% Moonstruck is a thinner polish but the end result is identical.
6/29/2010 16:55:20 Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish Rimmel Steel Grey Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 16:01:13 Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish Rimmel Steel Grey (Lasting Pro Finish) Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/7/2010 20:22:28 Sephora by OPI Metro Chic Nail Polish Sally Hansen Commander in Chic Nail Polish 100% Less streaky
6/28/2010 15:58:50 Sephora by OPI Too Good For Him Nail Polish Nicole by OPI Gone Wishin' Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 12:29:05 Smashbox Brow Tech Brow - Shadow NYC NYC Browser Brows - Shadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:37:41 Smashbox ASAP Eyeshadow Boots N7 Truffle Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 16:25:00 Smashbox Photo Finish Primer Other Quo Total Perfection Face Primer Other 95% None
6/28/2010 22:17:38 Stila Smudgepot Eyeliner - Gel L'Oreal HIP Color Truth Cream Eyeliner Eyeliner - Cream 95% Darker
6/29/2010 19:17:31 Stila Grace Eyeshadow Ulta Plum Smoke Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 22:50:40 Stila Kitten Eyeshadow JK Jemma Kidd Vintage Eyeshadow 95% Cooler
6/29/2010 10:48:30 Stila Kitten Eyeshadow MAC Naked Lunch Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:02:39 Stila Kitten Lipgloss Sephora Sweet Nectar Lipgloss 95% None
6/28/2010 12:11:12 Tarina Tarantino Electric Butterfly Eyeshadow NARS Mediterranee Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Less holographic
7/1/2010 11:10:20 Too Faced Papa Don't Preach Blush Maybelline 11 Apricot Blush 75% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented
6/28/2010 10:59:11 Urban Decay 1999 Eyeliner Ulta Raisin (Automatic) Eyeliner 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 14:09:55 Urban Decay 24/7 Eye Pencil Eyeliner CoverGirl Liquline Blast Eyeliner 95% Less lasting power
6/29/2010 13:46:30 Urban Decay 24/7 Eye Pencil Eyeliner Milani Liquifeye Eyeliner 100% None
6/28/2010 19:29:59 Urban Decay Covet Eyeliner Sephora 04 Flashy Green Eyeliner 95% Darker
6/29/2010 17:21:30 Urban Decay El Dorado Eyeliner L'Oreal Gold Charge Eyeliner 95% Darker
6/29/2010 17:23:33 Urban Decay Electric Eyeliner Bourjois Bleu clinquant Eyeliner 100% None
6/28/2010 19:31:28 Urban Decay Ransom Eyeliner Sephora 13 Flashy Ultra Violet Eyeliner 100% None
6/29/2010 17:19:35 Urban Decay Stash Eyeliner Clinique Egyptian Eyeliner 95% Darker
6/28/2010 11:48:32 Urban Decay Zero Eyeliner L'Oreal HIP Black Eyeliner 100% None
6/28/2010 11:32:33 Urban Decay Zero Eyeliner Milani Black (Liquif'Eye) Eyeliner 95% Different finish/texture
7/15/2010 7:20:58 Urban Decay Acid Rain Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Lime Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 14:17:30 Urban Decay Blaze Eyeshadow MAC All That Glitters Eyeshadow 95% Warmer
6/29/2010 1:21:00 Urban Decay Fishnet Eyeshadow Ben Nye Cosmic Violet Eyeshadow 95% Brighter
6/28/2010 16:51:39 Urban Decay Free Love Eyeshadow Coastal Scents 88 Warm Pal. -7th column 4th one down Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 17:06:58 Urban Decay Gash Eyeshadow MAC Cranberry Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Warmer
7/15/2010 7:20:33 Urban Decay Graffiti Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Green Eyeshadow 100% None
6/29/2010 13:40:33 Urban Decay Green Goddess Eyeshadow MAC Surreal Eyeshadow 95% more green
6/29/2010 17:17:52 Urban Decay Honey Eyeshadow MAC Goldmine Eyeshadow 90% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 20:02:25 Urban Decay Mildew Eyeshadow MAC Humid Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/12/2010 2:38:23 Urban Decay Mildew Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Envy Eyeshadow 95% Brighter
7/15/2010 7:19:07 Urban Decay Shag Eyeshadow Tigi Bed Head Natural Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 11:34:37 Urban Decay Shag Eyeshadow Wet 'n' Wild Penny 225B Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
6/28/2010 11:20:51 Urban Decay Sin Eyeshadow Jane Sungloss Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented, Eyeshadow
6/28/2010 19:54:19 Urban Decay Snatch Eyeshadow Benefit RSVP Eyeshadow - Cream 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:14:41 Urban Decay Snatch Eyeshadow MAC Gleam Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/14/2010 16:58:16 Urban Decay Uzi Eyeshadow Ulta Ice Queen Eyeshadow 100% None
6/28/2010 19:57:30 Urban Decay X Eyeshadow MAC Gleam Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:44:13 Urban Decay Primer Potion Eyeshadow - Base E.L.F. Mineral Eyeshadow Primer Eyeshadow - Base 100% None
6/29/2010 8:22:24 Urban Decay Sin Primer Potion Eyeshadow - Base Benefit RSVP Eyeshadow - Cream 90% Lighter
6/28/2010 10:43:49 Urban Decay Apocalypse Lipstick Clinique Black Honey Lipstick Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 11:01:31 Urban Decay Hot Voodoo Lipstick MAC New York Apple Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
7/16/2010 21:52:42 Urban Decay Midnight Cowboy Lipstick Benefit Sugar Cookie Lipstick 95% Darker
6/28/2010 18:32:29 Urban decay Naked Lipstick Estee Lauder Pink Champagne Lipstick 95% More Shimmer
6/28/2010 15:01:29 Urban Decay Bruise Nail Polish Maybelline Vanishing Venus Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 15:00:44 Urban Decay Bruise Nail Polish Misa Embroidered Emerald Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 10:56:46 Urban Decay Love Light Nail Polish Zoya Glimmer Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 11:01:53 Urban Decay Stash Eyeliner Ulta Moss (Automatic) Eyeliner 85% Greener
6/28/2010 21:05:08 Urban Decay Gash Eyeshadow Stila Terracotta Eyeshadow 95% Brighter, More Shimmery
6/28/2010 11:32:38 Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick Victoria's Secret Showstopper Lipstick 100% None
7/1/2010 6:45:01 Viktort & Rolf Flowerbomb Fragrance Kylie Monigue Sweet Darling Fragrance 85% Less intense (eau de parfum vs. eau de toilette)
7/1/2010 8:59:39 YSL #08 Pur Gloss Lipgloss Revlon Coral Reef Lipgloss 95% Little pinker
7/8/2010 13:37:12 YSL No. 1 Rouge Volupte Lipstick MAC Angel Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
6/29/2010 20:37:52 YSL Tender Peach Lipstick Victoria's Secret Scrumptious Lipstick 95% Lighter
6/28/2010 12:53:55 YSL Faux Cils Mascara L'Oreal HIP Voluminous Carbon Black Mascara 95% No rose scent
6/28/2010 15:21:36 Zoya Dovima Nail Polish Orly Iron Butterfly Nail Polish 90% Different finish/texture
6/28/2010 15:17:17 Zoya Moxie Nail Polish Sally Hansen Beet Stain Nail Polish 100% None
6/28/2010 10:49:34 Zoya Robyn Nail Polish Orly Blue Collar Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 10:01:19 Zoya Whitney Nail Polish OPI That's Hot! Pink Nail Polish 100% None
6/29/2010 14:12:40 Zoya Yummy Nail Polish OPI Just Groovy Nail Polish 95% Darker
7/17/2010 11:39:09 MAC Shy Girl/ Dressmaker Dressmaker Lipstick Revlon Colorstay - Cozy Coral Lipstick 95% MAC's a bit shinier
7/17/2010 12:25:26 MAC all that glitters Eyeshadow Revlon Nude Slip Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/17/2010 14:09:57 MAC Lipglass Lipgloss Milani Summer baby Lipgloss 95% None
7/17/2010 14:12:20 MAC Lipglass Nymphette Lipgloss Milani Summer baby Lipgloss 95% None
7/17/2010 22:56:34 MAC Expensive Pink Eyeshadow NYX Peach Eyeshadow 95% Slight sparkles
7/18/2010 1:53:50 China Glaze Secret Periwinkle Nail Polish Zoya Jo Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture, More shimmer
7/18/2010 3:29:04 OPI Miami Beet Nail Polish Zoya Moxie Nail Polish 95% Darker
7/18/2010 3:32:23 OPI Feelin' Hot Hot Hot! Nail Polish OPI Party In My Cabana Nail Polish 90% Darker
7/18/2010 3:34:04 China Glaze Pink Underground Nail Polish Zoya Barbie Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/18/2010 3:36:27 OPI "Sheer" Your Toys! Nail Polish Zoya Harley Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/18/2010 7:41:30 MAC Full Body Lipstick Benefit Ms Behavin Lipstick 95% Cooler, slightly more plum
7/18/2010 11:55:55 nars orgasm Lipgloss nyc sungold pink Lipgloss 95% Less pigmented
7/18/2010 15:55:43 Laura Mercier Avant Garde Nail Polish OPI Lincoln Park at Midnight Nail Polish 100% None
7/18/2010 20:21:25 MAC Expensive Pink Eyeshadow Mary Kay Shy Blush Blush 95% Different finish/texture
7/18/2010 21:15:07 LORAC Blush Blush Jordana Powder Blush Blush 90% Less pigmented
7/19/2010 5:40:57 mac blue india (liberty of london collection) Nail Polish sally hansen complete manicure gray-by-gray Nail Polish 95% a touch lighter but after 2 coats you can't tell the difference
7/19/2010 20:41:20 MAC Blanc Type Eyeshadow essence 22 blockbuster Eyeshadow 100% None
7/19/2010 20:45:35 MAC Brule Eyeshadow Sephora Universal Beige 08 Eyeshadow 100% None
7/19/2010 20:47:32 MAC Blanc Type Eyeshadow Revlon Matte Eyeshadow Vintage Lace 001 Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/19/2010 20:54:25 Benefit Moonbeam Highlighter ULTA Seashell Eyeshadow Eyeshadow 90% Warmer
7/19/2010 21:02:23 MAC Mystery Eyeshadow NYX Dark Brown Eyeshadow 100% None
7/19/2010 21:11:31 MAC Print Eyeshadow NYX Casablanca Trio Darkest Shade Eyeshadow 95% No glitter
7/19/2010 22:12:38 Mac Springsheen Blush Blush Awake Light Coral Blush 100% None
7/19/2010 23:33:54 Benefit Posietint Lip Stain ETUDE HOUSE Fresh Cherry Tint Lip Gloss Makeup #2 Pink Lip Stain 95% Brighter
7/19/2010 23:40:22 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow Wet'n'Wild Nutty Eyeshadow 100% Lighter
7/20/2010 9:54:57 MAC Indianwood Paint Pot Eyeshadow - Base NARS Fez Eyeshadow 100% Different finish/texture
7/20/2010 9:56:33 NARS Cordura Eyeshadow NARS Galapagos Eyeshadow 85% Lighter, Less pigmented
7/20/2010 9:58:44 NARS Madagascar Eyeshadow NARS Barbuda Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/20/2010 10:00:16 NARS Madagascar Eyeshadow NARS Ashes to Ashes Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/20/2010 10:02:55 NARS Isolde Eyeshadow NARS Blondie Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, Less pigmented
7/20/2010 12:15:20 MAC Shell pearl Highlighter MAC Perfect Topping MSF Highlighter 95% Different finish/texture, Perfect Topping is more shimmery.
7/20/2010 17:26:07 MAC Firecracker Eyeshadow NYX Cherry Eyeshadow 95% Lighter, Less pigmented
7/20/2010 19:26:40 Nars Orgasm Blush Rimmel Blush Blush 95% Less pigmented
7/21/2010 0:58:05 MAC Ripe Peach Blush Estee Lauder Peach Nuance Blush 95% Warmer
7/21/2010 8:14:23 NYX African Queen Lipgloss N.Y.C. Blue Pink Lipstick 85% Different finish/texture, Matte
7/21/2010 16:55:08 MAC Aquavert Eyeshadow Jane Eye Zinger Provence Eyeshadow 95% None
7/21/2010 17:52:59 mac young punk Eyeshadow mac young punk Eyeshadow 90% The pink is not as vibrant
7/21/2010 17:53:27 mac young punk Eyeshadow nyx sensual Eyeshadow 90% The pink is not as vibrant
7/21/2010 17:54:03 nars ondine Eyeshadow nyx violette Eyeshadow 90% Darker
7/21/2010 17:54:49 mac dressmaker dressmaker Lipstick nyx pumpkin pie Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/21/2010 17:56:07 NARS Orgasm Blush Mary Kay Shy Blush Blush 100% Shy Blush is a tiny bit more gold toned, but on the cheeks, they are identical.
7/21/2010 18:03:20 mac creme de nude Lipstick nyc circe Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/21/2010 18:15:26 nars taj mahal Blush nyx cinnamon Blush 95% Different finish/texture, Lighter
7/21/2010 18:16:28 mac marine life Highlighter mac hot hot hot Eyeshadow 95% slightly different shade
7/21/2010 18:17:34 mac boy bait Lipgloss nyx whipped Lipgloss 100% None
7/21/2010 18:18:37 mac creamsheen lipglosses Lipgloss nyx nyx girls lipglosses Lipgloss 100% Same creamy texture, different shades some dupes
7/21/2010 18:19:12 mac tiger tiger Lipstick mac dressmaker dressmaker, freckletone Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/21/2010 19:13:05 MAC Viva Glam VI Lipgloss Stila Raisin Lipgloss 95% smaller glitter
7/21/2010 22:36:22 Chanel Joues Contraste Powder Blush in 82 Reflex Blush E.L.F. Studio Line Blush in Candid Coral Blush 85% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
7/22/2010 11:54:49 mac viva glam II Lipstick rimmel airy fairy Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
7/22/2010 15:15:23 MAC Band of Roses Mineralize Blush Duo Blush MAC Dollymix and Breezy Sheertone Shimmer Blushes Blush 95% slightly different finish
7/22/2010 17:35:04 NARS Napoli Lipstick Maybelline Park Avenue Peach Lipstick 90% Brighter, Has more pink than Napoli
7/23/2010 7:27:03 MAC Later (Pigment) Eyeshadow Urban Decay Rockstar (Loose Pigment) Eyeshadow 95% Darker, Slightly more shimmery
7/23/2010 7:29:16 MAC Moth Brown Eyeshadow Chanel Taupe Grise Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented & No frost
7/23/2010 13:18:46 MAC Shy Girl Lipstick Rimmel Crush Lipstick 95% Crush is a hint more pigmented, but otherwise, they're identical.
7/23/2010 14:13:56 SpaRitual Optical Illusion Nail Polish China Glaze Zombie Zest Nail Polish 100% None
7/23/2010 14:31:27 MAC Glamour Check! Eyeshadow Revlon Shimmering Sienna Eyeshadow 100% None
7/23/2010 16:52:27 NARS South Beach Other Eyeko Tinted Cream Bronzer - Cream/Gel 95% just a little bit more golden
7/23/2010 19:35:00 mac petticoat Blush nars organism Blush 90% Darker
7/24/2010 1:49:07 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow Maybelline Expert wear Eyeshadow 15 Linen Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less Shimmery
7/24/2010 1:51:38 MAC Electra Eyeshadow Loreal HIP Metallic Shadow Duo Platinum 906 Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/24/2010 2:44:03 OPI Catch Me If You Can Nail Polish Zoya Charla Nail Polish 100% None
7/24/2010 2:45:44 Sephora by OPI Havana Dreams Nail Polish Hard Candy Sky Nail Polish 90% Lighter
7/24/2010 2:47:51 OPI Catch Me In Your Net Nail Polish Zoya Charla Nail Polish 100% None
7/24/2010 2:49:59 China Glaze Millenium Nail Polish Maybelline Mirror Image Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
7/24/2010 2:51:37 OPI Siberian Nights Nail Polish Orly Wild Wisteria Nail Polish 95% Lighter
7/24/2010 2:54:12 Orly Gumdrop Nail Polish Eyeko Vintage Polish Nail Polish 90% Greener
7/24/2010 2:56:56 China Glaze Flyin High Nail Polish China Glaze Custom Kicks Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
7/24/2010 8:01:41 NARS Nail Polish-Orgasm Nail Polish Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Blush Rush Nail Polish 75% More opaque/pink
7/24/2010 11:31:22 MAC Shroom Eyeshadow Loreal Shroom Shimmer Eyeshadow 90% Warmer
7/24/2010 20:25:00 nars Taj Mahal Blush nyx Copper Blush 95% Lighter, Very close on skin but much more shimmery
7/24/2010 20:27:50 nars Taj Mahal Blush NYX Cinnamon Blush 75% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Less pigmented, Cooler, The only reason I wrote this is because some said this was a dupe.Clearly they don't have taj mahal..No comparison..no shimmery not complex unique color..nothing special
7/24/2010 21:35:29 MAC Jazzed Lipstick Wet n Wild 903C Lipstick 100% None
7/24/2010 23:53:45 OPI Who The Shrek Are You? Nail Polish Misa Green with envy Eyeshadow 100% None
7/25/2010 19:02:40 MAC Go Eyeshadow Stila Go Lighly Eyeshadow 100% Different finish/texture
7/25/2010 19:46:49 MAC 4N Lipstick Maybelline Nude Blush G132 Lipstick 95% Brighter, Cooler
7/26/2010 2:11:56 MAC Ladyblush Blush - Cream N.Y.C. Big Apple Blush Blush - Cream 95% Different finish/texture
7/26/2010 10:42:59 mac bronze Eyeshadow nyx eyeshadow Eyeshadow 95% None
7/26/2010 15:12:55 China Glaze Sugar High Nail Polish China Glaze Rick and Famous Nail Polish 90% Brighter
7/26/2010 16:18:07 MAC Twig Lipstick NYX Twig Lipstick 100% distinctive smells, but that doesn't matter for lipsticks!
7/26/2010 18:22:03 Mac Stereo Rose MSF Blush NARS Orgasm Blush 90% Cooler, not as shimmery
7/27/2010 13:33:32 Laura Mercier Brown Copper Kohl Eye Pencil Eyeliner Maybelline New York Line Stylist Bronze Gleam Eyeliner 95% Darker, more sparkles
7/27/2010 19:47:05 philosophy When Hope is Not Enough Omega 3-6-9 Replenishing Body Lotion Skincare Paula's Choice Slip into Silk Body Lotion. Skincare 100% None
7/28/2010 10:53:57 MAC Rustmetal Eyeshadow - Loose Loreal HIP Pigment in Phosperhous Eyeshadow - Loose 90% Darker
7/28/2010 12:13:56 Urban Decay 24/7 Pencil in Zero Eyeliner Annabelle Smudgeliner in Oh My Goth Eyeliner 100% None
7/28/2010 12:18:30 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow MAC Magic Dust Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
7/29/2010 2:43:51 Chanel Particuliére Nail Polish Rimmel Steel Grey 270 Nail Polish 90% Cooler
7/29/2010 4:21:09 MAC Contrast Eyeshadow NYX Odyssey Eyeshadow 95% None
7/29/2010 12:52:16 MAC Mythology Eyeshadow Coastal Scents Hot Pot S15 Eyeshadow 95% Lighter
7/29/2010 12:55:03 MAC Creme De Violet Eyeshadow ULTA Iris Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
7/29/2010 17:31:05 MAC Satin Taupe Eyeshadow NARS Ashes to Ashes Eyeshadow 85% Lighter
7/30/2010 8:25:33 Nars Orgasm Blush Milani Luminous Blush 85% None
7/30/2010 10:15:01 MAC Gold Rebel Lipgloss Milani 3D Glitzy Glamour Gloss in 42 Stylish Lipgloss 80% Brighter, more orange
7/30/2010 10:31:19 NARS orgasm blush Blush maybelline Dream mousse blush number 20 peach satin Blush - Cream 95% Less pigmented
7/30/2010 21:17:09 MAC Bare Necessity Lipgloss Milani Designer Label Lipgloss 100% None
7/30/2010 21:19:53 MAC Funtabulous Lipgloss Milani Fashion Diva Lipgloss 95% Lighter
7/31/2010 10:48:32 MAC Fluidline Eyeliner - Gel Sleek Ink Pot Eyeliner - Gel 100% Brighter
7/31/2010 14:11:22 MAC Gleam Eyeshadow Loreal Golden Sunset Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, Cooler
7/31/2010 21:09:27 MAC perennial high style lip glass Lipgloss Revlon Super Lustrous Lipglass in Coral Reef (Limited edition) Lipgloss 95% Different finish/texture
7/31/2010 23:14:54 mac lipstick Lipstick elf spf mineral foundation Skincare 75% Different finish/texture
8/1/2010 4:40:07 China Glaze Let's Groove! Nail Polish Catrice (EU) Poison Me, Poison You Nail Polish 95% Different finish/texture
8/1/2010 4:50:37 MAC Smudged Violet Eyeshadow Lancome SNAP Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Lighter
8/1/2010 8:13:03 MAC Float On By Lipstick Wet and Wild Kohl Eyeliner in Turquoise Eyeshadow 95% Lighter, Price. $13(MAC) $.99(Wet and Wild)
8/1/2010 12:01:46 MAC BeautyMarked Eyeshadow Wet n Wild #248 Lust Palette (lowest right shade) Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
8/1/2010 12:19:47 MAC BeautyMarked Eyeshadow Wet n Wild #248 Lust Palette (lowest right shade) Eyeshadow 95% More pigmented
8/1/2010 14:25:11 YSL Pure Lipstick in #148 Tea Rose Lipstick Golden Rose Black packaged lipstick in #98 Lipstick 95% Warmer
8/1/2010 14:41:29 Chanel Particulière Nail Polish Rimmel London Lasting Finish Pro in Steel Grey Nail Polish 100% None
8/1/2010 15:59:52 Urban Decay Vert Eyeshadow Too Faced Jealous Eyeshadow 95% slightly more yellow
8/1/2010 16:25:04 chanel jade Nail Polish chanel polish Nail Polish 100% Different finish/texture, None
8/1/2010 20:44:32 MAC Sunbasque Blush Cover Girl Cheekers Blush- Soft Sable Blush 100% More pigmented
8/1/2010 23:17:13 MAC Knight Divine Eyeshadow Prestige Dramatic Minerals Eyeshadow Lapis Eyeshadow 80% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Brighter, Cooler
8/2/2010 1:47:51 Sephora by OPI Mermaid to Order Nail Polish Sinful Colors Gorgeous Nail Polish 95% Less gold
8/2/2010 9:21:10 MAC Viva Glam Cyndi Lipstick MAC See Sheer Lipstick 100% None
8/2/2010 9:33:57 Mac Rubenesque Paint pot Eyeshadow - Base Coastal Scents Gel Liner- Summer Fun Eyeliner - Gel 85% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
8/2/2010 14:46:46 New York Color Blushable Cream Stick Blush - Cream NARS Deep Throat Blush - Cream 85% Brighter
8/2/2010 16:39:05 MAC Cherry Blossom Lipglass Lipgloss NYX Goddess of the Night lipgloss in Perfect Lipgloss 95% Darker, Slighly darker, shimmer is a little less fine
8/3/2010 16:59:22 NARS Love Devotion Lipstick MAC See Sheer Lipstick 95% slightly more pigmented
8/3/2010 17:01:53 Mac shroom Eyeshadow Sallys champagne Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
8/3/2010 17:02:42 Mac shroom Eyeshadow milana classic beige Eyeshadow 100% None
8/3/2010 17:03:20 Mac wood winked Eyeshadow Nyx antique gold Eyeshadow 95% Less pigmented
8/3/2010 17:03:55 Mac all that glitters Eyeshadow Sallys bronze Eyeshadow 100% Lighter
8/3/2010 21:11:43 MAC Evening Aura Eyeshadow MAC Straw Harvest Eyeshadow 100% None
8/4/2010 7:12:58 No 7 10 Soft Damson Blush Avon Soft Plum Blush 95% Lighter
8/4/2010 12:56:12 MAC Cosmetics Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick Rimmel London Pink Champagne Lipstick 90% Lighter, Cooler
8/4/2010 17:08:56 MAC Hey Eyeshadow MAC Grain Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture
8/5/2010 0:25:49 mac plumage Eyeshadow revlon eyeshadow Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Darker
8/5/2010 10:01:44 Mac Angel Lipstick Rimmel Airy Fairy Lipstick 80% Darker
8/5/2010 15:32:34 NARS Orgasm Lipgloss Benefit I'm with the band Lipgloss 95% Benefit's gloss is *slightly* more pink and smells like lychee; NARS seems unscented
8/6/2010 15:12:05 Mac Viva Glam V Lipstick Maybelline Colorsensational #205 Nearly There Lipstick 100% 100% EXACT MATCH PEOPLE!!!
8/7/2010 11:10:23 MAC style snob Eyeshadow Wet N' Wild nutty Eyeshadow 95% Warmer
8/7/2010 11:39:44 opi red my fortune cookie Nail Polish opi opi on collins ave Nail Polish 95% Lighter, Darker
8/8/2010 1:29:13 MAC Stars N' Rockets Eyeshadow Stila Charm Eyeshadow 95% Darker
8/8/2010 1:30:42 MAC Stars N' Rockets Eyeshadow Ben Nye Cosmic Violet Eyeshadow 90% Lighter
8/8/2010 11:52:22 MAC Viva Glam I Lipstick Revlon In the Red Matte Lipstick Lipstick 100% None
8/8/2010 15:49:40 MAC Politely Pink Lipstick Maybelline Born With It Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture, Darker
8/11/2010 6:39:58 Bobbi Brown "Woodrose" Eyeshadow MAC "Quarry" Eyeshadow 85% Different finish/texture, Lighter, Warmer
8/11/2010 12:00:38 Nars Orgasm Blush Dior Passion Fruit Blush 95% Contains a bit more pink
8/12/2010 20:41:01 MAC 226 Eye Brush Other Quo Crease Shadow Brush Other 90% Fluffier
8/12/2010 23:09:33 Nars Deep Throat Blush NYX Boho Chic Blush - Cream 85% Different finish/texture
8/13/2010 4:54:53 Benefit High Beam Highlighter - Cream Contém 1g Iluminador em Mousse Highlighter - Cream 85% Different finish/texture, Brighter
8/14/2010 15:00:33 Urban Decay Sin Eye Shadow (Naked Palette) Eyeshadow Revlon Nude Slip Luxurious Color Satin E/S Eyeshadow 85% tiny bit more brown
8/14/2010 15:53:47 MAC Fabby Lipstick Rimmel Airy Fairy Lipstick 95% Lighter
8/14/2010 21:46:33 MAC MAC Red Lipstick Milani Berry Rick Lipstick 90% Different finish/texture
8/15/2010 8:42:48 MAC Grand Entrance Eyeshadow Jemma Kid (for Target) i-Design Eye Colour 03 Vintage Eyeshadow 85% Warmer
8/15/2010 8:46:34 Benefit Do Tell Lipstick Revlon Super Lustrous 463 Sassy Mauve Lipstick 95% Cooler
8/15/2010 8:47:27 Benefit Do Tell Lipstick NYX Round Lipstick 621 Milan Lipstick 90% Warmer
8/15/2010 15:58:21 MAC Brulee Eyeshadow Ulta Bone Eyeshadow Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture, Slightly More Pigmented
8/16/2010 13:16:54 mac lipsticks Lipstick revlon red Lipstick 95% Brighter
8/16/2010 23:53:32 NARS ORGASM BLUSH Blush E.L.F. Peachy Keen Blush 95% Warmer
8/17/2010 19:33:37 Dior Le Vernis Cherry Flower Nail Polish Revlon Iced Mauve Nail Polish 100% None
8/18/2010 10:54:10 OPI Bubble Bath Nail Polish Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Pink Slip Nail Polish 95% Lighter, Less pigmented
8/18/2010 17:12:22 Chanel Particuliere Nail Polish Barry M Mushroom Nail Polish 95% None
8/18/2010 17:23:39 Urban Decay Mushroom Eyeshadow MAC Night Manoeuvres Eyeshadow 90% Darker
8/18/2010 19:44:01 MAC Jazzed Lipstick Wet 'n Wild Just Peachy Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture
8/19/2010 3:02:25 MAC Full Fuschia Blush Smashbox Radiance Blush 95% Lighter, Very Little Bit Lighter!
8/19/2010 5:11:17 MAC Dazzlelight Eyeshadow Essence Ever Glam Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, Less pigmented
8/19/2010 5:15:54 mac club Eyeshadow M.A.C CLUB Eyeshadow 100% None
8/19/2010 5:23:21 Chanel Blue Satin Nail Polish Rimmel Blue Vogue Eyeshadow - Loose 100% None
8/19/2010 9:22:39 mac satin taupe Eyeshadow gemey satin taupe Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
8/19/2010 15:31:19 mac Show Orchid Lipstick loreal Clolor riche lip color/ wild plum Lipstick 90% Darker
8/19/2010 17:37:51 Lime Crime Centrifuchsia Lipstick Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Fuchsia Fusion Lipstick 95% Different finish/texture, Fuchsia Fusion has a blue pearl undertone
8/19/2010 17:49:14 MAC Hey Eyeshadow Stila Kitten Eyeshadow 95% None
8/20/2010 5:49:22 MAC blanc type Eyeshadow revlon vintage lace (matte shadow) Eyeshadow 95% Darker
8/20/2010 5:52:16 MAC grand entrance Eyeshadow maybelline champagne Eyeshadow 90% Different finish/texture, a bit more chalky in texture
8/20/2010 13:56:01 MAC Parfait amour Eyeshadow TKB Grape parfait Eyeshadow 95% Different finish/texture
8/21/2010 3:04:54 MAC Viva Glam V Lipstick Rimmel Moisture Renew in Sunset Lipstick 95% virtually no difference
8/21/2010 5:38:17 mac sweet and punchy Eyeshadow nars rated r Eyeshadow 95% None
8/22/2010 15:33:21 Dior Ultra Gloss in Satin peach Lipgloss NARS Orgasm lipgloss Lipgloss 100% Fragrance
8/23/2010 14:37:49 Benefit High Beam Highlighter ELF Lilac Petal Shimmering Facial Whip Highlighter - Cream 95% Different finish/texture, More pink colorant
8/23/2010 16:20:20 YSL MASCARA VOLUME EFFET FAUX CILS Eyeshadow L'oreal Carbon Black Voluminous Waterproof Mascara 100% Performance is the same, but YSL has fibers and isn't waterproof.
8/23/2010 17:15:55 MAC Gladabout Eyeshadow Cover Girl Queen Collection Fire it Up! Eyeshadow 90% Lighter, more reflective, less red
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